
Whatever Happened to Old Shep? by Linda Rorem
This article was first published in Ranch Dog Trainer, June/July 1994.
In the December 15, 1911 issue of the magazine Country Life in America a letter
appeared under the heading "Who Is Breeding Old-fashioned Collies?" The writer stated:
As long as I can remember I have heard stories of the wonderful sagacity
and faithfulness of Scotch collies... Some of those that have lately come to
my attention I have investigated, and have invariably learned that the
remarkable dog in question was a survivor of the race of old fashioned
collies or shepherd dogs. My further inquiries as to where such dogs can
be obtained have met with no success. 'Brought over from Scotland,' 'from
an old family strain, now practically vanished,' 'purchased from a Swedish
farmer in Minnesota' -these are some of the answers to my inquiries... I
believe that the old-fashioned collie or shepherd dog was one of the finest
dogs that ever came to be the companion and helper of man... I wish I
could find out myself where I could get such a dog... sometimes my search
has led me to people who simply didn't know that such a dog ever existed,
or who have tried to palm off one of their new, snipe-nosed aristocrats on
Like many people before and since, the writer of the letter was concerned about what was
happening to the collie. The show version of the breed was receiving a lot of publicity as
dog shows became popular in the U.S. Wealthy fanciers such as J.P. Morgan were paying
big prices for collies and importing English show winners. But collies and shepherd dogs
had been brought to America by settlers from the earliest days and people could see that
the collie of the dog shows was not quite the same as the working dog called collie or
shepherd which they remembered. It was a confusing situation.
Before the advent of dog shows in England in the mid-nineteenth century, most breeds of
dogs were not clearly defined. Local strains predominated in various area, with much
overlap and interbreeding. With the development of dog shows and working trials,
different types began to be sorted out into the modern breeds under the names by which
they are known today. This process took some time and was accompanied by many
arbitrary developments. Dogs that today are considered separate breeds started out as one,
the natural variation that occurs within litters eventually leading to divisions as show
breeders sought more and more standardization. In many cases, what strains came to be
recognized breeds, and at what time, and even in what form, had a lot to do with whether
and when a group of people decided to take up that type as their breed. Contrary to
common belief, most of the kennel club breeds have no special purity of background;
about all that can be said is that earlier or later, written pedigrees began to be kept, a
group of people formed an organization to promote what they agreed upon as the "breed
type," and the studbooks were officially closed. Many local breeds, as old and pure as
those which became recognized show breeds, continued for a time as working dogs.
Some, such as the Welsh Black-and-Tan Sheepdog, lacking the promotion of a breed
organization, died out or were absorbed into other breeds. A few, such as the Lancashire
Heeler, have only recently been rescued from near extinction and granted kennel club
The herding dogs of Scotland and northern England were often called collies, but just as
often "sheepdogs" or "shepherd's dogs." Appearance was very diverse, with various sizes,
colors, coat types. By the turn of the century the general trends of breed formation in
these dogs were well under way, although not yet complete. The division of the original
collie into the show type and the working type was being finalized. Up until the 1890s
some collies were still taking part in both bench shows and working trials. But the bench
show dogs were being bred for an increasingly refined appearance with a longer,
narrower head and heavier coat. The working collie kept more of the original appearance,
but the quality of the "eye" was highlighted with the establishment of herding trials, and
this trait with its semi-crouching working style was emphasized through selective
While these developments were taking place, the original type of collie or shepherd dog
style remained in considerable numbers as an all-round worker and family dog on farms
and ranches. Within the overall category of this "old fashioned collie" were local variants,
but the basic type was similar to the dog described by John Holmes in The Farmer's Dog:
There are several other types of Collie quite distinct from the Border
Collie in that they are 'loose-eyed' workers. Most of these are native to
Scotland and include the old-fashioned Scotch Collie from which the
modern show collie is descended. now practically extinct, I have clear
recollections of several of these dogs in my youth and believe that, in my
early efforts to walk, I was assisted by one. They were all easy-going,
level-headed dogs, useful but not flashy workers, and quite willing to lie
about the place when there was nothing better to do. Personally, I think it a
great pity that this type has been practically exterminated by the increasing
popularity of 'strong-eyed' dogs. For all-round farm work they were often
far more use than the classically bred [trials type] dog.
Adding to the confusion was the fact that show Collie breeders for a time attempted to
monopolize the name "Collie" for the animal they were breeding. It was recognized that
there were different breeds of Setters, of Spaniels, of Hounds, but despite the fact that the
show breeders clearly were changing the physical appearance, they insisted their animal
was the one-and-only true Collie. The working dog, if mentioned at all, often was
denigrated as a lesser animal or even as a mongrel. Eventually, of course, it proved
impossible for the Collie name to be kept exclusively for the use of the show breed. First
the Border Collie and then the Bearded Collie appeared as official names, although the
show Collie breeders did succeed in having the Shetland Collie renamed Shetland
As time went on and the show Rough/Smooth Collie and the trialling Border Collie
became more well-known in their modern forms, some attention began to be given to
dogs that continued to work as stockdogs on farms and ranches. Clubs were organized,
breed standards were drawn up, and dogs of similar type were gathered into registries. In
this way, just as had been done with other breeds in earlier times, the English Shepherd
and Australian Shepherd were established as registered breeds. Developments in these
breeds took individual courses and there were different influences due to locality, but
both of these breeds essentially came from that general working collie/shepherd gene
pool well-spread across North America.
About this time, the original old-fashioned collie itself began to diminish in numbers. The
country was becoming more urbanized. Exotic breeds were imported and became
fashionable pets. In North America, the word "collie" came to be identified with the show
Collie or "Lassie"-type collie and only recently have Border Collies and Bearded Collies
become more well known. (Interestingly enough, in Britain and Australia it is often the
Border Collie that is meant when the word "collie" is used alone.)
Back in 1912, there was a strong response to the letter in Country Life in America
inquiring where old-fashioned collies might still be found. Many letters appeared from
those who admired the old-fashioned type and wrote in praise of it, relating anecdotes
illustrating the abilities and character of these dogs. Some writers had such dogs in the
past (referring to periods going back as far as the 1880s), and like the original letter
writer were looking for another. Others wrote about their present dogs. Some were
mentioned as being of "Scotch" origin, one as being of North Wales stock. Some dogs
were pedigreed but old-fashioned in appearance. There were also a few letters from
fanciers of the bench show dog defending the modern type of collie, some even deriding
the old-fashioned type which they had been trying to breed away from. The editor of the
magazine's canine columns had become interested in the quest for the old-fashioned
collie and, noting the controversy, suggested that there might be room for both types.
Throughout 1912, the letters indicated a building interest in the idea of forming a separate
club for the "old-fashioned collies." But in January 1913 there was a change in the
editorial staff of the magazine and a well-known show dog breeder took over the canine
columns. Nothing more was said about old-fashioned collies or the formation of a club
for them. An opportunity was lost.
The old-fashioned collie seems to have survived in reasonable numbers until the 1950s.
There are fewer reminiscences of them after that time. Several ranchers and farmers have
indicated to me that this was bout the time they last worked with "collies." Then, when
their old dog died, although remembered fondly, it was easier to turn to a Border Collie,
now more widely available and being bred systematically for herding ability, or an
Australian Shepherd or English Shepherd (this last, however, was also becoming rare).
The old-fashioned collie had never been taken up in an organized fashion. Its "natural
habitat," the family farm with its variety of livestock and crops, was diminishing in
numbers. There was no club, registry, or organized activities such as shows or trials to
provide publicity.
Still, there were memories of these old-fashioned collies. Many stories continued to be
told of "Old Shep" or "Laddie." Pictures of old-fashioned collies can be seen in numerous
old family albums. They appear in books-a photo in a bibliography of naturalist John
Muir, for instance, shows an old-fashioned, broad-headed collie sitting at Muir's side.
And people continue to think about the old-fashioned collie and wonder if any can still be
found, perhaps some old strain surviving on a remote ranch or farm. They know about
Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, English Shepherds, show Collies, but these are
breeds with their own identities and characteristics now and not, in and of themselves, the
old farm collie that is being sought.
In late 1991, Erika Du Bois of Mabou, Nova Scotia wrote to the American Minor Breeds
Conservancy (now the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy) inquiring about the
possibility of locating old-fashioned collies. She had also written to the Small Farmer's
Journal, describing the old-fashioned collie she obtained when she moved to a family
farm in the Cape Breton area. She had noticed that over the years the dog which had once
been common in the area had gradually disappeared as changing live-styles and fashions
had their effect. In the mid-1980s, Erika became interested in seeking out such dogs, but
found them to be extremely rare. Although she has found a few likely individuals, the
search continues.