Tap Testing Furniture/Rugs/Cars

6333 So Helena St
Centennial, CO 80016
Ph: 303-768-0588
Tap Testing
Tap Testing
Furniture, Carpet and Cars
The gravity plate tests only for the number of mold spores in the air. If you are concerned about a particular piece
of furniture, rug, car seat, pillow, sofa, or any textile that cannot go into the washer, you will need to perform a “tap
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly prior to testing. Hold the bottom part of the
agar plate so the agar is facing away from your hand. Wrap your fingers around
the plate so the tips of your fingers are just over the edge of the face. You want to
then tap the item 3 times with your fingers hitting the object (the agar should not
touch the object – hit with your fingers). This will force the mold spores into the
air and onto the plate.
Replace the lid, place a piece of tape on each side of the plate, label the bottom
(date, name, object), wrap in tinfoil and put in a warm spot for 3 days; then look at it. Call us if you have any
questions. If the plate(s) shows a lot of growth, you should send it overnight to Immunlytics ~ 4301 Masthead NE
~ Albuquerque, NM 87109 ~ 505-217-0339 for identification and count.
This is an inexpensive, do-it-yourself, alternative method to determine the “range” of contamination, not an
absolute. Mold inspectors normally charge between $800 and $1,500 for testing. ImmunoLytics charges $45 per
test plate analysis for under 4 plates. If you send in 4 or more plates the charge is $175 for 4 plates plus + $30 for
each plate over 4, i.e. 6 plates would be $235.00. Discount coupons are available occasionally – be sure to ask.
If Your Carpet is Contaminated by Mold
The carpet must be “surgically” removed. Do NOT drag the carpet pieces through the house. Use the following
1. Spray the carpet with a diluted Mold Solution Concentrate to minimize dust.
2. Cut a 1 to 3 square foot section from the carpet.
3. Remove the piece and place in a plastic bag.
4. Spray the spot where the piece came from.
5. Repeat the process with the next piece of carpet.
6. After all the carpet is removed, vacuum the area with a HEPA vacuum,
7. Spray floor again with diluted Mold Solution Concentrate.
If Your Car is Contaminated by Mold
For ultimate results, have your car fogged with LV14. Maintain your car with Mold Solution as follows:
 Turn your fan on high using the car’s Air Climate Control System.
 Press each button (or see car manual) until the vents are sucking air into the car from the outside through
the vent near the windshield wiper. Do not use re-circulated air.
 Pass a tissue over the outside vents next to the windshield. Where the tissue sucks down into the vent is
where you spray a large amount of diluted “Mold Solution Concentrate” on both sides of the windshield.
 Leave the doors opened and the fan on for 10 minutes.
 Spray the entire inside of the car. Let the inside air-dry.
 Do this 2 times in the first week, then monthly or more often.
 Do a 1-hour self-test on your car with the motor running quarterly or as needed.
 Use the Auto Diffuser with Auto Bio-balancing Emulsion.