English-Debate Syllabus - Plymouth Christian Academy

Course Guidelines and Expectations
Mrs. Snyder
Welcome to Debate! I am pleased to have you in my class this semester. We have an exciting and
challenging semester planned!
Course Description:
Debate is a course designed to provide students the opportunity to develop research and
argumentation skills, as well as explore the question of the value of argumentation for Christians.
Students can expect to learn and to be tested on the fundamentals of argumentation, analytical
thinking, and debate. By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the importance of argumentation from a Biblical perspective
2. Assess research for quality and bias
3. Identify and use concepts of logic in the development of arguments
4. Actively listen to and engage in critical analysis of argumentation and persuasion
5. Understand moral, ethical, and spiritual aspects and issues of an argument
Class Materials
*You will need to bring your device to class every day.
Your choice for note taking (device/binder with paper/spiral notebook)
Black or Blue Pens (for assignments)
1 pack of 3x5 note cards (100)
Course Text
Basic Debate
In addition to the Plymouth Christian Academy Handbook policies, please observe the following policies
for Speech:
Please observe all Plymouth Christian Academy attendance policies regarding tardies and absences. I
uphold these policies in my classroom.
Please observe all technology expectations as outlined in the PCA Secondary Family Handbook,
especially those regarding acceptable internet usage. Please note: students will not be permitted to
create video and/or audio recording of class activities unless explicit permission from the instruction has
been given.
Grading is done on a point basis. Debates and other assignments contain several grade components,
and each will be scored according to a rubric. Overall listening skills and peer evaluations are also
included in the student’s grade. In addition to debates, unit tests and homework assignments will be
counted in the final grade. Grades will be determined based on the percentage of points earned.
 All major assignments are to be typed (12 pt. font, double-spaced) and are to be grammatically
 Homework is given regularly and is due at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified.
 NOTE: Homework assignments to be completed on OneNote are to be completed by 11:59pm
the previous evening.
 Late homework is not accepted, except in cases of emergency or illness.
o Please note: Printer/computer issues are not an acceptable excuse for missing
assignments. Our school, the public library, and the local copy chains are equipped with
computers and printers. In an emergency, you may also email your assignment to me.
Should and assignment need to be printed and is not be printed by the beginning of
class, you will lose 10% (on major assignments) or receive a 0 for all other assignments.
 If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed.
 All debates are to be presented on the day which you are assigned. If you are absent due to
extreme emergency or illness, know that you must present your speech the day you return to
school. Failure to meet this requirement will result in receiving a zero for your speech grade
and the opportunity to speak forfeited.
Debates for this Course:
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Public Forum Debate
Original Oratory
Public Policy Debate
** The teacher reserves the right to modify the speech assignments.
Class Expectations:
Teacher: As your teacher, you can expect that I will:
a. Always create a safe and challenging learning environment for you
b. Be prepared to meet your learning needs so that you are given the opportunity to achieve your
c. Communicate on a regular basis about class business and respond to your communication in a
timely manner
a. Office Hours: after school and other times by appointment
b. Phone: 734.453.3505, ext. 3612 (voice mailbox)
c. I am reached best via email at patricia.snyder@plymouthchristian.org
Student: Just as I hope that my students have high expectations of me, I have high expectations of my
students. Our classroom will be successful due to our commitment to respect, responsibility and
1. Respect: Respect yourself, your classmates, and me. Speak in an encouraging and
constructive way to your classmates in all situations.
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits
the occasion, that it may give grace to those that hear.” Ephesians 4:29
2. Responsibility: You are responsible for you! Just as I will always be responsible in creating a
safe and challenging educational environment, you are responsible for your education and what
you achieve by it.
“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ” Phil 1:27
3. Dedication to Academics: You can expect that I will challenge you academically in this class so
that you will get the most out of your educational experience. In return, I will expect you to rise
to and above my challenges.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23
We will be observing and following the consequences outlined on the Secondary Behavior Rubric.
I look forward to working with you and your student this year! I am always available to my students for
extra help or support. Please feel free to email me should any questions or concerns arise.
Patti Snyder
By signing, I indicate that I have read and understand all guidelines and expectations for Speech and
Business Communications. I am responsible for following them.
Student Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Student Signature and Date
Parent/Guardian Signature and Date
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Email
Please return this slip to Mrs. Snyder by: ___________________________________________.