Constraining mantle rheology by observations of seismic anisotropy beneath transform boundaries Bradford H. Hager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John A. Collins, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute; Anne Sheehan and Peter Molnar, University of Colorado; and Kimon Ioannides, Concord Academy Seismic anisotropy results from the lattice preferred orientation of crystals arising from deformation by power law creep. If the pattern of finite strain in the mantle could be inferred, the presence or absence of seismic anisotropy would be diagnostic of whether the in situ rheology is linear or nonlinear. Since laboratory experiments investigating deformation of silicates typically are carried out at strain rates millions to billions times higher than those in the mantle, it is important to test extrapolations of experimental results using observations of anisotropy generated (or not, if deformation occurs via diffusion creep) by flow in the mantle. Probably no other place in the mantle is flow better characterized than beneath transform faults in oceanic lithosphere. In the uppermost mantle, where we expect the greatest seismic anisotropy, flow beneath oceanic transforms will be dominated by the shearing generated by relative plate motion. We compute flow for a simple model that assumes that mantle flow is driven by strike-slip motion at velocity vp on an infinitely long transform fault, imposed as a surface boundary condition. An analytic solution for the flow field can be obtained by assuming that the mantle is a (possibly non-Newtonian) halfspace with an effective viscosity = o(o/)(n-1) = o(o/)(n-1)/n, where o is a reference viscosity at reference deviatoric stress, oor reference strain rate, o and n is the stress exponent. The velocity field is purely toroidal; taking the y axis parallel to the transform, the x axis perpendicular to the transform, and the z axis down, the only non-zero component of velocity is vy= vp(1-2/where = sin-1(x/r) and r= (x2+z2)1/2. The deviatoric strain rate and stress are given by edev = v/r and dev= o(ro/r)1/n, where ro is the distance from the origin where the stress reaches reference value o. The deformation occurs by simple shear on planes fanning out from the origin. The strain rate, which falls off as 1/r, does not depend upon n, but the stress, which decays as (ro/r)1/n, dies out less quickly for dislocation (n=3) than for diffusion creep (n = 1). If flow is nonlinear (e.g., n=3), deformation results in preferred orientation of olivine in a characteristic pattern. Seismic anisotropy is often attributed to motion of tectonic plates over the mantle below. Such movement would induce another component of strain and (for n=3) anisotropy beneath the transform fault, requiring a numerical 3-D flow calculation. Near the surface, the deformation geometry and dev are dominated by the transform shear, while at depth they are dominated by the shear due to absolute plate motion. The transition from transform-dominated shear to absolute plate motion-dominated shear depends on the relative magnitude of the two contributions. The dev falls off rapidly away from the transform, reaching a fairly constant value through most of the model. Thus, determining whether seismic anisotropy is confined to the region near a transform or extends more widely should place strong constraints on the strain rate at which the transition between linear and nonlinear rheology occurs in the mantle.