Nomination no. 856 VBA ID : 3745 FLORA AND FAUNA GUARANTEE - SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATION ON A NOMINATION FOR LISTING Grevillea obtecta Molyneux - Fryerstown Grevillea Date of consideration: 29 January, 30 April 2014 Validity: The nomination is for a valid item. Prescribed Information: The prescribed information was provided. File No.: FF/54/3550 Name of the Nominator is adequately provided. Name of the item is adequately provided. The nominated taxon is accepted by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) as a valid taxon because it has been formally described and it is accepted as a valid taxon by the National Herbarium. Ineligibility for listing as a taxon under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee The nominated item does not satisfy any of the set of criteria prepared and maintained under Section 11 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, and stated in Schedule 1 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Regulations 2011. Evidence that criteria are not satisfied: Grevillea obtecta is genetically distinct from other taxa of holly-leafed grevilleas and moderately well-supported in unpublished phylogenetic analyses. Preliminary microsatellite analysis suggests some clonality in populations of this species (it is a resprouter after fire, which appears to be a major mechanism for persistence in the landscape). This suggests that population sizes given for the species may be misleading. If clonality is widespread then inbreeding depression is likely. This has been documented in other members of this group where clonal populations do not produce viable pollen or have other issues that result in a lack of seed set. In this sense our knowledge of the taxon is ‘data deficient’. A limited amount of viable seed is produced by the taxon (unlike some other taxa in this group). While not as rare as other members of this group e.g. G. infecunda (listed under the EPBC Act 1999), it is nevertheless restricted in distribution and rare. In the opinion of the SAC, however, the significance of threats to the survival of the species in Victoria has not been sufficiently demonstrated. With an estimated 150 populations spread over 75km2 the SAC believes its survival is unlikely to be threatened by individual stochastic events. Additional Information - Grevillea obtecta is currently classified as ‘Rare’ in Victoria and Australia (DSE 2005). The nomination relied heavily on opinion and personal communications that agreed on various listing criteria without providing any proof. The SAC sought further information from researchers that are working on the holly-leafed grevillea group. Holly-leafed Grevillea taxa are widespread, with several species being common and abundant, whereas a number are extremely rare. Grevillea infecunda is confined to the Angelsea heath region and does not appear to produce viable seed. While some genetic diversity is present between sub-populations, it is limited. Some of the taxa identified may in fact be mutants that differ from parent species and so have been recognised as distinct taxa. A possible example is G. williamsonii; this taxon is extremely rare and found distributed within G. aquifolium populations. Grevillea williamsonii does not produce anthers and so lacks pollen. Documentation The published information provided to the SAC has been assessed. Based on the available evidence, the SAC believes that the data presented are not the subject of scientific dispute and the inferences drawn are reasonable and well supported. SAC's Preliminary Recommendation The Scientific Advisory Committee concludes that on the evidence available the nominated item is not eligible for listing in accordance with Section 11(1) of the Act because none of the primary criteria is satisfied. The SAC recommends that the nominated item not be supported for listing on Schedule 2 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. NOMINATION NO. 856 Relevant selected References: Department of Sustainability and Environment (2005) Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria – 2005. Department of Sustainability and Environment, East Melbourne, Victoria. Makinson, R.O. In: Walsh, N. G. & Entwisle, T. J. (Eds.) (1996) Flora of Victoria. Vol. 3. pp: 865-866. Inkata Press, Melbourne. Add section author Endorsement by the Convenor of the Scientific Advisory Committee Date 27 May 2014 SIGNED BY ____________________________ A/Prof David Morgan Convenor 2