RESEARCH AND ORAL HISTORY VOLUNTEERS Location: London, various, mostly East Hours: Flexible Start date: September 2015 We're recruiting a team of up to 10 volunteers to help with a project exploring the history of feminist activism in East London. The project is run by Share UK, a non profit organisation based in East London, and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Volunteers will visit a range of archives with the Research Manager, exploring stories around the project's key themes: violence against women and girls, the labour movement, civil disobedience/social unrest. The periods of interest are turn of the century, 1960s and present day. They will help co-author a report, which will be archived with both the Feminist Library and Bishopsgate Institute. Once the research has been completed (December), volunteers can get involved in the next stage of the project, collecting oral histories from feminist activists and their descendants. This will involve receiving training from the Oral History Society (January 2016) and collecting interviews (February to April 2016) Both the research and the oral histories will provide content for the project outputs: a walking tour app and a final exhibition. Volunteers will be invited to help curate the exhibition, which is expected to take place in summer 2016 (tbc). No previous experience is necessary as full training will be provided at each stage. Out of pocket expenses provided are also provided. The opportunity is open to all ages, genders and backgrounds. To apply email