Mantle Deformation and Anisotropy beneath a Continental Transform Fault, Offshore New Zealand Anne Sheehan and Peter Molnar, University of Colorado, Bradford H. Hager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John A. Collins and J. Gregory Hirth, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution We propose an onshore/offshore passive source seismic experiment at New Zealand to explore mantle deformation associated with large scale continental transform faulting and/or shear in the underlying asthenosphere. The deformation will be studied through measurements of seismic anisotropy and associated geodynamic modeling for strike-slip shear and different rheological structures of the asthenosphere. We plan a multidisciplinary approach, including seismology, geodynamics, and mineral physics. We envision the use of 20 broadband ocean bottom seismometers, with most deployed on the submerged continental lithosphere northwest of the Alpine Fault. The OBS's will be supplemented by existing and planned land-based stations operated by New Zealand colleagues at IGNS and Victoria University. We plan to constrain amounts and orientations of anisotropy using S-wave splitting, surface wave dispersion, azimuthal variations in Pn and Sn travel times, and receiver functions. We seek to determine whether the thin viscous sheet model of deformation as a continuum in the mantle lithosphere can account for the anisotropy and is appropriate for continental transform faulting, or if instead deformation is localized on faults in the mantle lithosphere and anisotropy develops because of shear of the underlying asthenosphere. Both the depth and width of the anisotropic zone will be used to determine how localized deformation is in the lithosphere and the relative contributions of lithosphere and ansthenosphere to the measured anisotropy. These results can be compared to those from a proposed study of an oceanic transform boundary at the Macquirie ridge. The difference in rheology between oceanic and continental lithosphere should produce significantly different flow fields. The contribution of fluids and thermal effects will be explored through the joint use of velocity and attenuation tomography. Secondary studies will include the exploration of the Lehmann discontinuity on adjacent continental and oceanic lithosphere and its interpretation as either a thermal or an anisotropic boundary layer.