now - Coventry City Council

Final Version 10 March 2015
Coventry Children’s Services
Revised Improvement Plan 2015/16
Final Version
10th March 2015
Final Version 10 March 2015
Children’s Services Improvement Plan
Introduction from the Executive Director…………………………………………………………… …………… ……. .Page 3
Section 1:
Background (Context & governance)………………………………………………………………….. …Page 4
Section 2:
Our Improvement Plan (What’s changed and the Improvement Plan on one page)…………………… Page 5-6
Section 3:
Measuring our Improvements (Making a Difference & Performance Management and Moving Forward).Page 7-9
Section 4:
Action Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 10-32
Section 5:
Glossary…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 33-35
Final Version 10 March 2015
Update Improving Services for Children in Coventry
Coventry City Council is committed to protecting vulnerable children and families in need of support and protection. This is a key part of our work in delivering the overall vision for the City:
“We want Coventry children and young people to: have supportive families; live safe from harm; achieve their potential; be healthy; and have positive and fulfilling lives.”
In June 2014, we published the Children’s Services Improvement Plan highlighting the actions that we needed to focus on to improve services for children and young people. In the last eight
months we have made significant improvements, Appendix 1 highlights progress to date, a summary of some of the key achievements include:
establishment of a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) which has improved information sharing between agencies and professionals
additional teams in the Referral and Assessment Service and Neighbourhoods has helped to reduce caseloads to more manageable numbers
the appointment of a new Head of Service to enhance and transform the Early Help Service
the implementation of the “Acting Early” programme involving health visitors, midwifery staff and GP’s, is being delivered from 6 sites and is being extending to a further 5 sites
Adoption performance has continued to improve with 60 children adopted between 1 April 2014 and 18 February 2015, this is above the number adopted in 2013/14 , which was 52
the number of children on child protection plan is reducing and is near to 750 compared with over 900 a few months ago three months ago
the effectiveness of the LSCB is demonstrating a strong set of partners driving the sub groups and a renewed focus through a new Chair
the successful recruitment of 30 staff through the Do it for Daniel campaign, which has also received a national award.
The updated Improvement Plan highlights the priorities and focus for the next 12 months. We do not underestimate the scale of the challenges we still face. The four key challenges going
forward include: Sustainability managing future work volumes, resourcing and sustainability of improvements; Evidencing Impact evidencing improvements and the impact on achieving good
outcomes for children, young people and families; Early Intervention continuing to build the early intervention response and offer is critical to sustainability; Quality of practice – a continued
focus on the quality of children’s services to deliver consistency across all areas.
We remain committed to delivering high quality, safe services and working with our partners, we will continue to ensure that services improve for children and their families across the city.
Brian M Walsh Executive Director People Directorate,
Final Version 10 March 2015
Section 1:
1.1 Context & Governance
The People Directorate is led by an Executive Director, a role that incorporates the statutory responsibilities for, and is designated as, the Director
of Children’s Services (DCS) and also the Director of Adult Services (DASS). The Directorate works to ensure that services are developed in a more
integrated way and partnerships with other statutory and non-statutory agencies are maximised.
Coventry has recognised the need for partnership working and support. There are well-established multi-agency meetings at both strategic and operational
levels which have been re-focused and re-energised. A Children’s Operational Group was established in July 2014 to work together with partners on
progressing the actions contained in the Improvement Plan. The actions of all partner agencies impact on the lives of Coventry’s children and young people.
The Ofsted inspection of Children Services, and of Coventry’s Safeguarding Children Board, was undertaken between 28 January and 5 February 2014.
Ofsted judged Children’s Services to be inadequate overall. Coventry’s Safeguarding Children Board was also judged as being inadequate.
A Children’s Services Improvement Board was established in March 2014. Mark Rogers, Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council, is the
Independent Chair and is supported by Claire Burgess, Regional Sector Led Improvement Lead, who provides the independent validation, challenge and
testing of progress. The purpose of the Coventry Children’s Services Improvement Board is to drive and ensure improvements in Children’s Services and
ensure all recommendations set out in the Ofsted report and Improvement Notice are implemented. Membership of the Board includes senior representatives
from the Council and a range of all the partner agencies in the city. Membership of the group was reviewed in October 2014 and streamlined to manage the
changes more effectively. The Children’s Service Improvement Board meets every six weeks to report progress and drive improvements.
The Cabinet Member (Children and Young People) is a member of the Improvement Board and reports progress to every Council meeting and Scrutiny
Board (Education and Children’s Services).
The Department for Education issued an Improvement Notice in June 2014; the notice is for two years and is reviewed every six months. The first
review of progress took place in January 2015. The DfE provided a positive response, acknowledging the significant improvements. The Children’s Minister’s
letter received in February 2015 also acknowledged the progress made since the Improvement Notice was issued. In particular, the Minister noted progress in
strengthening partnership work; the successful introduction of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub in bringing contributions from different partners together
and the new leadership of the LSCB. Councillors have supported significant additional investment in Children Services and are fully aware of the need
to embed and sustain these initial improvements, as well as address further key areas for development
Final Version 10 March 2015
Section 2:
Our Updated Improvement Plan
2- What has changed:
Our Plan
2.1 What has changed?
The Children’s Service’s Improvement Plan (27 June 2014) has been updated to reflect the current position and the areas of improvement we
need to focus on in 2015/16. The key challenges are:
 Sustainability – managing future work volumes, resourcing and sustainability of improvements
 Evidencing Impact - evidencing improvements and the impact on achieving good outcomes for children, young people and families.
The main changes to the Plan include:
Actions competed in 2014 have been removed from the plan and have been included in Appendix 1
The six priorities have been deleted and replaced with the two key challenges
The six themes have been aligned to the DfE notice and includes a specific theme for LSCB
DfE actions have been referenced in the plan
There is a strong focus on quality of practice and demonstrating evidence and impact through audits to improve practice
A revised Workforce Training and Development Plan to deliver training that impacts positively on practice
Embedding services and improvements made during the life of the previous plan
Continuing to strengthen the LSCB
Continuing to manage resources
Managing and maintaining caseload
The Children’s Services Improvement Plan is summarised on one page on Page 6.
Final Version 10 March 2015
A One Page Summary of the Children’s Services Improvement Plan March 2015
Note: Themes 1-5 theme are aligned to the DfE notice, the additional theme highlights services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
1. Early Help & Partnership Working
2. Local Safeguarding Childrens Board
3. Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
An enhanced and
transformed Early
Help Service
MASH is embedded &
information shared
Ensure that partners
work together
effectively and are
held to account for
their responsibilities
Effective practices
are in place to
safeguard and
promote the welfare
of children
Improve timeliness
and recording of
Ensure children are
Full Multi Agency
Engagement in CAF
Children and young
people who go missing
and are vulnerable to
CSE are protected
Robust performance
assurance function
Development activity
has a positive impact
Recruit and retain
an effective
Learning and
impacting positively
on practice
Key Challenges
Sustainability - managing future work volumes, resourcing and sustainability of improvements
Evidencing Impact - evidencing improvements and the impact on achieving good outcomes for children, young people and families
4. Quality Assurance and Audit
5. Leadership and Governance
Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Learning from
regular audits and
improved practice
Learning from User
Accountability and
oversight by Chief
Executive and
Council leadership
Oversight of cases
Improved service
outcomes for LAC and
care leavers
Health of LAC
Regular accurate
Strengthen care
planning function of
Reviewing Service
Supervision and
reflective practice
Increase number of
children adopted
Increase recruitment
of foster workers
Final Version 10 March 2015
Section 3:
Measuring our Improvement 3:
Measuring our Improvement
3.1 Making a difference
There must be improved outcomes for children and young people. We have captured below what this looks like, this will be measured from feedback to tell us whether we
have made a difference.
What does making a difference look like?
Children are safer and will be helped earlier. Children will have their voice heard. We will carry out audits to ensure that this is happening. We will ask children and
young people for their direct feedback and engage them in shaping services. We will monitor engagement of children and young people in their assessments, their
participation in reviews and the timeliness in which we see them.
Parents and carers
We will work to build parents’ capacity and where necessary parents will be helped to change. Parents and carers will have their views taken into account. They will
see a coherent early help offer and be able to work with a range of agencies to access support at an early stage to avoid issues escalating.
Our Partners
All professionals and voluntary agencies in the city will know how they contribute to services for children and young people, particularly in relation to prevention and
early help. Together we will establish new ways of working together to safeguard children. The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) will be recognised as
being effective. Everyone will play a meaningful part in safeguarding.
Children’s Workforce
All professionals working with children will be well trained and supported to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people. They will receive
regular and effective supervision and we will monitor this through surveys and audit. All workers in Children Services will be supported to work effectively with
children and young people and families.
Front Line managers
Front line managers will provide effective management oversight and opportunities for reflective practice which contribute to better outcomes for children and young
Senior Management
Senior Managers will drive change to improve services and visibility to staff. They will ensure the appropriate governance is in place and performance is regularly
monitored and that improvements are having a positive impact. They will develop effective relationships with partners to ensure the system works effectively for
children and young people.
Elected Member
Elected Members will hold Managers to account. They will have confidence in the workforce to deliver a safe and consistent service.
Final Version 10 March 2015
3.2 Performance Management
We will measure our improvement through the six themes in the table below, with the following indicators to show progress and improvements.
Early Help & Partnership Working
Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
MASH outcomes
Number of DVA cases jointly screened
Number of DVA notifications and responses from schools and children centres
Missing incidents
Return Home interviews
Proportion stepped up to social care from CAF
Proportion of CAF’s held by lead agency
Proportion of CAFs closed with all actions completed
Contacts per month
Referrals per month
Re-referrals per month
Strategy discussions per month
(LSCB) Agency attendance at strategy meetings and child protection conferences
Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Children currently subject to a Child Protection plan
Repeat Child Protection Plans
Length of time on child protection plans
Initial Child Protection conferences held within 15 days of strategy meeting
Child Protection conferences to time
Time taken from referral to child seen
(LSCB) Timeliness of recording outcomes of strategy meetings % of children recorded as being seen
alone as part of Child and Family Assessment
(LSCB) % visits carried out in line with the child protection plan
Child and Families Assessments within specified timescales ( maximum 45 days)
Child and Family Assessments – level of delay
% of children seen as part of their assessment
% of children recorded as being seen alone as part of Child and Family Assessment
FTE Social Workers/Agency workers
Rate of LAC per 10,000 child population
% new LAC seen within 1 week of becoming LAC
% of LAC seen within statutory timescale of 6 weeks
Placement stability
Placement type
Legal status
% of children under 5 who have had a health review in the last 6 months
% of LAC over 5 years old who have had a health review in the last year
% of LAC having a dental check in the last year
Pathway Plan completion
Reasons for leaving care
Foster carer recruitment
Monthly reporting on adoption indicators/scorecard
Method of measuring existence of life story work for those children who leave care
Leadership and Governance
Quality Assurance and Audit
Unallocated cases
Pre Proceeding cases
Evidence of management oversight and decision making on the file
Supervision frequency and quality
Audits undertaken
Quality of recording % of cases rated green for case records on audit
Overall Grading for case audits ( social care and CAF)
RAG rating of LAC / CP plans
Final Version 10 March 2015
3.3 Moving Forward
What we plan to have in place by 30 June 2015
What we plan to have in place by 30 September 2015
Caseloads in (RAS) will be between 20-25 ( in place)
Caseloads in Neighbourhood will be between 20 -22 in place)
Manageable caseloads for Independent Review Officers between 80-90 ( in place)
Head of Service for Early Help in post
Early Help Strategy will be signed off March 2015
Revised Recording Policy in place by April 2015
Revised Supervision Policy in place by April 2015
Access Resources Team established
Child protection plans below 650
Social Care Training Programme fully populated and social workers attendance supported
Plan for further recruitment of social workers in place
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Team fully functional
MASH continuing to evolve
Audit Programme in place for 2015/16
Develop in house Approved and Supported Year in Employment Programme for newly qualified
social workers
A refreshed audit approach incorporating feedback from peer challenge
Improve data recording of missing children
Caseloads in (RAS) will be between 20-25( in place)
Caseloads in Neighbourhood will be between 20 -22 (in place)
Manageable caseloads for Independent Review Officers between 70 -80
Life story work to be completed for children adopted and in long term care
Adoption Scorecard improved
Increase in house Foster Carers
Plan for further recruitment of social workers in place
Recruitment Plan to include secondment of unqualified Coventry Family Support staff
Social Workers to have mobile phones/I pads to support greater efficiency
Continue to improve quality of practice through learning, training and audits
Child protection plans below 550
Audits demonstrate practice improvements
What we plan to have in place by 31 December 2015
What we plan to have in place by 31 March 2016
Caseloads in (RAS) will be between 20-25 (in place)
Caseloads in Neighbourhood will be between 20 -22 (in place)
Manageable caseloads for Independent Review Officers between 70 -75
Continue to improve quality of practice through learning, training and audits
Adoption Scorecard improved
Child protection plans below 450
Increase in house Foster Carers
Access Resources Team demonstrating better placements outcomes
Audits demonstrate practice improvements
Plan for further recruitment of social workers in place
Caseloads in (RAS) will be between 20-25 (in place)
Caseloads in Neighbourhood will be between 20 -22 ( in place)
Manageable caseloads for Independent Review Officers between 70-75
Adoption Scorecard improved
Improve quality of practice through learning, training and audits
Child protection plans below 450
Increase in house Foster Carers
Audits demonstrate practice improvements
Final Version 10 March 2015
Section 4 Action Plan
THEME 1 – Early Help and Partnership Working
Objectives to create change
Success measures
1.1 Early Help
Outcomes we will achieve: Implement a prevention and early intervention strategy to provide children, young people and families appropriate support from
early help to statutory intervention by:
Deliver a comprehensive early help
offer that is owned and understood
across all partners (Ofsted PA 25 /
SCR DP 16.3/ DfE Notice 2.1 )
Measure the impact and effectiveness
of early help to reduce level 4
Redesign the Specialist CAMHS service
within the context of revisions to the
comprehensive CAMHS system to
better support early help and prevention
Develop an Early Help Strategy to reflect new direction
of travel including clear priorities
Review impact of the six “Acting Early” sites involving
health visitors, midwifery staff , GPs and children’s social
care and extend further to additional five sites (Ofsted
para 47)
Establish an effective monitoring system to monitor the
effectiveness and impact of early help interventions as
outlined in the strategy and plan above.
Assistant Director
(Public Health) /
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
(Public Health)
April 2015
Strategy signed off by LSCB and
June 2015
Performance Indicators/Quality
Assurance in place and being
monitored – children’s health and
wellbeing is improved
Assistant Director
May 2015
Monitoring system in place
Referrals to social care.
Subject to Commissioner funding, implement a short
term waiting list initiative
Deputy Chief
Executive (CWPT)
Subject to Commissioner funding, introduce a high
intensity/rapid response function
Deputy Chief
Executive (CWPT)
May 2015
Numbers of CYP starting a CP plan.
Number of CYP becoming LAC
Short term waiting list in place
Service up and running
New pathways
1.2 CAF Engagement
Outcomes we will achieve: Deliver effective early intervention through multi engagement in CAF
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 1 – Early Help and Partnership Working
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Achieve full multi- agency engagement
in CAF (Ofsted para 46/DfE Notice
Increase the number of CAF’s/TAFF’s led by health
Deputy Chief
Executive (CWPT)
Number of CAF’s/Number of TAFF’s
– Targets to be determined by
Increase the number of families
agreeing to a CAF/TAFF
Early Help Strategy
Partners holding CAFs
Identification of cases suitable for a
Use eCAF system to ensure there is multi agency
awareness of single agency action to deal with
increased risk/need for early help
Record cases to be offered a CAF identified at the
weekly Maternity Child Protection supervision meetings
Record numbers of Clients offered
CAF and numbers accepted
Deliver an effective early intervention
offer through CAF (DfE Notice 2.5)
Monitor effectiveness of CAF intervention and use the
information to improve CAF’s
Early Help Strategy
CAFs closed with successful
Promote eCAF as the online place to demonstrate Early
Early Help Strategy
Communicated online
Monitor the effectiveness of the process in place for
transfer of CAF cases that are stepped up and stepped
down to Universal Services and Early Help to support
effective interventions
Assistant Director
% stepped down who step up again
Transitions from early help to social
care are understood, well managed and
safe(DfE Notice 2.4)
1.3 Information Sharing & Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Outcomes we will achieve: Engage with Partner/agencies to improve information sharing
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 1 – Early Help and Partnership Working
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Improve information sharing between
agencies and professionals to
ensure it is timely, specific and
effective (Ofsted PAs 27, 29 / SCR DP
Embed the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
fully implementing processes, reporting and ensuring
activity is robust
Executive Director
On -going
MASH fully implemented
Deliver an effective DV screening
process(Ofsted para 40) (DfE Notice
Continue to monitor the effectiveness and impact of DV
screening undertaking audits and DIP sampling as
Assistant Director
Audit undertaken
Families receive the correct
services CP/DV/targeted services
All risk factors will be considered as part
of section 47 enquires
Effective screening through the MASH and appropriate
attendance at strategy meetings by relevant partners
Assistant Director
Improved analysis and quality of
section 47 enquires
Ensure domestic violence is seen as
a child protection issue and is dealt
with effectively by social care and
partner agencies (Ofsted PA 30 and
SCR DP 16.1)
Implement and monitor the effectiveness of the
commissioned services to support Domestic Violence
victims and perpetrators.
Assistant Director
On -going
New services implemented
Assure that staff are appropriately trained in all agencies
to identify and respond to domestic violence
LSCB Chair
Annual review in January/February
2016 will evidence the impact
Numbers / proportion of staff trained
Investigate secure email/video conferencing usage to
ensure children are safeguarded; and co-ordinate and
develop a plan for implementation
Assistant Director
June 2015
Information is shared between
relevant agencies in a secure way
Ensure Health Visitors in receipt of information e.g.
domestic violence notifications routinely visit the family
to undertake an initial assessment and liaise with Police
and Social Worker re: findings
Deputy Chief
Information is shared between
relevant agencies
Ensure relevant staff are trained in how
to identify and respond to DVA (SCR
DP 16.9)
Improve information sharing and
communication between agencies
Quality of MASH discussions
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 1 – Early Help and Partnership Working
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Ensure information is shared appropriately from health
Chief Nurse NHS
Coventry and
Rugby CCG
Information sharing agreements and
information governance
arrangements in place
The establishment of a Family Drugs
and Alcohol Court in Coventry
Working with the Court Coram and the Tavistock Clinic
to establish the model in Coventry, with assessments
undertaken by CBAS
Assistant Director
(CSC) and partners
Family Drugs and Alcohol Court in
Improve documentation and
communication between agencies in
safeguarding cases.
Undertake the individual UHCW “Laming” audit for 2015
During 2015
All referrers to receive feedback from
Children's Social Care on their referral
(SCR DP 16.7) (DfE Notice 2.3)
Monitor through MASH and RAS records and with
partners to ensure feedback can be tracked and audited
(SCR DP 16.7)
Assistant Director
Presentation to Departmental Trust
Quality and Patient Safety
Committee. Evidence of improved
discharge letters with introduction of
e discharge
Procedures in place
Develop a system in Protocol to ensure feedback can be
tracked and audited (SCR DP 16.7)
Assistant Director
Secure email system in place for all
partners/agencies. System in place
and shows feedback is always given
1.4 Children and Young People who go missing / are at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation
Outcomes we will achieve: There is an environment where children and young people are aware of risks and are able to report concerns in relation to
CSE/missing. Agencies respond proactively to incidents/issues raised.
Deliver and embed systems and actions
to address CSE across the city
Deliver a comprehensive approach to managing CSE
Establish a fully functional CSE team
LSCB Chair
/Detective Chief
Insp (WMP
Assistant Director
Systems in place for agencies to
respond to CSE incidents and
issues raised
June 2015
Team established CSE and missing
effectively reported
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 1 – Early Help and Partnership Working
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Improve the quality and availability of
data (Ofsted AI 37)
Improve data recording for children who go missing from
home, care and education and reporting of this via LSCB
Assistant Director
April 2015
Enhance information sharing relating to
young people who are missing to
reduce and stop escalation to more
serious incidents
Implement independent service to interview young
people who have been missing from care and have
returned home (Ofsted para 67)
Ensure all young people who have been missing from
home and care have a return home interview and this is
recorded and monitored (Ofsted AI 37)
Ensure all young people who have been missing from
education are robustly followed up
Assistant Director
April 2015
Numbers of young people who have
gone missing at some point in a
year are available and performance
can be monitored
Numbers of repeat incidents
Assistant Director
Proportion of return home interviews
carried out within 72 hours
Head of Education
Proportion missing from education
THEME 2 - Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB)
Objectives to create change
2.1 Effectiveness of the LSCB
Success measures
Outcomes we will achieve: Strengthen the LSCB so that it can ensure that partners work together effectively and be held to account for their responsibilities
Continue to enhance the effectiveness
of the LSCB. Maintain the multi-agency
and single agency audit systems and
further develop the LSCB assurance
function (DfE Notice 3.1)
Ensure multi-agency practice and individual partner
audits are robust, by reporting to the Improvement Board
on any recommendations to improve practice (DfE
Notice 3.2)
Produce a report on the LSCB fulfilment of its statutory
duties to the DfE and report every two improvement
boards thereafter
LSCB Chair
Recommendations are implemented and
lead to better practice. Better practice
leads too improved outcomes for
LSCB Chair
Every two
There is clear evidence of partners
working together effectively. Children are
safer as a result.
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 2 - Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB)
Objectives to create change
Ensure that learning from what children
tell the Board informs policy and
practice in Coventry.
Direct testimony from children to LSCB is noted,
analysed and acted upon.
LSCB Chair
Success measures
Changes are made that improve
children’s lives.
2.2 Performance Management and Assurance
Outcomes we will achieve: Information is used to drive improvement
All partners are committed to sharing a
set of priorities for safeguarding, child
protection, and early intervention (DfE
notice 3.3)
Continue collective learning at Board to strengthen
shared understanding and commitment to purpose and
LSCB Chair
Board members have a common view of
Board’s purpose and priorities. They are
able to evaluate the Board’s progress to
date and recognise what more needs to
be done.
Establish and report regularly on key performance
indicators which show priorities and outcomes
LSCB Chair
Performance indicators
demonstrate outcomes
Improved staff awareness and
understanding and management
2.3 Training
Outcomes we will achieve: Development activity has a positive impact
Continued efforts to improve training
figures at both level 2 and level 3 within
Additional level 3 training sessions provided. Staff
signposted to SCB level 3 training
Aim for 90% identified staff trained
by September 2014
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
3.1 Assessments
Outcomes we will achieve: Improve the quality, timeliness and consistency of assessments by ensuring that:
Ensure case recording evidences
children are seen and spoken to and
risks are assessed (Ofsted PAs
23/27/DfE Notice 4.4)
Ensure the voice of the child and the child’s needs are
clearly identified throughout the assessment process
Assistant Director
Success measures
% children recorded as being seen
alone as part of their C&F
assessment Recording
Assessments clearly recording the
voice of the child
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Ensure the voice of the child and the child’s needs are
central to all interventions
Improve timeliness of interventions to ensure children
and young people are protected within statutory
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Assessments/interventions clearly
recording the voice of the child
Stat visits - % to time within
timescales set on case
Regularly report to LSCB on timeliness and quality of
assessments (DP SCR 16.4)
Executive Director
Via each
LSCB board
All assessments by the Council and
partners follow the principles and
parameters of a good assessment as
stated in Working Together to
Safeguard Children(2013) appropriately
involve other agencies (SCR DP
16.4/DfE Notice 4.1))
Progress cases more quickly through
the system
Manager across all agencies to ensure that
assessments are comprehensive, child focused and
achieve good outcomes for children
Assistant Director
Take actions to identify and tackle drift and reduce time
taken to achieve positive outcomes including
permanence (e.g. effective us of LAC tracker)
Assistant Director
Less drift and timely journey through
the system for the child e.g. 26
weeks care proceedings
Ensure all statutory visits are completed
within required timescales
Re-enforce standards of visiting and statutory
requirements for children to be seen and spoken to
Assistant Director
CP visits within plan
LAC visits within timescales
New care plans and child protection plans to clearly
identify the frequency of contact and visits
Assistant Director
(CSC) Assistant
Director (SPQ)
Assistant Director
Frequency of visiting and
evidencing care plans and child
protection plans
% visits in line with care plan
Ensure Children are seen within
timescales and robust risk
assessments are carried out (Ofsted
PA 23/DfE Notice 4.3)
Independent Reviewing Officers to record the monitoring
of visits in line with care plan for LAC as well as Child
Seen alone as part of assessment
C&F assessments completed within
specified timescales ( max of 45
Council and partners assessments
are compliant
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Ensure all visits are recorded in the
case recording system and on
All plans to be focused on assessed
needs with clear outcomes and
timescales (Ofsted PA 31/DfE Notice
Agree and monitor protocols and ensure
information is shared in a timely fashion
e.g after key planning meetings where
decisions are taken ( DfE Notice 4.2)
Add visits reporting to the dashboards/performance
Assistant Director
From January
Accurate recording in place
Review plans to check that they meet needs and have
outcomes and timescales
Assistant Director
% of audited plans showing
timescales and clear targets
Monitor compliance to ensure that minutes for CP/LAC
reviews are circulated in a timely manner
Monitor compliance to ensure that minutes for core
groups/strategy and planning meetings are circulated in
a timely manner
Ensure pre proceedings work is undertaken where
appropriate for cases to ensure children’s cases do not
Ensure that assessments and social worker statements
are made available to the court within the required
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Information shared after key
meetings where decision taken
Information shared after key
meetings where decision taken
Assistant Director
Cases concluded and final hearing
in 26 weeks
To achieve the timescales within the
Public Law Outline ( 26 weeks)
3.2 Recording
Outcomes we will achieve: Case recording is accurate, timely and coherent. It reflects the work undertaken, the outcomes achieved, progress against plans
and the experience / views of the child/family
Ensure Social Workers recording
practice is timely and complies with
the recording policy (Ofsted PA 28)
Develop a culture of prioritising
Issue revised Recording Policy , which addresses timely
recording, and ensure staff understand the importance
of recording
Revise Supervision Policy and reissue to staff
Assistant Director
March 2015
Policy circulated and re-enforced
Assistant Director
March 2015
Follow up supervision
survey/Observation of
supervision/Audit of supervision files
Deliver Supervision training for Managers
Assistant Director
(CSC) /Assistant
Director (WD)
Assistant Director
July 2015
Maximise opportunities from the introduction of mobile
From March
Mobile technology trialled and in
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
Success measures
recording (Ofsted PA 28)
technology to support social workers to record more
promptly. Carry out trial and roll out equipment where
Make changes to Protocol to support improved recording
Assistant Director
Implement a quality assurance process to assess the
quality of chronologies
Comprehensive chronologies writing training to be
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
(CSC) /Assistant
Director (WD)
Changes implemented as agreed
through Protocol Strategy Group
Managers monitor timeliness of
Proportion of cases with an
appropriate chronology
All cases to have a chronology (Ofsted
para 58)
July 2015
Comprehensive Chronologies for
3.3 Child Protection
Outcomes we will achieve: Improve the quality, delivery and management of child protection practice and plans by ensuring that:
Reduce number of Children and Young
people subject to a Child Protection
Child Protection plans comply with the
requirements of the Working Together
to Safeguard Children document (DfE
Notice 5.2)
Case records are regularly updated (
DfE Notice 5.4)
Implement recommendations from the Core Assets
report and learning from audit
Assistant Director
Reduce CP plans below 450 by
December 2015
Ensure that all plans include the views of the child, time
bound actions, with assigned ‘owners’ and with
measurable, success outcomes for children and young
people( DfE Notice 5.2)
Ensure plans include review and evaluation points, with
timescales agreed with other professionals along with
information about their contributions (DfE Notice 5.3)
Document any new amended information, rationale and
decisions as they arise( and new information shared as
needed) (DfE Notice 5.4)
Evidence of management oversight, decisions making
Assistant Director
April 2015
CP plans compliance
Assistant Director
April 2015
CP Plans compliance
Assistant Director
April 2015
Case audits/Senior Management
Assistant Director
April 2015
Case audits/Senior Management
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
Effective multi -agency strategy
meetings will be undertaken within
agreed timescales with timely
distribution of minutes (Ofsted para 51
and 52 /SCR DP 16.5)
Success measures
and appropriate action, is set out in detail on each case
file (DfE Notice 5.5)
Information arising from case audits confirms that all
actions have been carried out in accordance with
statutory guidance and clear improvements, actions and
timescales, identified when needed (DfE Notice 5.6)
Ensure police and health attendance at strategy
meetings and ICPCs (Ofsted PA 27 and 29 / SCR DP
16.5) and escalate when this is not occurring (DfE
Notice 5.1)
Assistant Director
April 2015
Evidence of Action plans from case
audits implemented
Partner attendance at meetings
Increase Initial Child Protection
Conference (ICPC) attendance
Conferences will be held within statutory
timescales and conference minutes will
be distributed within agreed timescales (
Ofsted para 51)
Deliver an effective system for the
Social workers record decisions of strategy
meetings immediately and share with attendees and
those where actions are required (Ofsted PA 28)
Effectively monitor agency attendance at conferences,
core groups and other child protection meetings
Assistant Director
Timeliness of discussions and
recording of strategy meetings
(% recorded by next day)
Assistant Director
Conference attendance
Review IRO capacity to ensure Child Protection
conference can be held to time (Ofsted para 59)
Review minuting capacity and quality of minutes to
ensure accurate records of conferences to be distributed
promptly (Ofsted para 59)
Continue to improve timeliness of ICPC’s
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Conference timeliness
Conferences with minutes on
Protocol after 15 days
Assistant Director
ICPC’s timeliness
Recruit a designated LADO as part of the Safeguarding
team and develop and implement clear protocols and
Assistant Director
June 2015
Numbers of allegations -is this
number of allegations dealt with in a
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
Success measures
management of allegations
Implement an improved electronic system for recording
allegations to ensure reporting and recording is robust
Adhere to Public Health’s revised Child Protection
obligations for School Nursing, as per revised service
Assistant Director
Deputy Chief
Executive (CWPT)
March 2015
timely way
Robust recording and reporting of
allegations in place
Revised CP obligations in place
Review and update workforce and recruitment and
retention strategy (Ofsted AI 42)
Assistant Director
(WD) Assistant
Director (CSC)
June 2015
Revised recruitment and retention
strategy in place
Continue to recruit permanent staff and reduce reliance
on agency workers
Assistant Director
Recruitment Plan to include secondment of unqualified
Coventry Family Support staff
Assistant Director
(WD) / Assistant
Director (CSC)
Assistant Director
June 2015
Numbers of changes of social
worker .Vacancies Turnover.
Agency staff numbers
Less reliance on agency social
Reinstate an Early Professional Development
Programme for social workers in years two and three of
their practice
Assistant Director
(WD) /Assistant
Director (CSC)
Protect the caseloads of ASYE workers
Assistant Director
Contribute to ensuring that sufficient
capacity exists to fulfil health
safeguarding and child protection
responsibilities for school-aged children
3.4 Recruitment and Retention
Outcomes we will achieve: Recruit and retain an effective workforce
Establish a more stable workforce,
invest in their development and reduce
agency workers. (Ofsted AI 42)
To review the existing Approved and Supported Year in
Employment (ASYE) Programme for NQSWs and
develop an in-house alternative
Ensure newly qualified social workers
continue to have access to ASYE
programme and protected caseloads
3.5 Learning and Development
April 2015
Feedback from NQSW ,
Supervisors, Practice Educators,
Programme’s internal and
independent assessment panel
Through individual and group
supervision. Retention of
experienced social workers.
Increase in student numbers and
promotion of services to HEIs
NQSW caseloads (in comparison to
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 3 – Quality and Effectiveness of Practice
Objectives to create change
Outcomes we will achieve: Learning and Development has a positive impact on practice
Success measures
Ensure newly qualified social workers
continue to have access to ASYE
programme and protected caseloads
Ensure there is sufficient training to
meet the needs of managers (Ofsted
para 117)
Ensure development activity is
appropriate and effective
Continue to develop NQSWs and support them through
ASYE (SCR DP 16.8)
Assistant Director
April 2015 /
Numbers of NQSWs completing
ASYE successfully
Review and develop social work management training
Assistant Director
On -going
Management Training in place
Review and develop social work training programme
Assistant Director
(WD) Assistant
Director (CSC)
Assistant Director
(WD) /Assistant
Director (CSC)
Develop effectiveness monitoring of
training / impact etc.
Number/proportion of staff trained
Monitor whether Social Workers have undertaken
planned training in line with appraisal and evidence
competence and effectiveness in communicating with
children (VoC T&F 11.1/2)
Undertake robust training of social workers and record
training in supervision meetings and on resourcelink
Assistant Director
Appraisals show this competence
has been discussed
Assistant Director
Listening to feedback from children and young people on
services provided and continue to involve VoC in
recruitment and development of services
Schools to attend appropriate safeguarding training.
Assistant Director
The voice of the child be more
evident in case recording and
decision making and supervision
Training developed
Head of Education
Train appropriate staff to identify and respond to
domestic violence and other parental problems in a
child focused way (Ofsted PA 30/SCR DP16.1)
Ensure all workers are competent and
effective in communicating with children
and undertaking child focused activity
A range of children from a variety of
backgrounds and cultures contribute to
shaping services (SB2 from VoC T&F)
Schools ensure that appropriate
arrangements for safeguarding and
incident recording are in place (SCR DP
16.10 & 16.11)
Safeguarding training completed
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 4 – Quality Assurance and Audit
Objectives to create change
Success measures
4.1 Performance Management
Outcomes we will achieve: Ensure there are robust and effective quality assurance and audit frameworks to drive improvements
An effective system to monitor
performance and quality is in place
Use management information from
partners and local authority to predict
Review current performance and quality assurance
framework to ensure that it drives practice improvement
Review and improve quality of dashboards and
performance and quality information to drive
improvement across all services and ensure children are
safe (Ofsted AI 43)
Improve analysis of known factors and link with other
demographic information to facilitate better targeting
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Framework reviewed and
Revised dashboards show accurate
useful information to help manage
the service
Assistant Director
Improved analysis leads to better
4.2 Audit and User Feedback
Outcomes we will achieve: Ensure there are robust and effective quality assurance and audit frameworks to drive improvements that:
Establish systemic feedback
mechanisms so that practice is informed
by the views of Children and Young
Improve timeliness of responses to
complaints (Ofsted para 84)
Develop a systematic way of service feedback from
children and families across all Children’s Services.
Ensure we utilise the feedback received in various
Monitor the recording of the wishes and feelings of the
child through Protocol and the quality of the resulting
Assistant Director
Feedback received and used to
improve services
Assistant Director
Ongoing from
April 2015
Feedback received and used to
improve the quality of services
Continue to monitor complaints progress to improve
timeliness of responses.
Assistant Director
Improved streamlined process for
responding to complaints
Develop systems to ensure the learning from complaints
improves practice
Assistant Director
June 2015
System in place
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 4 – Quality Assurance and Audit
Objectives to create change
Success measures
Create maintain and deliver a regular
programme of audits using quantitative
and qualitative evidence, with a view to
the effectiveness of practice and the
degree to which it is safe (DfE Notice
Create an Audit Plan/ Programme ( including the size
and scope of audits) to update the Improvement Board
on audit findings and analysis , along with
recommendations to improve practice and inform the
work of the LSCB (DfE Notice 8.4)
Embed an effective mechanism for feedback from
auditors to practitioners to improve practice
Ensure audit recommendations and actions are
measurable and constitute best practice to inform
improvements in practice as well as inform workforce
development, supervision and future service
development (DfE Notice 8.5)
Assistant Director
Audit plan in place practice
improved through audit
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
March 2015
Feedback mechanism in place
June 2015
Practice improved through evidence
demonstrated via audit
Report on effectiveness and outcomes of audits to
Improvement Board and LSCB (DfE Notice 8.6)
Involve Practitioners in audit activity
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Measured through identification of
Learning and Development needs
and supervision
Outcomes of audits communicated
July 2015
Practice improved
Give consideration to the experience of the child and
family and their journey through the system (DfE Notice
Assistant Director
Feedback from children and CP
conferences/LAC reviews/Management
meetings with social workers and
experiences of other interventions both
early help and children’s social care
4.3 Independent Reviewing Service
Outcomes we will achieve: Effective reviewing improves outcomes for children and young people who are on Child Protection Plan or are Looked After
Children( LAC)
Independent Review Officer (IRO) lead
on audit activity
Independent Reviewing Officers undertake audits
Assistant Director
April 2015
Practice improved as a result of
audit activity
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 4 – Quality Assurance and Audit
Objectives to create change
Independent Review Officer (IRO)
feedback is available to highlight
improvement opportunities
Success measures
IRO service to be audited for quality of practice to
ensure that quality of reviews are high
Assistant Director
Results of audits shared within IRO
service and other practitioners to
improve overall practice
Incorporate IRO RAG rating of LAC plans into QA
reporting, automating this through the outcomes form on
Introduce system to RAG rate Child Protection work
brought to conference
Implement regular reporting of summaries of IRO activity
to review the quality and timeliness of recording and
compliance in individual case records to inform and
improve practice (DfE Notice 8.3)
Assistant Director
On -going
from March
March 2015
March 2015
% plans rated green
March 2015
Regular reporting identifies
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
% LAC plans rated green
THEME 5 – Leadership and Governance
Objectives to create change
Success measures
5.1 Strategic Management oversight
Outcomes we will achieve: Strong clear effective strategic leadership and decision making to ensure immediate and sustained progress is made to improve
the lives of children and young people in Coventry
Effective governance and improvement
drives change and supports progress
Ensure senior leads and managers
tackle robustly the key weaknesses
to drive improvements and practice
(Ofsted PA 24) (DfE Notice 9.1)
Effectively scrutinise and challenge issues through the
Executive Board
Agree and implement the revised Children’s
Improvement Plan for 2015/16 with Council and partners
Effectively scrutinise through the Education and
Children’s Services Scrutiny Board the Children’s
Improvement Plan to ensure improvements are being
Ensure progress on the Children’s Services
Every six
April 2015
Improvements made
Cabinet Members
Every six
Plans are scrutinised and
challenged regularly
The Leader
Every Council
Progress communicated
Executive Director
Executive Director
Revised plan in place
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 5 – Leadership and Governance
Objectives to create change
Ensure accountability and reporting
between Health and Wellbeing Board,
LSCB, Police and Crime Board, Adults
Safeguarding Board, Scrutiny and
Children’s Joint Commissioning Board
Senior Leadership drives change and
improves services.
Improvement Plan is effectively reviewed at Council
Ensure progress on improving Children’s Services is
effectively addressed at Strategic Management Board
Review the work programmes for each Strategic Board
to ensure the Boards are working effectively and
identifying cross cutting issues
Review the Strategic Board Governance Document to
ensure the accountability and reporting between Boards
is working effectively
Scrutinise monthly performance reports on key
indicators to ensure progress is being made and to
provide challenge on under performance
Involve Senior Leaders in auditing current practice
Success measures
Chief Executive
Progress communicated
Executive Director
June 2015
Review meetings in place effectively
identify cross cutting issues
Executive Director
Governance document implemented
and reviewed annually
Children’s Services
Improvement Board
Every six
Performance reports demonstrate
Assistant Director
April 2015
Practice improved via audits
5.2 Management Oversight
Outcomes we will achieve: Managers oversight is improved to ensure that case management is of a high standard
Ensure robust management
oversight of front door activity
(Ofsted PA 26)
Ensure all management oversight is conducted in line
with the standards set out in the Working Together to
Safeguard Children to ensure safe practice and decision
making on individual child protection cases(DfE Notice
Review and establish sufficient management capacity to
provide effective supervision and oversight of
safeguarding activity
Assistant Director
Audits show management oversight
Assistant Director
Numbers/proportion of cases with
CF15s recorded on in the last 6
March 2015
Consistent records of supervision
5.3 Supervision and reflective practice
Outcomes we will achieve: Establish effective supervision and management oversight of appropriate workloads
Ensure that managers are well
Re-enforce supervision standards in line with
Assistant Director
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 5 – Leadership and Governance
Objectives to create change
supported and have capacity and
competence to deliver effective
supervision and management
oversight on cases (Ofsted PA 26)
supervision policy (Ofsted AI 42, VoC T&F 11.3)
(CSC) / Principal
Social Worker
Assistant Director
(WD) /Principal
Social Worker
Assistant Director
Training in reflective supervision to be delivered (DfE
Notice 7.1)
Develop audit tool and undertake supervision audits
(SCR DP16.4)
Establish effective supervision and
management oversight of appropriate
workloads (DfE Notice 7.2)
Ensure that managers routinely use a
toolkit to evidence good quality
reflective supervision, case discussion
and decision making
Ensure social worker responsibilities and workloads are
clearly and tightly defined and reviewed so effective
practice can take place, with a range of work for staff
consistent with their level of experience and
competence( including protected caseloads for NQSW’s)
(DfE Notice 7.2)
Develop the Senior Practitioner role to increase the use
of reflective practice to ensure managers evidence good
quality of practice and discussion
Success measures
are monitored through audits
July 2015
Training delivered
Numbers of audits undertaken and
% graded as Green
Assistant Director
On -going
Social workers have manageable
Assistant Director
Reduced senior practitioner
caseloads, reflective practice being
5.4 Caseloads
Outcomes we will achieve: Ensure that social workers have a manageable workload which is delivered to a high standard
Create capacity to ensure that the front
door is safe and sustainable and
Reduce caseloads to between 20-25
in RAS (Ofsted PA 23 & 26)
Ensure that Social Workers are
focused on their core role and have
time to spend with children and
young people (Ofsted AI 33)
Ensure effectiveness scrutiny and oversight of
caseloads in RAS/Neighbourhoods
Assistant Director
Manageable caseloads (RAS 20-25
and Neighbourhoods 20-22)
Better manage transitions to neighbourhoods and step
down to Universal services and Children and Families
First to avoid drift in case progression
Ensure cases are held in that part of the service to best
meet the needs of children and families
Ensure dedicated administrative support is in place to
Assistant Director
Monitoring in place
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Needs of children and families are
Dedicated admin provided to
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 5 – Leadership and Governance
Objectives to create change
Ensure there is sufficient legal support
support RAS and Neighbourhoods in order that the
Business Support Officer is familiar with the work of the
Ensure cases are stepped down to Early Help where
these services can meet need and that cases thresholds
for social care are stepped up
Ensure all cases are allocated (Ofsted para 56)
(WD) S /Assistant
Director (CSC)
Review capacity of legal support and ensure appropriate
support is in place
Success measures
support social workers
Assistant Director
Monitoring in place to for stepped
up and stepped down cases
Assistant Director
Nos. management review cases by
Assistant Director
Legal support in place
THEME 6 - Improving Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Objectives to create change
6.1 Services for Looked After Children and Care Leavers
Success measures
Outcomes we will achieve: Looked After Children and Care Leavers feel well supported and are able to access opportunities
Services for Care Leavers are effective
and well received
Robust high quality pathway plans are
in place for all care leavers (Ofsted AI
Ensure that those caring for young people approaching
leaving care and independence are well prepared by
those caring for them i.e foster carers/residential
workers and by social workers and personal advisors in
Route 21
Pathway plans are completed within timescales, involve
young people and partners, are aspirational and improve
outcomes for care leavers.
Assistant Director
Care leavers are fully prepared for
Assistant Director
Pathway plan completion
% pathway plans updated in the last
12 months
Pathway plan quality
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 6 - Improving Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Objectives to create change
Looked After Children plans comply with
the requirements of the Care Planning
Case records are regularly updated (
DfE Notice 5.4)
Ensure Looked After Children are in
placements that best suit their needs
Success measures
Undertake quality audit of pathway plans
Assistant Director
Quality of Pathway Plans improve
Ensure that all plans include the views of the child, time
bound actions, with assigned ‘owners’ and with
measurable, success outcomes for children and young
people (DfE Notice 5.2)
Ensure plans include review and evaluation points, with
timescales agreed with other professionals along with
information about their contributions (DfE Notice 5.3)
Document any new amended information, rationale and
decisions as they arise( and new information shared as
needed) (DfE Notice 5.4)
Ensure social workers and others responsible for case
recording, record in a timely manner and are compliant
with the recording policy
Evidence of management oversight, decisions making
and appropriate action, is set out in detail on each case
file (DfE Notice 5.5)
Information arising from case audits confirms that all
actions have been carried out in accordance with
statutory guidance and clear improvements, actions and
timescales, identified when needed (DfE Notice 5.6)
Establish an Access Resources Team to ensure that
there is sufficient placements of high quality which are fit
for Looked After Children of Coventry
Build up a body of knowledge within the team to help
divert children from entering care
Assistant Director
April 2015
LAC plans compliance
Assistant Director
April 2015
LAC Plans compliance
Assistant Director
April 2015
Case audits
Assistant Director
Case audits/supervison
Assistant Director
April 2015
Case audits
Assistant Director
April 2015
Evidence of Action plans from case
audits implemented
Assistant Director
June 2015
Team established
Assistant Director
July 2015
Monitor and assure the quality of care for all placements
Assistant Director
July 2015
More children held safely in the
community and looked after
numbers reduced
More children in placements rated
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 6 - Improving Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Objectives to create change
Success measures
good or outstanding rated by Ofsted
Further develop Supported
Accommodation services to ensure that
a range of provision is available for
young people
through visits to the Access Resources Team and social
workers where possible before children are placed
Extend the contract with the Salvation Army to provide
emergency accommodation
Undertake a further commissioning exercise to fill gaps
in service provision
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
April 2015
More options for emergency
accommodation available
A range of accommodation is
available for young people including
high needs
Implement action plan with Providers and other services
to improve outcomes for young people in relation to
substances misuse/CSE/mental health and employment
education and training
Assistant Director
April 2016 –
new services
in place
March 2015
Ensure risk assessments are undertaken when care
leavers take up tenancies (Ofsted para 98)
Ensure young people who are offered tenancies have
the independence and life skills for the tenancy to be
IROs to have regular contact with LAC so that they know
their wishes and feelings in line with IRO Handbook
(Ofsted AI 36)
Implement Voice of the Child case note to facilitate
better input from LAC into their reviews (VoC T&F
Continue to improve completion rates and quality of
Personal Education Plans (PEPs)
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
System in place
System in place
Assistant Director
March 2015
IRO caseloads (26, 36)
Assistant Director
June 2015
Revised questionnaire created and
in use
Head of Education
PEP completion rates - PEP quality
(LACES audit)
Looked After Children Education Service (LACES)
continue to support schools and individual LAC as
appropriate to boost attainment including those placed
out of City
Head of Education
On -going
Attainment results
Ensure that there is a system in place to
support successful and sustainable
Reduce Independent Reviewing
Officer (IRO) caseloads (Ofsted PA
Looked After Children input to their
reviews effectively
Improve educational attainment of
Looked After Children
Reduce evictions from supported
accommodation enable young
people to sustain accommodation in
the long term
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 6 - Improving Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Objectives to create change
6.2 Health of Looked After Children
Success measures
April 2015
Timeliness and numbers/
percentage of health assessments
(including dental assessments –
Ofsted AI 35)
Assistant Director
Notifications of care starters to
health within 5 days
Assistant Director
(CSC) /partners
Assistant Director
April 2-15
Improves exchange of information
Assistant Director
Timeliness of initial health
assessment following notification
Results of capacity review and
progress on plans to improve
Outcomes we will achieve: Looked After Children experience similar health outcomes to the wider community
Ensure Looked After Children Health
assessments are timely and robust
Care leavers have a full health history
Ensure all Looked After Children are
able to access therapeutic interventions
to meet their assessed needs
Implement the integrated Admin Hub for health
assessments with health partners (CCG and CWPT) and
ensure it is effective (in accordance with the Health of
LAC plan)
Ensure Social Workers consistently notify health when a
child comes into care, moves placement or is discharged
from care
Co-location of social care and HeLAC staff to achieve
exchange of information
Embed a process to ensure that young people leaving
care are provided with information regarding their health
through provision of the health passports (Ofsted AI 35)
in accordance with the Health of LAC plan
Review capacity and effectiveness of CAMHS and recommission where necessary
Numbers/proportion of care leavers
who receive a health history
6.3 Fostering and Adoption
Outcomes we will achieve: Improve the timeliness of adoptions in order to achieve scorecard thresholds and where it is appropriate, children are fostered
and adopted in an appropriate timescale to meet needs
Continue to achieve improved
timeliness and numbers of children
adopted (Ofsted AI 40 and 41)
Continue to deliver and embed the existing improvement
plan as agreed with DfE following the Ofsted adoption
inspection and follow up visit on 3 March 2014
Assistant Director
A1/A2/A3 Numbers (%) children
adopted and numbers in adoption
Improve timeliness of adoptions in order
Ensure that clear plans are in place to improve all
Assistant Director
Timeliness improved
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 6 - Improving Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Objectives to create change
to achieve scorecard thresholds (DfE
Notice 6.1)
aspects of timeliness( local authority decision making,
placement orders, matching and placement) (DfE
Notice 6.1)
Embed planned improvements to the recruitment
strategy for adoptive parents (DfE Notice 6.2)
Ensure measures are taken to build on recent
improvements in timeliness, including the use of case
tracking in order to identify children likely to be adopted
to help predict and manage future performance (DfE
Notice 6.3)
LSCB to engage all partners and the public in raising
awareness of private fostering
Numbers identified
Manage and scrutinise the arrangements for
assessment and management of private fostering
Assistant Director
Children privately fostered are
identified and assessed
Ensure the cases of all private fostered children are
regularly reviewed by mangers
Generate quality enquiries which lead to an increased
number of foster carers
Improve the support offered to foster carers
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
More consistent oversight and
support of privately fostered children
Conversion rate of enquiries /
assessments into carers
Numbers of carers and capacity
Numbers of foster carer
leavers/reasons for leaving
Develop a standardised approach and toolkit for life
Assistant Director
All children remaining in care in
Develop greater awareness of public
and professionals to private fostering
and promote the prompt recording of
Ensure that assessments and
monitoring of private fostering
arrangements are timely to ensure
children are safe (Ofsted PA 32)
Continue to deliver and embed the
existing improvement plan for
recruitment and retention of foster
carers (Ofsted AI 41)
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Success measures
Improved recruitment strategy
Future performance trends identified
LAC tracking in place
6.4 Life Story Work
Outcomes we will achieve:
Ensure all children remaining in LA care
Final Version 10 March 2015
THEME 6 - Improving Services for LAC, Care Leavers and Permanency
Objectives to create change
or where adoption is the plan have life
story work completed (Ofsted AI 34)
All Looked After Children in long term
care have a live and active life story
book that is updated at least annually
and includes details of the person
responsible for progressing this (VoC
T&F 11.7)
story work books
Train staff in importance and use of life story tools to
assist in the development of life story work
Ensure Social Workers are competent to do life story
Train foster carers in life story work as part of their
training programme (VoC T&F 11.8)
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Success measures
Staff trained
Social workers are fully
Foster carers trained
Final Version 10 March 2015
Section 5:
Abbreviation / term
Assistant Director (CSC)
Assistant Director Children's Social Care
Assistant Director (SPQ)
Assistant Director Safeguarding, Performance and Quality
Assistant Director (Commis)
Assistant Director Commissioning and Transformation
Assistant Director (WD)
Assistant Director HR and Workforce
ASYE workers
Social Workers in their first year after qualification
C&F assessments
Children and Family assessments
Common Assessment Framework
Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service
Children and Adolescence Mental Health Services
Court Based Assessment Service
CSE and Missing Operations Group
Child Protection
Coventry Safeguarding Children's Board
Child Sexual Exploitation
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust
Children and Young People
Department for Education
Daniel Pelka Deeper Analysis
Serious Case Review in relation to Daniel Pelka (numbers in plan refer to recommendation numbers)
Domestic Violence and abuse
Executive Director
Executive Director for People Directorate
Initial Child Protection Conferences
Independent Review Officer
Joint Commissioning Board
Final Version 10 March 2015
Abbreviation / term
Looked After Children
Looked After Children Education Service
Local Authority Designated Officer
Local Safeguarding Children's Board
Multi- Agency Risk Assessment Conference
Multi- Agency Safeguarding Hub
Multi- Agency Screening Panel
NHS Coventry and Rugby CCG
Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group
Newly qualified social workers
Office for standards in education, children’s services and skills
Personal Education Plans
Public Law Outline
Pupil Referral Units
Referral and Assessment Service
Route 21
The Leaving Care service
Safeguarding Children Assessment and Analysis Framework
SB2 from VoC T&F
Scrutiny Board 2 recommendation relating to the Voice of the Child Task and Finish Group, April 2014
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Serious case reviews
Team Around the Family
University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
VoC T& F
Voice of the Child Task and Finish group – a Member led group
West Midlands Police