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Content Benchmark P.8.C.1
Students know visible light is a narrow band within the electromagnetic spectrum. I/S
Sample Test Questions
1st Item Specification: Know visible light is a small segment of the entire electromagnetic
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
1. What part of the electromagnetic spectrum can be seen by humans?
A. Visible light
B. Microwaves
C. Ultraviolet
D. Infrared
2. The electromagnetic spectrum is made up of bands of waves with different
A. velocities.
B. frequencies.
C. reflections.
D. focal points.
3. The diagram below illustrates the electromagnetic spectrum. Use this diagram to answer the
following question.
Which type of electromagnetic wave has the greatest frequency?
A. Radio waves
B. Infrared
C. Gamma rays
D. Microwaves
4. The diagram below illustrates the electromagnetic spectrum. Use this diagram to answer the
following question.
Which type of electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?
A. Visible light
B. Radio waves
C. Ultraviolet
D. Gamma rays
2nd Item Specification: Recognize and identify the properties of light (e.g., color, brightness,
wavelength, frequency, reflection, refraction, and diffraction).
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
5. Which property of light causes a rainbow to form?
A. Reflection
B. Absorption
C. Refraction
D. Diffraction
6. The figure below represents how light can travel. Use this figure to answer the following
This diagram best represents
A. reflection.
B. refraction.
C. absorption.
D. diffusion.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 2
7. Use the image below to answer the next question.
When a pencil is placed in a glass of water, the pencil appears broken at the surface of the
water because the speed of light
A. is increasing.
B. stops immediately.
C. is decreasing.
D. remains the same.
8. What is happening when a person sees a red apple?
A. Red light is being reflected off the apple to the eye.
B. Red light is emitted from the apple to the eye.
C. White light is reflecting off the eye onto the apple.
D. White light is emitted from the apple to the eye.
3rd Item Specification: Understand the relationship between the electromagnetic radiation
emitted by an object and the object’s temperature.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
9. Which colored flame is at a higher temperature?
A. red
B. orange
C. yellow
D. blue
10. Why does a light bulb emit visible light?
A. The bulb’s filament wire is a made of material which causes electrons to spark.
B. The bulb’s filament wire is around 3000 degrees Celsius and visibly glows.
C. The bulb’s filament wire is very thin and you can see the electrical current.
D. The bulb’s filament wire vibrates very rapidly and produces light waves.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 2
11. An astronomer has observed two nebulae in space that stationary relative to Earth. The
Nebula A emits strongly in infrared light. The Nebula B emits strongly in ultraviolet. Which
is the BEST explanation of the observation?
A. Nebula A has the same average temperature as Nebula B because temperature does
not depend on the light emitted.
B. Nebula A has the same average temperature as Nebula B, but Nebula A is farther
away, shifting the light emitted.
C. Nebula A has a greater average temperature than Nebula B because hotter objects will
emit strongly in infrared light.
D. Nebula A has a lower average temperature than Nebula A because cooler objects will
emit strongly in infrared light.
12. There are two bright stars in a constellation. One of the stars appears blue. The other star
appears red. Which of the following is the BEST explanation for the difference in the stars’
A. The blue star must have a smaller mass compared to the red star.
B. The blue star must have a larger size compared to the red star
C. The blue star must have a greater surface temperature compared to the red star.
D. The blue star must be moving toward the Earth and the red star away from Earth.
Constructed Response P.8.C.1
You and your friend are outside playing a game of one-on-one basketball. Your friend asks you
about light and why we see that the basketball has an orange color.
A. Draw and label a diagram to show the path of light that allows a person to see a
basketball outside.
B. Using your diagram, explain how and why you and your friend see that basketball is
Content Benchmark P.8.C.1
Students know visible light is a narrow band within the electromagnetic spectrum. I/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. A, DOK level 1
2. B, DOK level 1
3. C, DOK level 1
4. B, DOK level 1
5. C, DOK level 1
6. A, DOK level 1
7. C, DOK level 2
8. A, DOK level 2
9. D, DOK level 1
10. B, DOK level 1
11. D, DOK level 2
12. C, DOK level 2
Constructed Response 3-point Answer and Score Rubric:
Light is emitted
from the sun onto
the basketball.
3 points
The light is then
reflected off of the
basketball into the
Response addresses all parts of the question clearly and correctly.
Student draws a diagram that includes the sun, a ball, and an eye.
Light is emitted from the sun onto the basketball. The light is then
reflected off of the basketball into the eye. The person sees the
basketball as orange because the ball is absorbing all the colors of
light from the sun except orange, which it is reflecting to the eye.
2 points
Response addresses all parts of the question and includes only minor
1 point
Response does not address all parts of the question.
0 points
Response is totally incorrect or no response provided.