Sybille YATES Online Reputation - Using SEO to protect your brand

Sybille YATES
Online Reputation - Using SEO to protect your brand – Sybille Yates
'Buying' decisions (products, services, employment as well as general trust factors) are nowadays
made predominantly online. Potential buyers/clients will research your business online before
purchasing your product/service or contracting/employing you. In many cases your domain name
is your brand or at least the first point of entry for an online research regarding your
business/brand/services. Therefor monitoring your online reputation/that of your brand/business
is paramount in todays world. But just knowing what others think about your business is not
enough. Businesses need to be pro-active in terms of SMO and online reputation management to
make sure they do stay in business/don't appear old fashioned and/or outdated to potential
customers, especially to the younger/more tech savvy market segment.
What is actually online reputation and why does it matter?
You do have the online reputation you deserve – or not?
People are more likely to leave negative than positive comments. How can you overcome
this problem?
Short overview of basic terms like SEO, SMO etc.
Social Media signals as part of SEO and online reputation.
Monitoring your online reputation with help of search engines etc.
Using Social Media the right way, from a customer perspective.
Pareto principle and avoiding spending time on the wrong social media platforms.
Making it easy for website visitors to do social media promotion for you.
Which social media for which type of business.
Building a community around your brand.
Capturing recurring business.
Open Questions Time.
Actively monitoring your online reputation with the help of SEO, SMO and search engines and reacting
appropriately to those results is paramount to having a successful business online presence. By engaging
visitors on different levels, both on and off your website, you can build trust and secure recurring business.