Jung-Chae Park Andrew (Dong Hyuk) Kim 5/15/2000 Discovery and Application of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) in Cayuga Lake Abstract Cayuga Lake water contains a polymer that adheres to filters. In order to prove its existence; Cayuga Lake water was studied. Through glass fiber filters we determined that there exists such a polymer, and named it appropriately as Transparent Exopolymer Particles, after its founder. Head loss decreased as Lake Water passed through our filter, and then increased rapidly when HCl was added. This proved to us that a transparent substance existed in Cayuga Lake water. A supernatant of Cayuga Lake water with HCl was neutralized and we observed flocculation of TEP, a yellow gelatin-like substance. In order to prove the stickiness effect of TEP as researched by Uta Passow (1994), we added TEP to one slow sand filtration system and one without. An E-coli stock solution was pumped through filter and we compared the filtering effects of the two filter systems. Effluent of both filters were collected and tested for E-coli presence by growing them on agar culture dishes. After two hours, the sand filter without TEP produced an effluent of 0.84 E-coli colonies per l of solution. The sand filter inundated with TEP produced an effluent of 0.028 E-coli colonies per l of solution, thirty times less E-coli colonies than the control sand filter. Introduction Slow sand filters have been used to remove particles from drinking water since the early 1800’s. Although slow sand filtration is an old technology, the mechanisms responsible for particle removal are not well understood. Research conducted at Cornell suggests that biofilms are not responsible for significant particle removal and that most particles are removed by physical-chemical mechanisms. In new slow sand filters with clean filter media, particles are initially removed by attaching to the filter media, thus particles that are captured on slow sand filters have been shown to significantly improve filter performance (Weber-Shirk and Dick, 1997). Improvement in filter performance with time is referred to as “ripening” (Weber-Shirk, 2000). Physical-Chemical filter ripening may be the result of the changes in pore geometry that enhance straining or the modification of filter media surfaces that enhance the ability of particles to attach. Decreasing the pore size to enhance straining is not an efficient way to enhance filtration due to the decrease in head loss (Weber-Shirk, 2000). Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are transparent particles that exist as discrete particles, rather than as cell surface coatings. TEP are probably generated abiotically from dissolved extracellular polysaccharides, which diatoms excrete copiously. The occurrence of these excretion products create flocculation and aggregation effects (Passow, 2000). Cayuga Lake water may contain such TEPs and this report will address their existence and their performance on slow sand filter systems. Objectives According to Professor Monroe Weber-Shirk of the Environmental Engineering Department at Cornell University, there seems to be a certain type of polymer in Cayuga Lake water that promotes the stickiness of filters, and thus enhances the performance of filters. We, therefore, wanted to test this hypothesis. From this laboratory experiment, first of all, we are trying to prove if such a polymer exists in Cayuga Lake water. If so, we are going to extract the polymer from the lake water, and apply the polymer through a slow sand filter in order to test the actual performance. Materials Testing Unknown polymer & Extraction - Peristaltic pump (2) - #16 pipes with plumbing connectors and angles - #13 pipes with plumbing connectors and angles - 20 liter HDPE Jerrican - Cayuga Lake water from Boynton Point - Distilled water - Glass-fiber filter - Compumet software to monitor pressure - Pressure transducer - 100 µL pipette - 1000 µL pipette Discovery and Application of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) in Cayuga Lake 1 Jung-Chae Park Andrew (Dong Hyuk) Kim 5/15/2000 - 1N HCl solution - 1N NaOH solution - pH meter - Magnetic stirrer - High Speed Centrifuge - Glass beads (420-297 µm in diameter) - 2.5 cm filter column (2) Membrane Filtration of E-Coli -20 billion/liter E-coli stock solution - 50 x 15mm culture dishes (15) - Incubator at 35 degrees Celsius - Filtration Unit consisting of seamless funnel fastened to a base by a locking device - Membrane filter with rated diameter for retention of coliform bacteria - Partial Vacuum system - Sterile Dilution water - Sterile Membrane 50mm filter - Sterile Forceps Methods Testing the existence of the unknown polymer We set up a system, which let water go through a glass-fiber filter while monitoring the pressure on the filter. We used #16 pipes for plumbing and ran the water obtained from Cayuga Lake through the system at the flow rate of 50 ml/min. When it showed a high increase in pressure possibly due to the clogging effect of the polymer, we injected 10 ml of 1N HCl in order to test if it’s acid-dissolvable polymer that clogged up the filter. We then added 1N NaOH into the acid-dissolved polymer solution that came through the system while monitoring with a pH meter to obtain initial pH of Cayuga Lake which was ~8.73. After neutralizing the solution, we repeated the run again with the neutralized polymer solution in order to make sure that it really was the unknown polymer that clogged up the filter. Lastly, we repeated the experiment once more with distilled water, even adding 1N HCl and contrasted the result with that of the polymer solution test in order to be sure of the polymer’s existence. Extraction We obtained Cayuga Lake water with sediments, and we added 1N HCl into the water in order to dissolve all the polymers. After centrifuging them, we obtained only the supernatant to get a more pure and concentrated polymer solution. Finally, we neutralized the supernatant with 1N NaOH solution and the pH meter and noticed flocculation and thus observed physical evidence of TEP. Slow Sand Filtration of E-Coli We set up a system with two glass bead filters. Each column consisted of 97.2 grams of glass beads to fill the 73.63 ml of filter column. We used #13 pipes for plumbing and set the flow rate of our pump to 1.65 ml/min. We poured 15 ml extracted polymer solution into only one of the column filters. A reverse flow procedure was used to inundate the glass beads with water and to remove all air pockets that existed in the filter columns. We then tested the performance of both filters by pumping 20 billion per liter E-coli stock through the system. Since the residence time of our system was calculated as 18 minutes, we assumed collecting effluent after 1 hour and 2 hour would give us significant results. The type of samples collected is displayed in Table 1. Membrane Filtration Method Using sterile forceps, we placed a sterile membrane filter (grid side up) over a porous plate of receptacle. Then placed a matching funnel unit over receptacle and locked it in place. We added 10 ml of sterile dilution water and added samples as specified in Table 1. We then filtered each sample under partial vacuum and rinsed the interior surface of the funnel by filtering three 20 l portions of sterile dilution water to avoid carryover contamination. After we disengaged the vacuum, we unlocked and removed funnel, then immediately removed membrane filter with sterile forceps, and placed it on agar plate by rolling motion to avoid the entrapment of air. Then, we inverted the dishes and incubated for 48 hours at 35 0.5 °C. After 48 hours we removed filter from agar plate, dried them and counted the colonies of coliforms grown in each plate. Results and Discussion Testing Unknown polymer & Extraction We tested the existence of the unknown polymer by running the Lake water through the glass fiber filter. Due to the unknown polymer’s clogging effect, the pressure on the filter increased as we ran the water through the system. Figure 1 indicates the increase in pressure due to clogging. 2 60000 35000 50000 30000 Pressure (Pa) Pressure (Pa) Jung-Chae Park Andrew (Dong Hyuk) Kim 5/15/2000 40000 30000 20000 10000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 0 100 200 Tim e (s) 300 400 0 50 100 150 Tim e (s) 200 250 Figure 1. Increase in Pressure with respect to time of initial encounter with TEP due to clogging of filter. Figure 3. Trial 2 of glass fiber filter of Cayuga Lake water with addition of HCl to dissolve TEP. As observed the head loss decreased since the pressure difference across the filter increased rapidly, thus announcing clogging of the glass fiber filter. Then, we injected Hydrogen Chloride into the filter to see if the clogging effect was in part due to TEP or just the sediments of the Lake water. Figure 2 shows the rapid decrease in pressure (increase in head loss) after injection of HCl. The rapid decrease in pressure showed that the acid dissolved the polymer. We repeated the experiment with the neutralized polymer solution (already filtered Lake water), and observed similar results as shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the pressure vs. Time for distilled water with addition of HCl. This was done to reassure that the glass fiber filter, water, and HCl were not the cause of the clogging effect and that TEP was solely responsible for the increase in pressure. Figure 4 shows that the pressure is app. 3000 Pa, much lower than that of the Lake water (Figures 1-3). It can be also seen that there is neither rapid increase nor decrease in pressure and the pressure level is relatively constant. The slight increase in pressure is due to the sudden injection of HCl into the filter. 4000 35000 3500 Pressure (Pa) Pressure (Pa) 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 5000 500 0 0 0 50 100 150 Tim e (s) 200 250 Figure 2. Increase in Pressure then a rapid decrease in pressure with respect to time after injection of HCl that dissolved the TEP. 0 100 200 Tim e (s) 300 400 Figure 4. Pressure vs. Time of distilled water running through the glass fiber filter. This system also contain injection of HCl. Since we know that the polymer is dissolvable by acid, we extracted the TEP by titration. After adding acid, we centrifuged the solution, and we later neutralized it with base. By this method, we successfully extracted TEP, and observed flocculation Discovery and Application of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) in Cayuga Lake 3 Jung-Chae Park Andrew (Dong Hyuk) Kim 5/15/2000 of the yellow gelatinous-like substance, which we discovered to be our TEP. Membrane Filtration of E-Coli To test the application of the newly discovered polymer, TEP, and to test its stickiness characteristics, we ran it through a slow sand filter. E-coli stock solution of 3.45 colonies per l of solution was pumped through the filter at 1.65 ml/min. The effluent of filter system with TEP and a filter system without TEP was collected after 2 hours. The effluent w/o TEP (control 2hr) contained 0.863 colonies/l of solution. The effluent with TEP inundated in the filter (Polymer 2hr) contained 0.0284 colonies/l of solution. Table 1 displays the different samples of effluent collected and the number of colonies each sample contained. Bibliography Passow, Uta; Alldredge, Alice L. 1995. “Aggregation of a diatom bloom in a mesocosm: The role of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP)” Deep Sea Research II, 42: 99-109. Weber Shirk, M., Lion, L.W. and Bisogni Jr., J.J. 2000. “Enhanced Slow Sand Filtration” Laboratory Research in Environmental Engineering – Laboratory Manual, 4:105-109. Weber-Shirk, M., and R. I. Dick. 1997. PhysicalChemical Mechanisms in Slow Sand Filters. Jour. AWWA. 89:87-100. Table 1. Sample volume of effluent collected from agar culture plates with their respective number of Ecoli colonies grown in each sample. Sample ID Influent Control 2 hr Polymer 2 hr concentration sample sample sample of E-coli volume volume volume (colonies/ l of L count L count L count sol'n) 20 71 20 67 20 69 3.45 20 15 20 27 200 165 0.863 20 3 200 28 2000 32 0.0284 Conclusion Professor Monroe Weber-Shirk’s hypothesis on the existence of transparent polymers that enhance slow sand filtration was true. The clogging effect of the glass fiber filter of Cayuga Lake water and the unclogging after HCl was added proved that such a substance does exist, and thus respectively named it Transparent Exopolymer Particle (TEP). The existence of this polymer was further evident after titrating diluted centrifuged Supernatant Lake water. A yellow gelatinous-like polymer flocculated out of nowhere and thus proved that TEP was no longer a myth. Running it through a slow sand filtration finally tested the application of TEP. E-coli was used as a filtrant and effluent of filter with TEP showed thirty times less E-coli colonies compared to the control filter without TEP, thus proving that TEP enhanced the slow sand filter system. Although the results showed significant proof, one more run of the slow sand filter may have solidified the proof that TEP can definitely enhance slow sand filtration. However there is no doubt that TEP exists in Cayuga Lake water. 4