REQUEST TO TRANSFER FROM MSC TO PHD PROGRAM IN REHABILITATION SCIENCE (RS) Student to complete this section of the form and submit to the RS Graduate Program Office – IAHS 402 _____________________________________ Student’s name Brief statement of reasons for transferring from the MSc into the PhD (not more than 100 words) Provide a brief (not more than 100 words) summary of the area of research (noting if in progress) DATE: __________________ Student's Signature _________________________________ The following is to be completed by the student's PhD Supervisor. Please write a short summary of the plans for insuring the student has the research facilities and funding required to become a full-time PhD student; or if transferring into part-time PhD studies a rationale for why part-time studies are required. By signing this form, I am indicating my willingness to supervise the student and my assessment based on observations in their Master’s program that they are capable of taking on the demands of the PhD program. Please indicate the date(s) the transfer should be arranged: _________________________________________ DATE: _______________ ___________________________________ Supervisor's signature Updated: March 2014