ECS Weekly Wire 030403 - USC - Viterbi School of Engineering

ECS Weekly Wire 09 02 04
It’s the Engineering Career Services Weekly Wire for September 2, 2004!
The ECS Weekly Wire is sent to students in the Viterbi School of Engineering
every Thursday to highlight career-related events and programs for engineers.
Submit your resume through InterviewTrak to be considered for an on-campus
interview. Next week’s deadlines:
Google – Software Engineer: Seeking BS/MS/PhD; CSCI; Any work
authorization. Graduating 12/04 – 5/05. Submit resume and transcript through
InterviewTrak by September 6, 2004
Honeywell – Verification of Build Process Engineer & Interns: Seeking BS; AE,
BME, Chem E, Civil, CSCI, CECS, EE, ISE, ME; Graduating 12/04 – 5/06; US
Citizen or Permanent Resident. Submit resume through InterviewTrak by
September 9
Honeywell – CMM Software and Pressure Test Control Media Analysts & Interns:
Seeking BS, MS; CSCI; Graduating 12/04 – 5/06; US Citizen or Permanent
Resident. Submit resume through InterviewTrak by September 9
Mark your calendar!
Engineering Career Conference – October 2, 2004: For undergraduate engineers
– register in OHE 106 today!
University Career Fair – October 7, 2004: Trousdale Parkway; 10am - 2:30pm
Engineering Career Fair – October 21, 2004; 10am-3pm; E-Quad
Register on MonsterTrak today! Major-specific job and internship opportunities,
as well as special announcements, will be sent to students whose registration
matches specific profiles on the system.
Information on full-time jobs and internships at:
NBC Universal
Pharmaceutical Services Corporation
ABC Radio
were recently sent to students on the MonsterTrak system. If you’re not on
MonsterTrak, you’re missing out!
In addition to the Engineering Career Fair, ECS also hosts on-campus interviews
for engineering companies, as well as information sessions and workshops.
Companies currently scheduled to recruit at the Viterbi School of Engineering this
fall include:
Altera Corporation
Blasland, Bouck, & Lee, Inc.
Broadcom Corporation
Central Intelligence Agency
City of L.A. - Bureau of Sanitation
Computer Science Corporation
County of L.A. - Dept. of Public Works
Cypress Semiconductor
Dassault Systemes of America
Davis Langdon Adamson
Fuscoe Engineering, Inc.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Johnson Controls
J.R. Filanc Construction Co., Inc.
Kiewit Pacific
Lockheed Martin
Malcolm Pirnie
Maxim Integrated Products
Micron Technology
NextEngine, Inc.
Northrop Grumman
Parsons Corporation
PC Doctor
Rudolph & Sletten, Inc.
Silicon Storage Technology
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
Space Exploration Technologies
Spirent Communications, Inc.
Swinerton, Inc.
Tallan, Inc.
Veritas Software
ViaSat, Inc.
Additional details coming soon!
TIP: Debunking Common Resume Myths
By Allyson Quibell
There is no one best way to write a resume; there are no absolutes. Every career
counselor and recruiter has his or her own take on resume writing. Even the
formatting you use and the positions you list depend on the industry, the specific
job, and your experience. But amid all the potentially conflicting opinions, there is
some agreement on common resume myths.
MYTH: Resumes should include and describe your entire work history.
Your resume is a sales piece, a personal marketing tool. Take time to consider
what skills the position requires. It’s likely that a part-time job you took for a few
months isn't going to be relevant or impressive. Unless you need to cover a
significant time gap, it’s wise to include only those jobs that will showcase your
ability to excel in the position for which you’ re applying.
MYTH: It's okay to fib on your resume.
If you think "blowing smoke on your resume—inflating grades, inventing degrees,
concocting job titles—is risk free because nobody checks, you're wrong," says
Joyce Lain Kennedy. Employers do check, and those fibs will catch up with you.
MYTH: Including "References available upon request" is standard resume
"An employer won't assume [that] you don't have references," says Dominguez
Chan. “[Removing the line] gives you more room to include important information
about who you are."
MYTH: If your resume is good enough it will produce a job offer.
Your resume is only one part of the process. Its job is to land you an interview.
"Once you get the interview, says Joyce Lain Kennedy, "you are what gets you a
job—your skills, your savvy, your personality, your attitude."
Author Bio Allyson Quibell is a senior editor at
Contact Christopher Noll or Tisha Armatys in OHE 106.