1.Define (in context): Metabolism Gluconeogenesis Aerobic Energy balance appetite Metabolic fitness Enrichment Anabolism Glycogen Beta oxidation Satiety RMR (BMR) Fat soluble Fortification catabolism Glycolysis deamination Satiation Lean body mass Water soluble Carotenoids Glycolysis Anaerobic Basal body temperature Hunger BMI Organic Tocopherols 2. Understand food as a source of energyď ATP and name the various pathways for this. What are the products of complete metabolism of a carbohydrate in the energy metabolism pathways? 3. What are enzymes and coenzymes? What is their role in energy metabolism. Give examples of 2 coenzymes and the micronutrients required in their formation/function. 4. Describe the relative positions in metabolic pathways of Glucose, fatty acids, pyruvate, oxaloacetate, lactic acid. 5. Describe the different locations of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. 6. Where do ketones come from? What can they be used for? 7. Describe the processes (related to nutrient management) following a large meal. (hormone involvement?) 8. Describe the processes (related to nutrient management) as the body enters a fasting mode. (hormone involvement?) 9. What 2 factors are essential to balance in weight management? 10. List/describe several factors influencing the perception of hunger. 11. list/describe several processes requiring energy in the body. 12. Describe basal (or resting) metabolic rate, components of it and influences on it. 13. Describe several metrics for evaluating “healthy weight”, their advantages and disadvantages. 14. Describe 2 patterns of weight distribution (android and gynoid), influences on these and associated health risks. 15. Distinguish between hypertrophic and hyperplastic obesity; describe influences on risks for obesity; describe health risks associated with obesity. 16. Describe features of successful approaches to weight management. Describe relative risks and benefits for varius approaches to weight reduction. 17. Describe healthy and approaches to weight gain for the underweight individual. 18. Describe differences between the macro- (fuel) and micronutrients. 19. Name the fat soluble vitamins and describe some differences between these and water soluble. 20 For each of the discussed vitamins: RDA (units and ballpark values) Uses in the body, sources, deficit symptoms, vulnerable populations, significant toxicities. 21 Particular background points about the nutrients as discussed in class, including significant historical roles, vulnerabilities (heat, oxidation, UV radiation),