“Tootle” Notes - University of Oregon

PBIS Newsletter
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Students who feel connected to their school have higher motivation, improved academic
scores, lower drop out rates and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Students who feel
connected to school feel a sense of belonging and being part of the school. Engaging students in
"meaningful work", classroom and/or school-based jobs to promote responsibility and autonomy, can
improve students' feelings of "school connectedness" (Blum, 2005). Meaningful work is
differentiated from service learning, which is defined as "a teaching and learning approach that
integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and
strengthen communities.”
A cardinal principle of youth development is meaningful roles for youth, and providing
positive, contributing roles for youth behavior is clearly an evidence-based practice. This is
supported by some important epidemiological research, though there are few randomized control
group studies. Perhaps the most compelling study was by Sir Michael Rutter, a very famous British
psychiatrist, who demonstrated that high risk students who were randomly assigned to one of
twelve high-schools in London were much less likely to engage in delinquency, be absent from school
and cause problem behavior as well as do better academic in schools where most of the students
have meaningful jobs or roles each day or week at the school. An illustrated job from an American
school site replicating the research and a data graph appear below.
What Can You Expect When You Give Students Meaningful Work?
When you give students meaningful roles and responsibilities in the classroom/school, it can
help increase your "available time" for students, as "workers" take on jobs that you would normally
IVDB 1265 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1265 541-346-3591
complete. Improved classroom climate also occurs when students feel a sense of belonging in your
classroom, which ultimately leads to less absenteeism and greater work completion.
Materials Needed/ Preparation Required
Selection of school-based jobs (Attachment #1) with job descriptions
Contract with behavioral expectations (Attachment #2)
Plan for evaluating student work, including
Chart for basic record-keeping
Informal observation
Meeting with student
1. Create a list of school-based jobs available in your classroom/ school (Attachment #1)
2. Develop simple job descriptions based upon school needs (Attachment #3)
3. "Advertise" jobs so students can apply for jobs that appeal to them
4. Select students for various jobs. NOTE- job selection should depend not only upon the
student's interests, but also on the student's needs; students who need peer attention
may be good candidates for jobs that involve working with peers, students who enjoy
adult attention may be good candidates for jobs that involve working with adults,
students who feel unsuccessful academically may be good candidates for tutoring work
younger peers (as long as they feel successful with what they are expected to tutor),
5. Review the job description with students, have students sign the contract for behavioral
6. Explicitly train students in the requirements of the job (model, role play, practice)
7. Evaluate the students' performance. Depending upon their individual needs/
characteristics, some students may be successful in a job for the entire year, others
may require frequent changes.
Frequency may vary. Some classroom/ school-based jobs may need to be done daily, some
two times a week, some once a week, etc. Students should be selected for jobs that fit their
individual needs, i.e. students that try to gain negative peer attention every day should be assigned
to a job that will allow them to gain positive peer attention every day.
 Meaningful work experiences differ in elementary, middle and high school. See
attachment #1 for sample jobs at the various levels.
 Jobs can be adapted for students' developmental and cognitive levels. Adaptations can
include having a partner, using a picture schedule, breaking a job into smaller component
pieces, etc.
Regular evaluation should indicate whether students are successful in their jobs. Some
students may not be performing well in the job assigned to them. Rather than immediately
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
removing a student from a job, an effort should be made to determine why the student is not
succeeding. A "goodness of fit" check should be done; does the job truly meet the student's
needs, is the student capable of completing all the requirements of the job? If the job does meet
the needs of the student, then ensure that the student has been adequately trained to complete
all the steps involved in the job. If these factors have been considered and the student continues
to have difficulty with the job, it may be appropriate to find another job that meets the student's
When misbehavior occurs on the job, consider the misbehavior as an instructional moment.
Try not to remove the student from the job, rather employ strategies such as "suspension" from
the job, along with specific re-training around the area of the job in which the student engaged in
the misbehavior.
Following is a sample chart that may be used to track a student's work performance for a
daily job. The chart may be completed by the job "supervisor" or could be used by the student as a
self-monitoring form.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Stayed on task
Completed job assignment
Maintained professional attitude
Blum, R. (2005). School Connectedness: Improving the Lives of Students. Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Chanko, P. (1990). Help wanted! Meaningful work and cool job titles can get middle graders thinking
about the work world in new ways. Instructor, 115(1), 60-63.
Fletcher, K. (1996). The Mini-society workbook. Teacher Ideas Press, 27-30.
Nelsen, J., Lott, L., & Glenn, H. S. (1997). Positive discipline in the classroom. Rocklin, CA: Prima
Romach, K. (2001). Help wanted: Kids who care. Teaching Pre K-8, 32(3), 58-59.
Shaw, V. (1992). Community building in the classroom. San Juan Capistrano, CA: Kagan Cooperative
Stefanou, C. R., Perencevich, K. C., DiCintio, M., & Turner, J. C. (2004). Supporting autonomy in the
classroom: Ways teachers encourage student decision making and ownership. Educational
Psychologist, 39(2), 97-110.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Attachment #1
Meaningful Work Ideas
“Today in History” Scholar: finds out about famous or not-so famous events that happened in
the past on a particular day, which is used in the morning announcements or other events.
Action Models: are designated to demonstrate certain behaviors, skills or options in everyday
routines at the site or during a lesson.
Activities Director: helps run activities for entertainment and adventure on the site.
Actors: perform plays, skits, or commercials for the site or classroom.
Ad Writer: creates commercials to promote events, slogans, or activities on the public address
system, in newsletters, or to be performed at lunch, recess, or other events.
Administrator’s Executive Assistant: is appointed for a day or week to assist site administrators
with delegated tasks and go to appointments with that administrator (except as prohibited by
policy or law).
Advice Column Editor: brainstorms answers to school related questions from students, pending
approval from a supervisor questions and answers are published in school newsletter/ newspaper
Advice Columnist: researches, writes, and publicizes solutions to questions that students have
about topics of interest.
Ambassadors: visit other sites or parts of the community on behalf of the site.
Announcer: reads information or news on the public address system or closed-link TV system.
Apprentice: routinely assists adult workers for a set period (a week, a month) during lunch break
or before and after school and in return receives training in some aspect of the adult’s role. It is
useful for students for every adult to have at least one apprentice. Some young people will
benefit from always being apprenticed to one adult or another.
Artists in Residence: create items of beauty for the site.
Assembly Assistant: helps set up gym, auditorium for assemblies (assists with bleachers, chairs,
Assembly Marshals: help align, move, and praise their classmates for orderly assembly during
concerts, plays, ceremonies, and other large events.
Assignment Reviewers: summarize the assignments made that day for the whole class.
Astronomer: researches and reports on events in the nightly skies that are noteworthy, such as
what will be visible or unique events.
Attendance Person: assist with taking attendance, takes the attendance to the office
Audio-Visual Aide: hangs up any charts, pictures, etc. needed for a lesson
Audio-Visual Artist: creates flash cards, charts, banners, placards, etc., including banners for
PBIS Parade
Audiovisual Assistant: assists with technology (computers, cameras, LCDs, speakers, etc.)
Award Detectives: search for good ideas for recognition of staff, students, families, and
community members for the school-community. They may search out certificates, prizes, gifts,
silly ideas, activities, and other things that help recognize and honor good acts.
Awards Maker: designs, alters, customizes, and distributes awards printed or three-dimensional
awards or trophies for actions or accomplishments, which may be commissioned by others on or
off the site.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Badge Maker: design, alters, customizes, and assembles badges commissioned by others to be
sold, given as gifts, or awarded.
Banker: helps keep track of any token economy system used in the classroom or site.
Banner/ Poster Maker: makes posters and banners advertising school events
Bazaar or Swap Meet Coordinator: helps set up, promotes, and takes down weekly or monthly
trading events where students may trade baseball cards or other collectibles.
Bell or Chime Ringer: keeps the class bell at his or her desk. When the teacher wants the class’
attention, s/he gently rings the bell.
Best Buy Reporters: find out what site youth, staff, and families are wanting to buy and publish
reports (gleaned from newspaper ads, shopping trips, phone calls, and web-investigations) of the
best places to purchase the highly desired items.
Best Work Coordinator: collects classmates’ best work for the school display area. Ask your
teacher the best way to do this. Put the items in the best work envelope. Ask your teacher for
the words that are to be put up next to the work. Let the Display Person know that you are
Billboard Executive: creates and puts up special billboards (which can be made from paper,
cloth, or plastic) to promote school events, PBIS related slogans or other activities.
Binders Person: prepares (hole punch) and hand out blank binders or materials
Biographers: collect biographical information about site members (staff, students, and families)
that can be shared in directories or histories.
Bulletin Board Coordinator: more than one student who plans and decorates one bulletin board in
the classroom
Camera Operator: runs video camera used for site video station or recording of events.
Captain Calendar: tells the school or class every day the date and day and anything special about
the day. If there is something special to remember, such as an assembly or a test, they mark it
on the calendar and remind the site the day before.
Carpenter: helps build things for the site out of wood, metal, or other materials.
Cashier: takes money or script for snacks or items.
Chair Stacker: in charge of stacking the chairs at the end of the day
Chalkboard/ Whiteboard/ Overhead Eraser: cleans at end of the day
Change Maker: changes bills and coins for other currency or tokens for machines or services.
Cheerleaders: help organize praise, compliments, and enthusiastic boosting for teams or players.
In cooperative teams or learning activities, the cheerleaders review T-charts and other items
prior to the activity and give recognition for positive behaviors from that list during the activity.
Chorus Leader: stands in front of the class and models responses during structured lessons.
Classroom Custodian: leads students in cleaning up after craft projects or snacks, catches and
cleans dirty desks
Club Officers: Students elected, by club members, to the offices prescribed in the club's
Coach: is someone who can help another learn to play a game or do an activity better.
Community Assets Manager: finds, records, and recruits individuals, businesses, or community
organizations to help with tasks or activities important to the site. The manager also honors
these “assets” for their good actions.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Community Builder Committee: searches out, selects one or more site members each week for
some action that increased PBIS among site members.
Computer Programmer: enters data into the computer; creates separate files of names by
categories for the PBIS Box.
Computer Tech: is in charge of setting up slide shows, etc. makes sure computers are uncovered
and turned on in the morning, and turned off at the end of the day or during thunderstorms.
Makes sure the printer has paper and ink. Cleans keyboard and monitor. Inform teacher if
problem with computer arises.
Computer Technician: assists technology staff with basic cleaning and upkeep of school
computers, turns on and shuts down classroom computers
Concessionaire: helps run snack services for students.
Consumer Reporters: investigate which products, services, or activities provide the best value
for money and publicize that information.
Cook or Chef: helps prepare snacks or food items for events or activities (as permitted).
Copier Assistant: makes and delivers copies to staff
Cross-Age Tutor: teaches people who are younger.
Current Events Searcher: brings in a current event from the news once per week to share.
Custodian’s Assistants: help the building custodians with delegated tasks.
Daily Honors Reader: reads any Daily Honors written by classmates.
Data Entry Assistant: enters class-wide peer tutoring data into a computer for the class.
Data Processors: compile the data gathered from turned in tokens
Decorations People: prepare and hand out materials to decorate binders
Demonstrators: help instructors model how to use or do some task.
Detectives: identify where problems are happening that threaten the physical, social, or
emotional safety of youth, staff or families using a community:oriented problem solving strategy
called SARA (Scanning, Analyzing, Responding, Assessing).
Display Case Organizer: designs display for case based on monthly themes
Display Chief: Sets up areas for group displays.
Display Collector: takes the new best work from your classroom and puts it up at the public
display area.
Display Decorator: helps design and arrange display cases, boards, and other areas.
Display Person: is in charge of displaying materials on bulletin boards in the classroom or school,
and changing the displays every week.
Door Holder: holds the door open, locking or unlocking it if necessary.
Door Monitor: opens and closes the door as class comes and goes
Ecologist: researches, identifies, studies, promotes, and shares ideas that will improve the
ecology of the site such as conservation of energy, better ways for heating and cooling, traffic
flow of people and vehicles, waste management, and recycling activities.
Editor: proofreads and corrects draft and final copies of written assignments.
Emergency Dispatcher: helps with any emergency or urgent situation.
Entrepreneur: creates and markets a product that can be sold at the student store or for
various site fundraisers.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Environmentalist: keeps track of recyclable materials; organizes recycling center
Equipment Manager: helps set up and take down equipment for events.
Facilitator: opens and closes meetings, calls on others.
Fashion Models: demonstrate tasteful fashion or accessories for fellow site members.
File Clerk: goes with the Display Person to help take down the old display, then returns items to
their owners.
Filer: helps teacher or staff file teaching materials and books onto shelves and teacher files.
Film Crew: films important school events, interviews school staff, etc.; edits the film and
prepares for viewing
Fire Marshall: checks the site or classroom for safety each day.
Flag Carriers: carry the federal, state, school, and classroom flags for rituals and events.
Flag Crew: assists in raising flags before and/or school.
Flag Salute Leader: stands at the front of the class, school, or video camera to lead the flag
pledge in the morning.
Flash Tasker: is an individual appointed for the day to do anything that requires an instant
Folder Clerk: prepares (hole punch and fill if needed) distributes and collects the folders after
the activity to store in one safe place.
Food Writers: research, write about, speak about, and promote trying foods that taste good and
are healthy choices.
Fun Masters: conduct research, promote, and teach games and activities during recess or other
periods at the school site.
Fundraisers: help create, promote and manage campaigns for funds to help the site with common
goals or charity benefits.
Gardner: helps plant, water, prune, and arrange plants.
Gopher: goes on errands for things.
Grader: helps teacher grade class work.
Graphic Artist: combines print and illustrative art or photos in print (physical or electronic)
form that can be purchased or given away.
Greeters: have the duty of welcoming students, families, and visitors at the entrances of the
site and in the classrooms.
Head Hunter: looks for hidden talent of staff, students or families to engage in meaningful work
or efforts to help the site.
Health Clerk Assistant: helps with delegated tasks for any site member who is ill or in need of
health assistance.
Health Club Trainer: helps coach, model, and support physical activities that increase different
kinds of physical fitness. Health Inspectors checks off whether certain health standards (e.g.,
hand washing, sanitation activity) were observed that day by the class, young people, or adults.
Health Promotion Specialists: conduct events, demonstrations, skits, plays, etc. to show the
value and benefits of certain behaviors, choices or activities for feeling better, having more fun,
being happy, and gaining more friends.
Historians: keep track and record events about the site each day for the site history journal.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Hobby Masters: identify, recruit, promote, advertise, and facilitate the spread of information
about students, staff and families who share hobby interests which may result in weekly or
monthly meetings or events on or off site.
Home Extension Consultants: research, identify, write, promote, and demonstrate ideas that
make daily family life better in newsletters, on the web site, or at events.
Homework Assistant: collects homework assignments from teachers and posts them on the
school's website
Homework Monitor: tells students who were absent what homework they missed
Honor Agents: look for, notice, record, enter, write down and commend people each day, week or
month for good actions and accomplishments.
Honor Guard: carries the class banner and placard with the name of the honored student and
his/her achievement during assemblies
Host/Hostess: makes sure lunch table or party table is properly set up and guests or diners are
properly seated and taken care of during the meal. Helps resolve small logistical problems before
they become really troublesome.
Human Resources Manager: keeps track of skills, job rotations, or abilities that might be helpful
to the site.
Idea Collector: asks students, staff, and families for thoughts for the week that they know,
make up, or research which may be shared throughout the site, and which become the Thought
for the Day
Illustrator: use different media to illustrate in print ( physical or electronic) form stories or
advertising copy commissioned by the class, site, or others.
Interior Decorator: arranges and decorates events, rooms, and areas of the site to be more
Inventory Chief: Keeps track of classroom supplies; organizes supply shelves.
Jokester: searches out a funny story or joke that can be shared.
Landscape Architects: design, obtain, and plant trees, shrubs and flowers to make the site more
Lawyer: helps other students file appeals for any disciplinary actions based on the rules.
Layout Chiefs: select the photos and design the display board for their group.
Librarian: helps sort, shelve, and check out books or periodicals.
Library Assistant: assists librarian with various tasks, repairs books,
Line Backer: stays at the end of the line to make sure everyone stays together in one group,
when the class is moving from place to place.
Line Leader: leads the class to lunch, specials, assemblies; helps keep the line quiet in the halls
Local Government Shadow Cabinet: is a biweekly position in which young people review the
meeting agendas and issues confronting local government entities and write the real
representatives about their views on the issue at hand. There can be designated cabinet members
for city, county, and school boards.
Lunchroom Assistants: help the lunchroom staff with delegated tasks.
Mail Carrier: picks up PBIS Notes and tokens from classrooms and offices.
Maintenance Crew: is in charge of set up/clean up of furniture. They assist the Tech Crew when
the classroom needs to be arranged for different activities. Vital support for guest teachers
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Maitre d’hotel: is the official host of the site dining room (instead of the cafeteria or
Mechanic: helps fix or repair broken items or items that need preventative maintenance.
Messenger: takes notes to the office or runs errands around the school.
Meteorologist: gives daily weather report to the class, records daily weather, reminds students
to put on weather:related gear (such as coats, mittens, or sunscreen) when going outdoors
Milk Seller: vends extra milk during the lunch hours.
Monitor In Charge: helps run the class if the teacher is called out and can instruct class to read
silently or start a game such as nine-around the world/ heads up, 7-up, etc.
Musicians: perform vocally or with instruments at the site.
New Employee Trainer: involves teaching someone the basic rules of student positions as well as
specifics of a particular position.
Newscaster: reports on current events at class meeting
Newsie: keeps a log of current events in the classroom/school and writes artilcles for newsletter
Nobel Honors Committee: searches out, selects, and honors one or more site members each week
for some learning, insight, or contribution.
Noise Level Monitor: stays aware of the noise level in the class, library or dining room and starts
the sign for 3 feet or 3 inch voices.
Office Assistant: helps office staff with non:confidential material (making copies, delivering
messages, greeting people as they enter the office, etc)
Operator: answers the phone when the teacher is working with small groups or students
Painter: paints anything as required for promotion or beautification.
Paper Monitor: - passes papers back to students
Paper Passer: collects or passes out papers or worksheets for the teacher.
Parliamentarian: looks up and interprets the rules.
PBIS Boosters: stand in likely hot spots in the building or grounds and praise PBIS Acts, or
positive behavior that meets high standards, and/or have an official duty to praise certain
behaviors or actions on an hourly or daily basis.
PBIS Coach: researches, organizes, and assists others in reviewing possible solutions for ways to
generate more peace in their lives with peers, family, and people of different ages. Uses above to
help formal problem solving after conflicts.
PBIS Helpers: look for, recognize, and praise positive, helpful behaviors on the playing fields,
playground, or other recreational time periods.
PBIS Leader for the Day: helps individuals figure out the right thing to do after a conflict or
PBIS Note Managers: design, create, distribute, and help post PBIS notes in classrooms, in the
staff lounge, for homes, and the community each week or month.
PBIS Token Manager: Makes sure that every area has a supply of PBIS Tokens, Notes, or
PBIS Poster Makers: design, create, and distribute weekly posters throughout the school
community to promote positive norms or themes.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
PBIS Promise Leader: leads the class in saying the promise every day.
PBIS Promise Promoters: create, perform, and distribute cheers, songs, poems, raps, or other
activities that help everyone remember and do the actions of PBIS Leader.
Peer Mediator: following training, assists with conflict resolution and peer mediation
Peer Tutor: acts as a tutor for spelling, math, reading, or other subjects using highly structured
Pencil Sharpener: makes sure the class always has a supply of sharpened pencils
Pet Caretaker: feeds and takes care of classroom pets
Photographer: takes pictures of classroom or site events to be published in a web newsletter,
physical newsletter, or up on the walls to record events.
Plant Biologists: study ways to keep plants at the site healthy and beautiful.
Plant Technician: waters plants
Playground Assistants: help the playground staff with delegated tasks.
Popcorn Popper: engages in all tasks associated with preparing and serving popcorn.
Postal Delivery Agent: collects, sorts, and delivers letters to staff, students, and others.
Problem Solver Committee: searches out, selects, and honors one or more site members each
week for some idea or solution that resolved a problem affecting the site.
Protocol Officers: brief visitors or guest teachers on procedures, protocols, and schedules of
the site.
Publicists: write postcards, letters, send flyers, make phone calls, and send out press releases to
families, neighbors, community members, and media on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis about
accomplishments of individual students, teams, families, or the whole site.
Publisher: recruits, edits, assembles, manufactures, and promotes materials using images or
words that can be purchased or given away.
Puppeteer: designs, creates, and performs puppet shows for audiences.
Puzzle Master: searches out puzzles of any form for the school or class to solve.
Quartermaster: helps figure out what will be needed for an assignment or project and makes
sure the supplies are available.
Quiz Maker: helps translate any activity or learning into quizzes that can be used for class-wide
peer tutoring, cross-age peer tutoring, or site rule quizzes.
Readers/Actors: reads orally to class or role plays in skits.
Recruiter: interviews and records skills or talents that students, staff or families might have to
help the site.
Re-cyclers: collect, crush, weigh, bundle, and return items for recycling.
Reference Specialist: looks up new words, ideas, or concepts on a daily or weekly basis for the
Refuse Collector: helps collect, bag, and move any trash on site.
Reporter/ Newscaster: gathers information for school newsletters, interviews staff, etc.
Researcher: uses resource materials to look up information for the task at hand (e.g., making
vocabulary lists, or looking up definitions); collecting tales for PBIS Tales lesson.
Safety Patrol: helps with bus areas, cross walks and other places that require some extra
attention for safety.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
School Store Manager: opens school store, sells items, inventories items, keeps records
Scientist: helps research issues, design experiments, conduct experiments, and report on
experiments that might be helpful to the site.
Scorekeepers: record points or wins made by teams on the playground at recess or other physical
activities times.
Scribe: does all the writing in groups, outlines projects, and assists Audio-Visual Artist.
Script Writers: prepare plays, skits, or puppet shows for the site or community for
entertainment and education.
Social Scientist/ Evaluator: codes, records, measures, charts, and counts behavioral data in the
classroom, in public areas, outside and off site on issues or concerns. Is commissioned by others
for things people want to increase, decrease, or maintain..
Sound Mixer: helps with all types of sound engineering from mikes, music, and public address
Sponsorship Specialist: recruits local, state, or national businesses or organizations to sponsor
positive activities, events, or rewards for staff, students, and families.
Sports Manager: helps school coaches with various needs for the team (keeping track of
equipment, distributing/ delivering supplies, noting damaged equipment, etc.)
Staff Development Youth Representative: attends in-service events to learn, participate in, and
promote skills site staff are learning to better the site.
Statistician: gathers, graphs, and displays points or scores earned by various learning teams or
other groups for public recognition.
Store Clerk: helps operate a student store where items are sold to students.
Story Masters: search out inspirational short stories that can be shared each day.
Story Problem Writers: create, find, and assemble math story problems for use by other
students and the site staff.
Strive to Improve Committee: searches out, selects, and honors one or more site members who
made a noteworthy improvement in School-wide PBIS
Student Activities Team Member: collaborates with team members to organize school activities
(dances, fundraisers, etc.)
Substitute: performs jobs for absent students
Supply Steward: locates and passes out the necessary supplies for an assignment (e.g., art
materials, books, science materials, etc.), collects and puts away these materials.
Survey Taker: collects weekly data from students, staff, and families about issues, concerns, or
events that would be of interest for the school community.
Sweeper: helps sweep with a broom or vacuum.
Table Captain: attends to all the needs of the table (materials, supplies, handouts, etc.)
Teacher Assistant: helps the teacher at any time, completes all secretarial jobs; passes out and
collects papers, keeps track of "appointments" (such as items on the class schedule)
Team Spirit Committee: searches out, selects, and honors one or more site members each week
for some action that contributed to a positive sense of community for that week.
Tech Crew: is in charge of equipment. They should be trained in the use of the video camera,
VCR, laser disk player, computer, tape recorder, overhead projector, etc. They may be required
to go to the AV closet to get/return items. Vital support for guest teachers (substitutes). In
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
science, the crew sets up microscopes, balances, etc.
Telephone Receptionists: answer the phone and take messages.
Timer: sets timers to keep score or track of time for events using a stopwatch, kitchen timer, or
other device.
Tour Guide: acts as docent escorting visitors around the school and answering basic questions
Trusted Guide Committee: searches out, selects, and honors one or more site member (student,
staff, family, or community member) who shows the ability to guide others in productivity, peace,
health or emotional wellbeing.
Tutor: assists peers with school work
Umpire: helps decide rules in games and activities.
Universal Postal Server: packs and delivers packages on the site.
Veterinarian: helps care for sick or baby animals on site.
Visual Aide: writes the vocabulary list for lessons on chalkboard or chart paper.
Window Dresser: helps brainstorm ideas for bulletin boards and/or window and door decorations,
ensures that flyers are posted and removed when past date
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Attachment #2
Sample Meaningful Work Contract
Students engaged as workers are expected to follow the general school-wide behavioral
expectations as noted below:
Be on time
Be where you are supposed to be
Be prepared to work
Follow procedures
Be the best you can be
Safety first
Be kind
Hands/feet to self
Help/share with others
Students engaged as workers are expected to report to their assigned work area in a prompt
manner and return to class as soon as their work is complete.
Student workers should report any problems/ concerns regarding their work assignment to their
I, ___________________________________________, have reviewed the above expectations
with my work supervisor and I agree to follow these expectations as I complete my work.
Student Worker________________________________
Student Supervisor______________________________
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work
Attachment #3
Sample Meaningful Work Job Description
Assembly Assistant Supervisor
Mr. Smith
Assembly Assistants
Assembly Assistants will help prepare the auditorium for assemblies. Assembly Assistants
will be provided with a diagram of the set-up for an assembly the day before the event. Assistants
will be expected to report to the auditorium a half an hour before the event to place chairs/
tables as outlined in the diagram. Assembly Assistants will be expected to replace chairs/ tables
following the event.
Steps for Assembly Assistant Job:
1. Mr. Smith will create the set-up format and deliver the diagram to the assistants the day
before an event.
2. Assembly Assistants will report to Mr. Smith a half an hour before the event to begin work.
3. Assembly Assistants will be expected to follow all of Mr. Smith's instructions regarding
assembly set-up.
4. Assistants will return to the auditorium immediately following an assembly.
5. Mr. Smith will dismiss Assembly Assistants when they have successfully replaced all chairs
and/or tables following the event.
Engaging Students in Meaningful Work