AGREEMENT MODEL FOR IMPLEMENTING UNDERGRADUATE EXTERNAL CURRICULAR PRACTICAL PLACEMENTS (Bachelor’s degree and general degree) Palma, BETWEEN Mr/Ms ...., acting on behalf of ....... (hereinafter, also, the collaborating enterprise), located in street ..., nº. ..., Post Code... [town/city], and with TIN..., pursuant to ... And [the dean of the Faculty of / the director of the School] of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), [Mr/Ms] (Resolution XXX/201X, of XX XX 201X — FOU nº. XXX, dated X XXX), by delegation of the Rector of the University of the Balearic Islands, pursuant to Resolution 10148/2012, of 1 February 2012 (FOU nº. 360, dated 17 February). Both parties mutually acknowledge sufficient authorization to sign this agreement, and as such EXPOUND I. That the University students’ Statute, passed by Royal Decree 1791/2010, dated 30 December, acknowledges, in article 8, the right of undergraduates to «have the possibility of carrying out curricular or extracurricular practical placements, which could be done in external entities or at the university centres, structures or services, according to the planned modality and guaranteeing their educational purpose» (section f) and «to have effective academic and professional supervision [...] during the external practical placements that are planned in the syllabus» (section g). Besides, article 24 of these Statutes regulates external academic practical placements, their typology and general characteristics, as well as the length of their implementation for all students enrolled on any degree course taught by the universities or centres that are affiliated. II. That Article 1.1 of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012 of 8 June, which approves the management regulations for external practical placements for students of the UIB in companies, organisations or institutions, sets forth that external academic practical placements are an educational activity carried out by UIB students and supervised by the UIB. The aim of such practical placements is to enable students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training and to promote the acquisition of skills that will prepare them to carry out professional activities, help their integration into the job market and promote their entrepreneurial capacity. III. That the University Statutes, in article 147.1, establish that the UIB will promote an appropriate policy of agreements with institutions and enterprises. IV. Their interest in developing this collaboration agreement between both parties in connection with the implementation of external curricular academic practical placements for undergraduates. For all the foregoing, the parties HEREBY AGREE First. Aim of the agreement The aim of this agreement is to develop the regulation of external practical placements of UIB students. External academic practical placements are curricular: configured as academic activities integrated in the syllabus. Second. Purpose of the practical placement The purpose of the practical placements, pursuant to the provisions of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012, is to: a) Contribute to the overall education of students by complementing their theoretical and practical learning. b) Provide knowledge of the appropriate methodology of work for the professional reality students will have to operate in, by contrasting and applying the knowledge acquired. c) Favour the development of technical, methodological, personal and participatory skills. d) Obtain practical experience which will favour job insertion and improve chances of future employment. e) Encourage the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Third. Regime for students’ external academic practical placements 1. The characteristics of the Practicum for the Degree in ... are regulated by (the Practicum Guide for Degrees ..., passed by the Board of ...). 2. The curricular practical placements for undergraduates pursuing the degree of [XXXXXXXXXXX] who meet the requirements set forth in Article 3 of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012 shall be regulated by the following criteria: a) All students enrolled in the subject of Practicum I of the degree [XXXXXXXXXXX] can do these practical placements, (XX credits), with an equivalence of [XXX] classroom hours at the centre. The period for the practical placement is between the months of [XXX]. b) Placement students will carry out the functions typical of the professional profile corresponding to their degree [XXXXXXXXXXX], in accordance with the practical work each student must do, in the context of the general organization of the practical work and under the supervision of the UIB practical tutors and the supervisors of the placement centres. All of the foregoing is pursuant to the stipulations of the educational project. [NOTE: In short, the particular characteristics of the corresponding degrees] 3. Students shall have two tutors: an academic tutor from the UIB and a tutor from the collaborating entity. a) The academic tutor shall be a lecturer at the UIB, who will have the rights and duties set forth in Articles 13 and 15 of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012. b) The tutor from the collaborating entity must be a person who is linked to it, with professional experience and with the necessary knowledge to carry out effective supervision, who will have the rights and duties established in Articles 9 and 16 of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012. The tutor from the collaborating entity will be entitled to obtain a certificate accrediting the work carried out. 4. The assessment of each student on placement will be carried out by the UIB tutor, in concordance with the procedures established by the UIB. Once the external practical placement has come to an end, the UIB must issue an accrediting document which must contain, at least, the aspects covered in Article 14.4 of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012. 5. Students who do the external practical placements shall be, where necessary, covered by school insurance and the insurance policies against civil liability and accidents that the UIB has. 6. Students will be entitled to sit the tests corresponding to the assessment of the degree they are enrolled in and the collaborating entity has the obligation to grant them the necessary permission to be able to sit the aforementioned tests. Fourth. Rights and duties of students on practical placement During their external academic practical placement, students will have the rights and duties set forth in Articles 5, 6 and 14 of Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012. Fifth. Exclusion from an employment relationship 1. Carrying out external academic practical placements, given their educational nature, shall, in no case, give rise to the obligations of labour relations. What is more, carrying this out cannot result in the substitution of the work performed in the workplace. 2. Should the student at the end of their degree become part of the staff of the collaborating entity, the placement time shall not be counted in terms of seniority neither shall it make them exempt from the trial period, unless otherwise stipulated in the particular collective bargaining agreement applicable. 3. Students who carry out external academic practical placements are excluded from the National Social Security System, under the terms set forth in Royal Decree 1493/2011, of 24 October, which governs the terms and conditions for the inclusion in the National Social Security System of participants in educational programmes, in furtherance of that set forth in Additional Clause Three of Law 27/2011, of 1 August, on the updating, adaptation and modernisation of the National Social Security System. Sixth. Follow-up Commission A follow-up commission is created which will be made up of two representatives from the UIB and two representatives from the collaborating entity. This commission will coordinate relations between the UIB and the collaborating entity indicated in the implementation of this agreement. What is more, this commission will resolve all problems of interpretation and compliance that may arise regarding this agreement. Before presenting, when appropriate to do so, the litigation before the ordinary courts, conciliation must be attempted at the headquarters of the aforementioned commission. Seventh. Data protection The UIB has registered the file of undergraduate students in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, with code 2102791435, the purpose of which is the academic and administrative management of undergraduate students at the University of the Balearic Islands. The University of the Balearic Islands guarantees the rights envisaged in the current legislation in terms of protection of details of a personal nature and applies the corresponding medium-level security measures to both files. Students shall be able to exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the data before the Secretary General of the University of the Balearic Islands. Eighth. Validity This agreement shall take effect as of the date of signature and shall be valid until the end of the academic year; it shall be automatically renewable for following academic years should there be no denunciation. Denunciation must be made two months in advance. In any event, either party can foreclose providing the other party is informed in advance, at least six months prior to the expected date to do so. Foreclosure of this agreement shall not affect students’ external practical placements in course. Ninth. Applicable regulations Any issues not addressed in this Agreement will be subject to that set forth in Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012, as well as Regulatory Agreement 10715/2013 of 24 July, which approves the application criteria set forth in Regulatory Agreement 10336/2012. Tenth. Conflict resolution and jurisdiction Litigation matters arising from the interpretation, modification, development or effects that may derive from the application of this agreement, shall be resolved by the followup commission provided for in the sixth point. If both parties do not reach an agreement, litigation matters will be subject to the organs of contentious-administrative jurisdiction in Palma, with express waiver of any jurisdiction that may correspond to them. Eleventh. Names All the names of the governing bodies, representations, posts, functions and members of the university community, as any other person who may appear in this agreement with the masculine form, must be understood to refer indistinctly to the male or female gender, according to the gender of the person referred to. As proof of compliance with any and all arrangements detailed in this agreement, both parties sign it in duplicate at the time and place indicated in the header. On behalf of, XXX XXXX On behalf of the University of the Balearic Islands, XXXX xxxx Procedure This model agreement (ref. 2474) was approved by the Executive Council on 1 February 2012 and ratified by the Governing Council on 17 February 2012, in accordance with that set forth in Articles 24.2.24 and 147.2 of the Bylaws of the Universitat de les Illes Balears, which were approved by Decree 64/2010, of 14 May (Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands, BOIB, number 76, of 22 May). The text was revised by the Legal Advisory Service on 31 July 2013, in compliance with the Executive Council resolution of 30 July 2013.