LAUC-SD Research Funds for Librarians

Science & Engineering Library
UCSD Libraries
March 21, 2003
TO: LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development Committee
Dear Committee Members:
I am requesting local R&PD research funds to fund two efforts related to a research project in which I’ve
been involved at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The attached application provides a description,
justification, and estimated budget for each request.
If you have any questions or require further information, please let me know.
Thank you for your consideration.
Anna Gold
LAUC-SD Research Funds for Librarians
Request for Support
Name: Anna Gold
Date: March 21, 2003
Project Title: CDS@SDSC: Sharing Our Experience with an Exploratory Institutional Repository /
Referatory at JCDL 2003
Total Funds Requested: $1525.00
Purpose of Funds:
I am seeking R&PD funds to enable my research partners, Frank Sudholt and Karen Baker, to travel to
Houston in May 2003 to attend the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL, By attending, they will be able both to present a poster on
behalf of our research team, describing our experience in implementing and modifying the CDS (CERN
Document System) software to create an institutional repository / referatory for the San Diego
Supercomputer Center. This software has been modified to allow institutions to manage heterogeneous
data in support of discovery, as well as managing personal and group research information.
Since 2001 I have been engaged in an exploratory research project in partnership with the San Diego
Supercomputer Center, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This research project has included
developing conceptual, administrative, and technical requirements for an institutional repository /
referatory serving the San Diego Supercomputer Center’s Integrative Biology research program.
Conceptually this work has included assessing available tools for building institutional repositories, and
identifying design issues in linking a document repository / referatory with administrative databases.
Based on our understanding of related practice, our approach is somewhat unique but recent contacts
with Erik Wilde indicate that there are other institutions interested in the same issues.
Technically, this work has involved extending the functionality of CERN’s open source CDSWare system
to allow for rapid batch upload of EndNote bibliographic files, as well as modifying the system to integrate
information about people and the organizations and research groups to which they belong, and research
funding tools (NSF grants).
Last July, I presented a short paper on behalf of my research group at the JCDL 2002 conference in
Portland Oregon. This paper was peer-reviewed, and was subsequently published in the conference
proceedings (see references ). I attended the July 2002 conference with support of my personal
professional development funds.
In August 2002, our research group brought one of the original CDS system developers, Jean-Yves
LeMeur, to San Diego in order to meet with SDSC and SIO programmers, and to give a talk under the
aegis of the UCSD Libraries “Digital Dialogs” program to interested Libraries staff
( The funding for that visit was split approximately 50-50 between
the UCSD Libraries’ Digital Dialogs fund, and the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The overseas
portion of LeMeur’s travel costs was paid for by Old Dominion University.
Since July 2002 a prototype system of the type described in the July 2002 paper has been implemented
We submitted a proposal to JCDL 2003 for a poster about our research and software development, coauthored by myself, Karen, and Frank. The proposal has been accepted for presentation at the JCDL
2003 conference. Participation in the poster session at this time will allow the project technical staff,
Frank Sudholt and Karen Baker, to present a demonstration of CDS software as implemented at the San
Diego Supercomputer Center. The poster sessions at JCDL also provide a valuable opportunity to share
technical information with other system developers.
The funds requested will cover the conference registration, travel and lodging expenses for Frank
Sudholt, the technical lead on this project; and will offset conference attendance for Karen Baker, the
technical lead on application of the technology to research networks supported by SIO. I am not seeking
funding for my own attendance since I was able to represent the group in 2002.
Additional funding to support Karen Baker’s attendance has been obtained from the remaining funds in
the NSF grant supporting this project (Palmer Long-Term Ecological research program at Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, NSF Grants DBI-01-11544 and OPP-02-17282).
I hope that the LAUC-SD Research and Professional Development Committee will agree to fund my
research partners’ travel and lodging expenses for this trip. Thank you for considering this request.
Baker, Karen S., Anna K. Gold and Frank Sudholt. “FLOW: Co-constructing low barrier
repository infrastructure in support of heterogeneous knowledge collection(s),” March 2003.
Poster accepted for presentation at JCDL 2003, May 2003 (see attached preprint and acceptance
Crow, Raym. “The Case for Institutional Repositories.” (2002).
Gold, Anna Keller, Karen S. Baker, Kim K. Baldridge, and Jean-Yves LeMeur. “Building FLOW:
Federating libraries on the Web,” ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Portland Oregon, July
Lynch, Clifford A. ‘Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age,”
February 2003, ARL Bimonthly Report 226.
Witten, Ian H., David Bainbridge, Gordon Paynter, and Stefan Boddie. “Importing Documents and
Metadata into Digital Libraries: Requirements Analysis and an Extensible Architecture.” ECDL
2002, published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2458, p. 390-405.
Wilde, Erik. Towards Federated Referatories, preprint, March 2003, submitted to European
Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2003).
Wolff, Jens E. and Armin B. Cremers. The MyView Project: a Data Warehousing Approach to
Personalized Digital Libraries (1999).
LAUC-SD Research Funds for Librarians
Request for Support
Budget Sheet
Name: Anna Gold
Date: March 21, 2003
Project Title: CDS@SDSC: Sharing Our Experience with an Exploratory Institutional Repository /
Referatory at JCDL 2003
Total Funds Requested: $1525.00
Total Funds Received from Other Sources: $855 matching funds from SIO to cover Karen Baker
registration and hotel
Detailed Statement of Budget:
Registration, TBD, estimated $450 x1
$ 450.00
Airfare: San Diego => Houston=> San Diego
May 27-31 (Continental Airlines) @ $300 x 2
Airport Shuttle (round-trip) x 2
$ 600.00
Hotel: TBD, Houston TX: est. $120/night x 3 nights
+ 12.5% tax =
$ 405.00
Total =
“I support this application.”
___________________________________________________ ____________
Approved, Department Chair
__________________________________________ ____________
Approved, LAUC-SD Research & Prof. Dev. Committee Chair
LAUC-SD Research Funds for Librarians
Request for Support
Name: Anna Gold
Date: March 21, 2003
Project Title: Exploratory Workshop on Institutional Repository and Referatory Models
Total Funds Requested: $635
Purpose of Funds:
I am seeking funds to pay for travel and meeting costs in order to convene a small number of practitioners
in an exploratory informal workshop setting, in order to exchange information and explore alternative
models for creating institutional repositories and referatories. Each of the proposed participants has been
engaged in adopting an existing repository model to their institution (Caltech: openeprints; SDSC:
CDSware; U of Washington: D-Space). The information gained should be of interest to UCSD digital
librarians and help inform our understanding of the issues involved in selecting and adopting a repository
or referatory system to support an institutional system. In addition to sponsoring an informal technical
workshop for sharing information among various implentation teams, one or more of the participants
would be available to present their work in the form of a Digital Dialog presentation for Libraries staff.
The tentative workshop date proposed is May 2, 2003
Since 2001 I have been engaged in an exploratory research project in partnership with the San Diego
Supercomputer Center, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This research project has included
developing conceptual, administrative, and technical requirements for an institutional repository /
referatory serving the San Diego Supercomputer Center’s Integrative Biology research program.
Conceptually this work has included assessing available tools for building institutional repositories, and
identifying design issues in linking a document repository / referatory with administrative databases.
Discussions I’ve had at national conferences with Kody Janney (U of Washington) and Hema
Ramachandran (Caltech) have suggested the usefulness of a very informal regional gathering to compare
the differences and similarities in our organizations approaches to developing institutional repositories or
referatories. We propose gathering a small group of implementers over the period of a day of short
round-robin demos and discussions, with a break for lunch and a possible Digital Dialog presentation tie
in (by Caltech or U Washington participants).
I hope that the LAUC-SD Research and Professional Development Committee will give positive
consideration to this request for funding.
Thank you for considering this request.
Caltech, open eprints (confirmed): Hema Ramanchandran, Ed Sponsler
UCSD/SDSC, CDSware (confirmed): Frank Sudholt, Karen Baker, Anna Gold
UCSD Libraries and/or UCLA, bepress/eScholarship: 1-3 participants TBD: Peter Brueggeman?
U Washington (Seattle), D-Space: (unconfirmed) Kody Janney
Baker, Karen S., Anna K. Gold and Frank Sudholt. “FLOW: Co-constructing low barrier
repository infrastructure in support of heterogeneous knowledge collection(s),” March 2003.
Poster accepted for presentation at JCDL 2003, May 2003 (see attached preprint and acceptance
Crow, Raym. “The Case for Institutional Repositories.” (2002).
Gold, Anna Keller, Karen S. Baker, Kim K. Baldridge, and Jean-Yves LeMeur. “Building FLOW:
Federating libraries on the Web,” ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Portland Oregon, July
Lynch, Clifford A. ‘Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age,”
February 2003, ARL Bimonthly Report 226.
Smith, MacKenzie, et al. “Dspace: An Open Source Dynamic Digital Repository,” January 2003 D-Lib,
9:1, .
Van de Velde, Erik. “Caltech Registers Two Repositories with the Open Archives Initiative,” July-August
2001 D-Lib, 7:7/8, In Brief. .
LAUC-SD Research Funds for Librarians
Request for Support
Budget Sheet
Name: Anna Gold
Date: March 21, 2003
Project Title: Exploratory Workshop, Institutional Repository and Referatory Models
Total Funds Requested: $635.00
Total Funds Received from Other Sources:
Detailed Statement of Budget:
Transportation, 2 participants from Caltech
(Hema Ramachandran and Ed Sponsler)
Transportation, 1 participant from U. Washington
(Kody Janney, tentative), airfare, ground
Hotel: TBD, est. $120/night x 1 night
+ 12.5% tax = $135 (Kody Janney, tentative)
Lunch for 10 participants
Total =
$ 60.00
$ 350.00
$ 135.00
$ 100.00
$ 635.00
“I support this application.”
___________________________________________________ ____________
Approved, Department Chair
__________________________________________ ____________
Approved, LAUC-SD Research & Prof. Dev. Committee Chair