9-12 Citation Styles

Citation Styles
High School ELAR
Aligned to Common Core State Standards
Teacher Notes
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What are citations?
Any time you use an author’s words, be it a direct quotation or paraphrasing,
you need to cite them in your writing.
The only time you do not need to cite something in your writing is if it is
already a well-known fact.
Requires citation:
• George Washington was the first child of Augustine Washington and his
second wife, Mary Ball Washington.
Well-known fact:
• George Washington was the first president of the United States of
MLA Style
Modern Language Association
• MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
• Most often used by those in arts and humanities
• In-text citation style
• A Works Cited page lists sources
Citing a book with one author
Last name, First name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of
Publication. Medium of Publication.
APA Style
American Psychological Association
• Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
• Most often used by those in social sciences
• In-text citation style
• A Reference page lists sources
Citing a book with one author
Last name, First name (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also
for subtitle. Location: Publisher.
Chicago Style
The University of Chicago
• The Chicago Manual of Style
• Most often used by those in history, economics, and some social sciences
• Footnote style
• A Bibliography page lists sources
Citing a book with one author
1. First name Last name, Title of Book (City of Publication: Publisher, Year of
Publication), Page used.
Last name, First name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of
Book Citation
Suppose you are writing a research paper of your choosing. Cite a book from
your classroom that supports your research using each of the three styles.
Book Citation
Suppose you are writing a research paper of your choosing. Cite a book from
your classroom that supports your research using each of the three styles.
Answers will vary.
When using MLA style, the __________ is italicized.
a. name of the author
b. title of the work
c. publisher
d. city of publication
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