Reasons for Undertaking a PhD Reasons for undertaking a PhD 92% 59% 54% 48% 36% 29% 28% 25% 7% 2% Enthusiasm for subject Wanted to work in a first rate research group Desire to pursue a career in academia/research Important Believed a PhD would enhance career prospects No suitable alternative employment Also a factor Supervision How much contact do you have with your supervisor? 51% 17% 15% 5% Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly 79% of students received help/advice from a second supervisor or other people. 47% of students have the opportunity to attend group/departmental seminars several times per week, whilst 37% attend at least one per week. 68% of students meet with their supervisors at least once a week. In addition, almost all of the students meet and talk with their supervisor as and when necessary. 77% of students rated the supervision that they receive as excellent/good Training Programme 78% of students said a formal training programme was provided in their first year 88% of students rated their overall training as good/adequate Future Career 52% of students wish to pursue a career in academia To what extent do you think your PhD will help you get a job? 40% 36% 18% 4% Essential Very helpful Some help Not very helpful / No use