Checklist Reproductions & Copyrights

Minderbroedersstraat 4 – bus 5602
3000 Leuven, Belgium
T + 32 16 32 53 45 • F + 32 16 53 52
E •
Checklist: Reproductions & Copyrights
Using reproductions in a publication and clearing copyrights ask for special attention from the author.
To reach a helping hand, we list the most important aspects regarding the correct use of reproductions
and the correct clearing of copyrights. After all, the author, and not the publisher, is responsible for the
delivery of a completed manuscript; both text and illustrations. If the author uses text fragments
and/or (photo)graphic illustrations (in the broadest sense) from others in his/her work, the author has
to guarantee the publisher that this occurred in a legal and rightful manner and with the prior consent
of all entitled parties. Acquiring professional reproductions and clearing copyrights thus make part of
the author’s job and of the author’s agreement. If you are the author of an edited volume, the
responsibility for the correct clearing of copyrights leaves to each of the contributing authors and has
to be well communicated to them.
ILLUSTRATIONS (in the broadest sense)
The illustration program for books includes photographs, drawings, maps, charts, diagrams,
graphs, and musical examples – any element of a book that cannot be produced with type
2. Discuss your illustration program with your editor before acquiring or creating any illustration.
3. Obtain all illustrations from professional sources: archives, libraries, museums, stock photo
agencies (Getty, ArtResource, Bridgman Library, ArtStore, …).
4. Photocopies, PowerPoint slides, and random internet images are not acceptable. Though they
often look good on the screen, their quality is too low for publication.
Illustrations have to be obtained in image files (jpeg, tiff, gif), and must have a resolution of at
least 300 dpi (dots per inch) on the format you want to reproduce.
6. Create a file entitled ‘Figures List’ that itemizes all figures, their sources, and cost price.
The cost price per image is the sum of the reproduction cost and the copyright cost.
8. Obtaining permissions for your illustration program is your responsibility; take into account
that requesting permissions and clearing rights take time.
9. Bear in mind that the copyright holder may be someone other than the author or the publisher
of a book in which the illustration appears.
Do you make use of letters/ egodocuments/ text fragments/ … from other authors? Then you
have to check whether your use of these texts falls within the scope of citation rights, or
whether it goes beyond it.
Checklist: Reproductions & Copyrights
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Minderbroedersstraat 4 – bus 5602
3000 Leuven, Belgium
T + 32 16 32 53 45 • F + 32 16 53 52
E •
2. IF: (1) your citations are limited to small* fragments, (2) the work you are citing from is
published, and (3) the citation is accompanied with a correct and complete reference, you
don’t have to request permissions and clear copyrights. In all other cases you have to request
permissions and clear copyrights for the cited text parts.
* The description ‘small’ fragment is quite disputable in Belgian copyrights. Essentially it
means that the length or extent of the citation may not be ‘disproportionate’, but has to be in
balance with the extent of the publication, the nature of the publication (scientific,
educational, popular, …), and the intended result of the citation.
If you reuse text and/or images that you have already published with another publisher (or in a
 You have to check carefully the copyrights policy of this first publisher (or journal) in which
the text and/or image was used by you for the first time. Take into account that this publisher
might require a permission and a copyright fee!
 For every reuse of text and images of others that you have already published with another
publisher, you also have to renew the copyright permissions and address the original copyright
holder again.
Please, make use of the download form ‘permissions request’ that can be found on our website.
In every request form you send to copyright holders, it is important to mention clearly the
following aspects that will have an influence on the permission and copyright price:
The print run of your publication
The language of your publication
The nature of your publication: scholarly, educational, …
The precise use of the image/text in your publication: inside use, cover use, ¼ of the page, ½
of the page, black and white, full colour
Please, make use of the download form ‘permissions request’ that can be found on our website.
Still questions or doubts? Please, contact your editor!
Checklist: Reproductions & Copyrights
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