CETIN CINER - Cameron School of Business

220-E Cameron Building
Cameron School of Business
Univ. of N. Carolina- Wilmington
Wilmington, NC 28403, USA
Tel: 910- 962 7497
E-mail: cinerc@uncw.edu
Research: International financial markets, commodities, risk management
Teaching: International finance, derivative markets, corporate finance
Louisiana State University
Bogazici University (Turkey)
Istanbul Stock Exchange Best Finance Paper Award ERC/METU International
Conference in Economics, September 2002.
Associate Editor, Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier.
Univ. of N. Carolina- Wilmington
Univ. of N. Carolina- Wilmington
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught:
International Finance
Corporate Finance
Northeastern University
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught:
International Finance
Derivative Markets
Louisiana State University
Course Taught:
Research Assistant
Business Finance
2007- present
2004- 2007
Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Research Assistant
Maritime Economics and Shipping Finance
The Structure of Gold and Silver Spread Returns (with B. Lucey and J. Batten),
forthcoming, Quantitative Finance.
(Supported by CSB Summer Research Grant 2009)
The Time-Varying Relation between Consumer Sentiment and Stock Indexes (soleauthored), forthcoming, Journal of Behavioral Finance.
(Supported by CSB Reassignment Grant 2010)
Commodity Prices and Inflation: Testing in the Frequency Domain (sole-authored), 2011,
Research in International Business and Finance 25, 229- 237.
(Supported by CSB Summer Research Grant 2010)
Information Transmission across Currency Futures Markets: Evidence from Frequency
Domain Tests, 2011, International Review of Financial Analysis 20, 134- 139.
(Supported by BB&T Research Grant 2008)
Eurocurrency Interest Rate Linkages: A Frequency Domain Analysis (sole-authored),
2011, International Review of Economics and Finance 20, 498- 505.
(Supported by CSB Summer Research Grant 2008)
Macroeconomic Determinants of Volatility in Precious Metals Markets (with J. Batten
and B. Lucey), 2010, Resources Policy 35, 65- 71.
(Supported by CSB Summer Research Grant 2007)
Information Asymmetry, Speculation and Foreign Trading Activity: Evidence from an
Emerging Market (with A. Karagozoglu), 2008, International Review of Financial
Analysis 17, 664- 680.
Dynamic Linkages between International Bond Markets (sole-authored), 2007, Journal of
Multinational Financial Management 17, 290- 303.
(Supported by CSB Summer Research Grant 2006)
Transactions, Volume and Volatility: Evidence from an Emerging Markets (with W.
Sackley), Applied Financial Economics Letters 3, 161-164.
A Further Look at NAFTA Equity Market Linkages (solea-authored), 2006, Quarterly
Review of Economics and Finance 46, 338- 352.
Hedging and Speculation Derivatives Markets: The Case of Energy Futures Contracts
(sole-authored), 2006, Applied Financial Economics Letters 2, 189- 192.
What is so Special about KOSPI 200 Index Futures? An Analysis of Trading Volume and
Liquidity (lead article, with A. Karagozoglu and W. S. Kim), 2006, Review of Futures
Markets 14, 327- 348.
German dominance in the European Monetary System: A Reprise Using Robust Wald
Tests (with G. Geoffrey Booth), 2005, Applied Economics Letters 12, 463- 466.
Conducting Business in Eastern Europe: Risk- Return Perspective of Senior Financial
Executives (with J. Welch), 2004, European Management Journal 22, 224- 230.
The Predictive Power of Trading Volume: Testing for Small Firm Stocks, (soleauthored), 2003, The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance & Business Ventures 8, 87102.
The Stock Price-Volume Linkage on the Toronto Stock Exchange: Before and After
Automation, (sole-authored), 2002, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 10,
335-349. (Reprinted in ISE Finance Award Series, 2002, 4, 1-20)
Information Content of Volume: An Investigation of Tokyo Commodity Futures Markets,
(sole-authored), 2002, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 10, 201-215.
Energy Shocks and Financial Markets: Nonlinear Linkages (sole-authored), 2001, Studies
in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 5, 203-212.
The Dynamic Relationship between Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation: International
Evidence (with G. G. Booth), 2001, Journal of Multinational Financial Management 11,
On the Long Run Relationship between Gold and Silver Prices (sole-authored), 2001,
Global Finance Journal 12, 299-303.
Linkages Among Agricultural Commodity Futures Prices: Evidence from Tokyo (with G.
G. Booth), 2001, Applied Economics Letters 8, 311-313.
International Transmission of Information in Corn Futures (with G. G. Booth, lead
article), 1997, Journal of Multinational Financial Management 7, 175-187.
Ship Financing: A Current View of the Availability of Finance and Financiers’
Requirements (in Turkish), 1994, Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odasi 4, 10-14.
Hedges and Safe Havens- An Examination of Stocks, Bonds, Oil, Gold and the Dollar
(with B. Lucey and C. Gurdgiev), under 2nd review, Journal of International Financial
Markets, Institutions and Money
Oil and Stock Returns: Frequency Domain Evidence (sole-authored)
(Supported by BB&T Research Grant 2011), under 2nd review, Journal of
International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Are Multinational Company Stocks Sensitive to Commodity Price Changes? (with B.
Lucey and J. Batten)
China’s Segmented Equity Markets before and during the Global Financial Crisis (with
Javier Molto).
China’s Segmented Equity Markets: A VAR in Levels Approach (with Javier Molto),
2011, Midwest Finance Association Meetings, March 2011, Chicago, IL.
Global Financial Crisis and CDS Spreads (with J. Batten and B. Lucey), 2008, the 6th
INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Institute for International Integration
Studies, June 2010, Dublin, Ireland.
Determinants of Volatility in Precious Metals Markets (with J. Batten and B. Lucey),
2009, Midwest Finance Association Meetings, March 2009, Chicago, IL.
Determinants of Volatility in Precious Metals Markets (with J. Batten and B. Lucey),
2008, the 5th INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Institute for International
Integration Studies, June 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
Information Asymmetry, Speculation and Foreign Trading Activity: Emerging Markets
Evidence (with A. Karagozoglu), Midwest Finance Association Meetings, March 2006,
Chicago, IL.
Dynamics Linkages between International Bond Markets, the 4th INFINITI Conference
on International Finance, Institute for International Integration Studies, June 2005,
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Information Asymmetry, Speculation and Foreign Trading Activity: Emerging Markets
Evidence (with A. Karagozoglu), Midwest Finance Association Meetings, March 2006,
Chicago, IL.
Information Asymmetry, Speculation and Foreign Trading Activity: Emerging Markets
Evidence (with A. Karagozoglu), Financial Management Association, International,
October 2005, Chicago, IL.
A Further Look at the NAFTA Equity Market Linkages (sole-authored), the 3rd INFINITI
Conference on International Finance, Institute for International Integration Studies, June
2005, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
A Further Look at the NAFTA Equity Market Linkages (sole-authored), accepted for
presentation, the Global Finance Conference 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
Information Asymmetry, Speculation and Foreign Trading Activity: Emerging Markets
Evidence (with A. Karagozoglu), Eastern Finance Association Meetings, April 2004,
Norfolk, VA.
Information Asymmetry, Speculation and Foreign Trading Activity: Emerging Markets
Evidence (with A. Karagozoglu), 2004 FMA International Conference, New Orleans,
What is so Special about KOSPI 200 Futures Contract? An Analysis of Trading Volume
and Liquidity (with A. Karagozoglu and W. S. Kim), Asia-Pacific Financial Research
Conference 2004, Hong Kong.
Is Hegemony an Inevitable Consequence in Exchange Rate Arrangements (with G. G.
Booth), 2003 FMA International Conference, October 2003, Denver, Colorado.
Trading Volume and Return Autocorrelations in Energy Futures Markets (sole-authored),
2003 FMA International Conference, October 2003, Denver, Colorado.
A New Look at Interest Rate Linkages within the European Monetary System (with G. G.
Booth), 2003 FMA European Conference, June 2003, Dublin, Ireland
Trading Volume and Return Autocorrelations in Energy Futures Markets (sole-authored),
2003 Midwest Finance Association Meetings, March 2003, St. Louis, MI
A New Look at Interest Rate Linkages within the European Monetary System (with G. G.
Booth), 2003 Midwest Finance Association Meetings, March 2003, St. Louis, MI
The Dynamic Relationship between Prices and Trading Volume on the Toronto Stock
Exchange (sole authored), 2001 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada.
Price-Volume Relations in the Early Life of a Futures Contracts, Financial Management
Association Annual Meeting, October 2000, Seattle, WA.
Interest Rates within the European Monetary System, Financial Management Association
Annual Meeting, October 2000, Seattle, WA.
Interest Rate Linkages within the European Monetary System: A VAR in Levels
Approach, 7th Annual Conference of Multinational Finance Society, 5-7 April 2000,
Philadelphia, PA.
The Dynamic Relationship between Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation: International
Evidence, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, October 1999, Orlando,
Linkages between Agricultural Commodity Futures Contracts: Evidence from Tokyo,
Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, October 1999, Orlando, Florida.
The Dynamic Relationship between the Term Structure and the Inflation Rate (with G. G.
Booth), New Hampshire Spring Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, March
1999, New Hampshire.
International Transmission of Information in Corn Futures” (with G. G. Booth), Sixteenth
Annual Symposium on Forecasting, June 1996, Istanbul, Turkey.
The Journal of International Money and Finance
The Journal of Empirical Finance
The Journal of Futures Markets
Journal of Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Journal of Business Research
Global Finance Journal
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Journal of Economics and Business
International Review of Financial Analysis
Available upon request