Interview exercise (two questions each) Academic questions

Interview exercise (two questions each)
Academic questions
Career Motivation
Why did you do a PhD? How successful has it been?
What is your motivation for a career in academia?
What do you want to achieve in next 5yrs? How would you measure success?
Research Interests & Output
Describe the main issues of your current research and its practical application
to a non specialist
What are you contributing to your current project that is unique?
What outputs do you think are a good measure of a successful researcher?
How will you go about getting published? What is your record to date?
Are there any areas of your work with potential for collaboration with others?
Research Funding
What are you research plans?
Who might fund this research? How would you secure the funding?
How many applications for funds have you made?
What would you enjoy teaching the most?
Do you teach now? Are the students interested? Give an example of a
difficulty you’ve had in a class because of the attitude of a student. Give a
specific case.
How do you use your research in your teaching?
Third Strand/Commercialisation
This University aims to serve the wider community and economy. What
benefits does your research have in these areas?
Non-academic questions
How do you feel that your PhD has prepared you for a career outside
Tell me about a time that you have had to communicate a complex piece of
scientific information to a non-specialist. How did you approach this?
In your PhD studies, describe a decision you have made without being able to
consult your immediate supervisor.
Can you give me an example of when you have worked in a team to achieve
a specific goal? What was your contribution to the team? What was the
outcome? How could you have would improved the performance of the team?
How do you deal with conflict? Give me an example.
What kind of people do you find it difficult to deal with?
When have you used your persuading and negotiating skills to convince
someone to see things your way? Describe a time when you have had to work
under pressure to meet a deadline?
What is your greatest weakness?
What was the most difficult situation you've dealt with in the past in your work
or personal life?
What do you do to motivate yourself? Describe a time that shows you have
done this successfully.
When have you gone the extra mile to get the job done?
Tell me about a time that you have tried to accomplish something and failed.
What is the most innovative thing you have done?
What is your greatest achievement? Why?