A&E 07.01.10 PERSHORE TOWN COUNCIL AMENITIES AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE THURSDAY 7th January 2010 Minutes of a meeting of the Amenities and Environment Committee held on Thursday 7th January 2010, at Pershore Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore commencing at 7.30pm. Present:- Cllr D Shaw (Chairman) Cllr J Grantham MBE Cllr D Hughes (non member) Cllr P Merry Cllr C Parsons MBE Cllr T D G Rose Cllr K E P Rowe Cllr M Rowe Cllr C Smith (non member) Cllr C Tucker Items referred by members of the public There were no other members of the public present. 282. Apologies Cllr Amphlett’s apologies were accepted as she was unwell, Cllr Palfrey’s apologies were accepted as he was working and Cllr Wood’s apologies were accepted as she was away. 283. Declarations of Interest Cllrs Parsons and Rose declared personal interests in agenda item 6, Allotments 284. Minutes It was proposed by Cllr Merry, seconded by Cllr Parsons and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 5th November be signed as a true record of the proceedings. 285. Matters of report from the minutes a. The Clerk advised members that the risk assessments at Avon Meadows had been completed and a policy document was anticipated in the New Year. b. The Clerk advised that still no details of the proposed bat survey at the cemetery had been received. c. The Clerk advised members that she had had no response to correspondence concerning bus timetables nor had the invoice sent been paid. Cllr Shaw asked for copies of these documents so that the matter could be raised at a forthcoming meeting. Cllr Parsons also asked that Cllr Shaw suggest bus timetables be available on buses for distribution to travellers. Chairmans Initials 456 A&E 07.01.10 286. Transition Towns Cllr Shaw advised members that a meeting was to be held on 25th January and it was hoped the article in the Council Newsletter would have encouraged more people to attend. He also advised that Cllr Wood and Mr Gooderham were to attend Transition Town training at Bishopswood shortly. 287. Allotments The Clerk advised members that a public meeting had been arranged with Severn Trent and the Environment Agency on 19th January as requested. The Clerk also advised that an amended planning application for the defences had been submitted but it was likely that, as the alternations were material, a new planning application would be requested by Wychavon. As the new planning application now indicates that no pumping stations are to be installed, members were concerned that a public meeting was to be held without the opportunity for members to have discussions with the Environment Agency and Severn Trent prior to the meeting. It was therefore agreed that the Clerk try to arrange a meeting before 19th January with Severn Trent and the Environment Agency for interested members and advise members accordingly. 288. Pershore Railway Station The Clerk advised that there had been no further progress in this regard. 289. Pershore Hydropower Cllr Tucker reported that a grant application for the hydropower project had been submitted although at this stage it was too soon to know whether it would succeed. It was planned that, should the application be successful, the Town Council would advance the funds to a new charitable trust set up to lend the funds to the engineering company installing the turbine. Income received by way of repayment of the loan would then be used for future projects to reduce the carbon footprint of the town. Cllr Merry asked what financial information had been provided by the engineering company to ensure the viability of the project and Cllr Tucker said that should the grant application succeed, a due diligence process would need to be entered into before any contract was agreed. Cllr Rowe asked what responsibility the Town Council would have if, part way through the project, the engineering company ran into financial difficulties and Cllr Tucker advised that safeguards would be built into the contract when it was drawn up. Cllr Tucker advised members that the Council would be notified by 14 th January if they had progressed to the short list and if they had, a site visit would be undertaken between 14 th and 22nd January and some preparation would be required for this visit. 290. Heritage Landscapes Cllr Shaw advised members of the details of a project to look at how landscapes are used in the creation of local ideas of heritage and senses of place. The data obtained will be used to consider various ways in which landscape can be used to help foster local senses of identity and all research will be carried out between January and July 2010. Cllr Shaw agreed to give the details to any interested members. Cllr Shaw had also drawn the information to the attention of Mr Chairmans Initials Jim Burgin, from Wychavon D.C. 457 A&E 07.01.10 291. Public Transport Cllr Shaw advised members that a meeting was to be held on 3rd February and that the recently completed transport questionnaire had proved to be most useful. He intended also attending the Youth Council meeting the following week where public transport was an agenda item so that he could take forward any of the Youth Council’s concerns. 292 Items for information There were none. 293. Items for future agenda Cherry Orchard Playing Field (Cllr Amphlett) There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.12 Signed……………………………………………. Date………………………. Chairman Chairmans Initials 458