IV International Research-to-Practice Conference “Socio-Economical Trends in Developing Global and Russian Markets: Theory and Practice” November 14, 2014 Saratov Dear colleagues! It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Research-to-Practice Conference “Socio-Economical Trends in Developing Global and Russian Markets: Theory and Practice” that will take place on November 14, 2014 in Saratov, Russia People working in the sphere of education and culture, directors and specialists of enterprises, regional and municipal authorities, undergraduates, postgraduates, PhD students and others, are welcome to participate in the conference. The organizers: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Saratov Socio-Economic Institute The goal of the conference is to: establish intercultural, scientific and practical communication between scholars, teachers, representatives of public authorities, heads and specialists of enterprises and companies on fundamental and applied issues of developing global and Russian markets; develop projects and implement research results into knowledge intensive and perspective industries of the real sector of economy; draw out recommendations on improving the contents and methods of education in order to satisfy the demands of population and labour market in top quality education; enhance fundamental nature and practical orientation of educational programmes; assist in forming the system of continuing education. The conference will work in the following areas: Formation of new economic system in conditions of globalization. Innovative model of developing economy: problems and prospects. Up-to-date problems of providing economic security in enterprises, branches and regions. Institutional structures of present day economy, priority directions of their development. Strategic priorities of developing enterprises and branches of the real sector of economy in day-to-day realities. Problems and prospects of developing regional and sectoral economy. Activity of finance and credit institutions in developing the system of markets. Investment activity in the real and financial sectors of economy. Problems and prospects of managing quality and competitiveness of companies working in the real sector of economy. Marketing factors aimed at raising competitiveness of companies on internal and external markets. Marketing and entrepreneurship: day-to-day realities and development prospects. Marketing analysis of product markets. Effective management of enterprises working in the real sector of economy in conditions of turbulent environment. Analysis of problems and prospects for developing the market of finance and credit services. Economic-mathematical methods of modeling market processes. Present day condition and prospects of training and re-training specialists for different markets. Economy and management of the companies’ innovative development. Modern information and telecommunication technologies in developing the system of markets. The working languages of the conference: Russian, English Possible forms of participation: physical, virtual To participate in the conference, applications and theses should be sent to the Organizing Committee by e-mail before November 5, 2014. The collection of papers with the results of the conference will be published in the scientific electronic library at eLIBRARY.ru. Requirements for conference papers: The author has the right to publish not more than two theses (one being co-authored). Text should be typed in Microsoft Office Word, all margins should be 20 mm, A4, font “Times New Roman” sized 14 should be used along with 1.0 interval and 1 cm indention. The thesis should be saved as the last name of the author. UDC index should be placed before the text of the thesis in the left corner, followed by the title of the report (in capital letters), the author’s last name and initials, the name of organization or institution, place of residence (centred). The thesis may contain drawings (black-and-white), formulas and tables. The text in the table should be sized 12. Drawings should be grouped. Image-related text should be font “Times New Roman” sized 12. Graphs and diagrams should include numbers on which they are based. References should be arranged in square bracers only, e.g. [1, p. 5]. Quotation marks should be inverted commas all along the text. Manuscripts will not be returned. Theses to be published in the collection should be sent to the Organizing Committee by e-mail before November 5, 2014. Contact details of the executive secretary of the Organizing Committee: Prof. Sergei A. Saninskiy, DSc (Economics) Head of the Department of Marketing and PR Management E-mail: konf_marketing@mail.ru Tel. + 7-8452-211-723; +7-927-226-95-45 (mobile) It will be our pleasure to have you participating in the conference! Appendix 1 Application of participation in International Research-to-Practice Conference “Socio-Economical Trends in Developing Global and Russian Markets: Theory and Practice” Form of participation: physical/virtual Full name Academic degree, title Place of work, position: For PhD students - scientific speciality For Master’s students – direction of research Name of organisation Name, academic degree and title of the academic supervisor (for students, postgraduate and Master’s students) Conference area Name of thesis City Telephone E-mail Publication in the collection of conference papers: required/not required Postal address (with postal index) for sending the collection of conference papers (if applicable) Appendix 2 Template of drawing up the thesis INNOVATIONS IN THE SPHERE OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Saratov Е-mail: ivanov@mail.ru Text. «Citation» [1, p. 35]. 1. Beresovin N.A. Fundamentals of management: textbook. M.: Novoye Znaniye, 2004.-336p.