Optical Fiber IR Thermometry and its Use within Gas Turbines ADAM COOKE and PETER CHILDS Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research Centre (TFMRC) School of Science & Technology, Department of Engineering & Design University of Sussex UK Abstract: - Fiber optic infrared thermometers offer an alternative to traditional temperature measurement techniques for use within gas turbines – particularly for use on rotating components. This paper addresses the area of fiber optic infrared thermometry and its use for both surface and gas flow temperature measurements within such gas turbines. Infrared fundamentals and thermometry operations are described before discussing various types of fiber optic infrared thermometers. The paper ends with a look at possible near term future developments for this technology. Key-Words: - infrared thermometry, optical fiber, gas turbine 1 Introduction The continual quest for ever better thermal efficiencies within gas turbine engines almost inevitably means higher temperatures throughout the engine. These higher temperatures lead to a more severe measuring environment, especially for the turbine components. It is an essential part of engine testing to measure the surface temperatures of various internal components and the temperature of air and gas flows. Component surface temperatures have traditionally been carried out using “contact” measurement techniques, the most common of which is the use of surface mounted thermocouples. The conventional way of using such thermocouples is to machine a groove in the component to insert a small diameter thermocouple cable. The thermocouple can then be secured in place in the groove using a high temperature cement, welded in place or constrained using shim straps which are spot welded to the surrounding surface. However, these techniques have a number of disadvantages and limitations including: [1] The machining of the grooves can introduce undesirable stressing within the component. The insertion of the groove and thermocouple will inevitably alter the heat transfer and temperature distribution within the component. The temperature field is distorted by the presence of the thermocouple and its method of constraint. The machining of the grooves and insertion of the thermocouples is very labour intensive and therefore expensive. Thermocouple devices are limited in their maximum measurable temperature, response, accuracy and stability and can also be affected by electromagnetic interference. The requirement to incorporate instrumentation slip-ring unit. an The measurement of air and gas flow temperatures has traditionally been made by immersing a thermocouple or resistance temperature detector directly into the flow. The actual device will depend on the required temperature range to be measured. Sometimes the sensor will require protection from the local environment, often using a protection tube or a thermowell. The main disadvantage of this method is that high gas velocities can give rise to dynamic heating with an immersed probe and due allowance must be made for this effect. Conduction of heat along any probe and/or protective sleeve is also a prominent problem. [23] An alternative to contact temperature measurement techniques are “non-contact” techniques, the most prominent of which is Infrared (IR) thermometry. IR thermometry makes use of the physical electromagnetic phenomena whereby all objects above 0 K emit radiant energy. This radiant energy can then be used to infer the temperature of an object. -1- 2 Background to IR Heat transfer between two entities can occur by means of three mechanisms: conduction, convection and radiation. It is with the process of radiation with which infrared thermometry is concerned. A typical IR measurement system comprises the source or target (whose temperature is desired), the transmission medium through which radiant energy is transmitted, usually a gas, and the measuring device. The measuring device may include an optical system, a detector and a control and analysis system. C2 = the second radiation constant = 0.01438769 m K T = absolute temperature (K) Fig.2 is a plot of spectral emissive power against wavelength for the main infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum for a range of temperatures. The electromagnetic spectrum extends from gamma rays, with wavelengths in the order of 10-5 μm, up to radio waves with wavelengths of hundreds of meters. IR thermometry is concerned with the section of this spectrum ranging from approximately 0.1 μm to 100 μm. [2]. See Fig.1 Fig.2 Spectral emissive power Fig.1 The electromagnetic spectrum (from 23]) Emissive power is the term used to describe the amount of thermal radiation which leaves the surface of an object. The emissive power of an object is expressed relative to that of a blackbody. A blackbody is a theoretical surface which is said to absorb all incident radiation, emit more energy at any given wavelength and temperature than any other surface, and whose emitted radiation is independent of direction. The spectral emissive power for a blackbody can be determined using Planck’s Law as follows: C1 E ,b C2 1 T 5 exp Where: E,b = spectral emissive power for a blackbody (W/m3) C1= the first radiation constant = 3.74177498 x 1016 W m2 = wavelength (m) From Fig.2 it can be seen that the magnitude of spectral emissive power decreases as the wavelength increases and that for each wavelength it has a maximum value. Wien’s Displacement Law defines the relationship between wavelength and temperature and is as follows: maxT = 0.028978 m K Integrating Planck’s Law over all wavelengths gives the total emissive power for a blackbody as follows: Eb C1 d C 5 exp 2 1 T Resulting in: Eb T 4 Where: = Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x 10-8 W/ m2 K4 3 Fiber Optic Infrared Thermometers -2- The development of fiber optic infrared technology has removed the need for IR thermometers to require a clear line of sight between the target and the sensor components. This means that IR thermometry can now be used in even less accessible areas and, due to the much reduced size of fiber optics over conventional pyrometers, they are much less intrusive to the surrounding area. The use of fiber optic cables also allows the detector and electronics to be located well away from the measurement area and any possible risks associated with it. Another feature of fiber optic systems is the ability of the cables to withstand extreme and hostile measuring environments. There are two main types of fiber optic infrared thermometer: a blackbody system and an optical lens system. These two devices are similar but are used for two very different applications. A blackbody fiber optic system is used to measure air flow temperatures or gas temperatures whilst an optical lens system is used to measure component surface temperatures. transmission properties of the core material which determines the wavelength range of radiation which can be measured. The cladding is usually made of the same material as the core but with a slightly lower index of refraction. Finally, the outer coating surrounds the core and cladding and provides them with protection from the physical environment. This outer cladding is usually made from numerous coats of plastic and/or metal sheaths with the exact material being governed by the environment in which the cable is to be used. The difference in refractive index between the core and the cladding results in the occurrence of total internal reflection. A material’s index of refraction is the ratio of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the material. When a beam of light or radiant energy passes from one material to another with a different index of refraction, the beam is bent (or refracted) at the boundary of the two materials. The law of refraction is described by Snell’s Law as follows: N1SinA = N2SinB The working principle of the two systems is very similar as it is only at their “measuring” end where the two systems differ and this will be discussed in later sections. Common to both systems is the inclusion of a fiber optic cable. This cable is used to channel the thermal radiation from the source, be it a gas temperature or a surface temperature, to the detector. Where N1 and N2 are the indices of refraction of the materials through which the beam of energy is passing and A and B are the angles of incidence and refraction respectively, see Fig.4 In simple terms, the two systems work as follows: thermal radiation enters the fiber optic cable at its measuring end and is then transported along its length to the detector by way of total internal reflection. This process obviously relies heavily on the transmission characteristics of the cables. All fiber optic cables have 3 basic elements: the core, the cladding and the outer coating. See Fig.3 Outer Coating Fig.4 Angles of refraction If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle for the interface (typically about 82 º for fiber optic cables) then the beam of energy is reflected back into the core without any loss and this is the process termed total internal reflection, see Fig.5 [3] Outer Coating Cladding Beam Core Core Fig.3 A typical fiber optic cable The core is the main part of the cable through which the radiation energy travels. It is the Cladding Fig.5 Total internal reflection The main disadvantage of early fiber optic cables was that they had very high transmission losses, or -3- were limited in wavelength coverage, this made them unpractical for use, see Fig.6 Fig.7 Transmission losses of selected fiber optic cables (from [7] ) Examples of, and more detail about fiber optic cables and their properties can be found in references 4 - 14. 4 Blackbody Fiber Optic System A blackbody fiber optic system is used to measure air flow, or gas, temperatures and consists of three basic elements: a blackbody cavity, a fiber optic cable, or cables, and a detector assembly, see Fig.8 Fig.6 Historical cable transmission losses (from [21] ) However, recent developments have resulted in a number of fiber optic cables with suitably low transmission losses. These cables can be classified into three categories: glass cables, crystal cables and hollow waveguides. Table 1 is a summary table of the different categories. Category Glass Crystal Hollow waveguides Sub-category Heavy metal fluoride (HMFG) Chalcogenide Polycrystalline (PC) Single crystal (SC) Metal/dielectri c film Examples ZBLAN (ZrF4BaF2-LaF3AlF3-NaF) GeO2-PbO AgBrCl Sapphire Hollow glass waveguide Hollow sapphire Table 1 Different fiber optic cable materials For all the cable types the transmission losses vary for differing wavelengths and so the choice of cable is predominantly made by matching the transmission characteristics with the wavelength of thermal radiation which is to be measured, see Fig.7 Blackbody Cavity Fiber Optic Cable Lens Detector Wavelength Filter Detector Sensitive Area To Detector Electronics Fig.8 A schematic of a black body fiber optic system The black body cavity is typically a thin (3 to 5 μm) platinum (or iridium) film sputtered onto the tip of the fiber optic cable. The most commonly used cable type is sapphire because it is transparent and non-emitting in the visible and near infrared range up to its melting point of 2070 ºC. At the fiber tip the surface is then coated with a protective thin film of aluminium oxide. The response of the thin film of aluminium oxide to the temperature changes of the surrounding circumstances is expected to be rapid because of the low thermal conductivity of the sapphire cable [15]. Yabin Yu [15] reported that the emissivity of the blackbody cavity is not the ideal constant of 1, but is a function of wavelength and temperature. For example, the change in emissivity of a cavity (with a length to diameter ratio of 2) is less than 0.01 for λ from 0.5 to 0.7 μm and T from 600 to 1300 ºC. Blackbody radiation is emitted from the blackbody cavity as its temperature varies. A portion of this radiation is then transmitted along the length of the cable where it reaches the detector assembly. The detector assembly typically contains a light gathering lens to focus the radiation onto the detector, an appropriate wavelength filter to filter the radiation to the required wavelength and a detector to convert the radiation energy to an electrical signal for processing. The most commonly used detectors are photon (or quantum) detectors such as InAs, Ge, ZnS and HgCaTe. -4- During the transmission of the thermal radiation from the source to the detector assembly there are inevitably some losses. These losses include small amounts of reflection at the fiber ends, slight misalignment of any cable couplings used and low levels of absorption within the cable itself. All these factors need to be taken into account when processing the signal. This is usually done by the use of a correction factor at the post processing stage. Blackbody fiber optic systems are finding more and more uses for the measurement of gas temperatures within gas turbines, especially in the hot sections of the turbine. Tregay [16] reported a durable blackbody fiber optic sensor for this purpose. This device had a thermally emissive insert embedded inside a sapphire cable and was reported to be able to operate above the melting point of nickel based super alloys. The device was installed between the first stage rotor and second stage nozzle of a General Electric MS7001B turbine with the measuring tip located 1.5 inches into the hot gas stream. Over 2000 hours of testing were accumulated at temperatures near 900 ºC. Dils [17] developed a high temperature blackbody fiber optic device which was capable of measuring gas temperatures from 600 to 2000 ºC. This device consisted of a small blackbody cavity sputtered on the end of a sapphire fiber, a connecting low temperature glass fiber and a conventional optical detector assembly. Tregay [16] reported the development of a blackbody fiber optic device for measuring gas temperatures within gas turbine engines in the region 600 to 1900 ºC. Whilst blackbody fiber optic systems have all the advantages mentioned above they also have some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that the blackbody cavity can be easily contaminated and corroded by impurities whilst working under harsh environment conditions [15]. 5 Optical Lens Fiber Optic System An optical lens fiber optic system is used to measure surface temperatures and differs from a blackbody system in that it has a collimating (or focusing lens) at its measuring end instead of a blackbody cavity. The principle of operation however remains the same as for the blackbody type systems described above. The detected emission of thermal radiation comes directly from the surface being measured. The lenses are made from suitable IR transmitting materials such as CaF2, KRS-5, or ZnSe. The design and geometry of the lens dictates the size of the spot on the target being measured and also the field of view of the instrument. By varying the design of this lens it is possible to measure either a very small point temperature or a larger regional temperature. By designing the lens in such a way that allows the end of the cable to be positioned a distance away from the target, it is possible to use cables which do not have to be able to survive such high temperatures. Fig.9 shows a schematic of a typical optical lens fiber optic system. Lens Lens Detector Lens Holder Fiber Optic Cable Detector Sensitive Area To Detector Electronics Wavelength Filter Fig.9 A schematic of an optical lens fiber optic system The absorption and reflectance of the transmission medium for this type of system is an important factor and care needs to be taken to avoid wavelengths with high levels of absorption. Optical lens systems are offered by many commercial companies including LAND Instruments, IMPAC Infrared, Omega and Raytek. 6 Advantages of Optical Fiber thermometry Detailed below are the main advantages that fiber optic thermometers have over conventional measuring methods [15, 18]: They are non-contact and so can be used to measure the temperature of moving components much more easily. The materials from which fiber optic cables are made are typically good electrical insulators. Since they do not conduct electricity, the probes themselves cannot introduce electrical shorting. Likewise, they do not absorb significant levels of electromagnetic radiation or become heated by such fields. In addition to this, stray fields cannot induce electrical noise in fibers and so the probes exhibit a very high level of electromagnetic immunity. -5- The part of a typical blackbody fiber optic thermometer which is inserted into the measurement area is essentially no bigger than the fiber optic cable itself and so requires very little access space. The small size of the fiber and its electrical, chemical and thermal inertness allow for longterm location of the sensor deep inside complex equipment and thereby provide access to locations which are difficult to address, where the monitoring of temperature may be of interest. of a blade averaging process. The measurement of the temperature of the gas flowing through the turbine is desirable in order to monitor operating conditions. [19] Most fiber optic sensors require no electrical power at the sensor end of the system. They generate their own optical signal or they are “powered” remotely by radiation from a light source located within the instrument. The small size of the fiber optic cable and its electrical, chemical and thermal inertness allow semi-permanent location of the sensor deep inside complex and hard to reach equipment and thereby provide access to difficult to address locations where temperature may be of interest. Access is most commonly achieved by the use of a sighting tube and mounting flange. The mounting flange is attached to the outer casing of the turbine and then the fiber optic cable is inserted into a sight tube which provides it with protection. If required, cooling air can also be pumped down the sighting tube. To assist with keeping the fiber end clean and free from contamination, it is good practise to point the device downstream of the flow. A typical turbine blade access system is shown below in Fig.10 One of the most important things to consider with turbine blade and turbine gas thermometry is the issue of access to the target for the infrared thermometer. The target will typically either be the turbine blades themselves or the gas flowing through the turbine and so the issue of access can be dealt with in the same way. To Detector Electronics Sight Tube Mounting Flange Outer Casing 7 The use of Fiber Optic IR Thermometry within Gas Turbines Fiber Optic Cable To date most fiber optic IR thermometry systems, and indeed all types of IR thermometry systems, within gas turbines have either been used to measure the surface temperature of the turbine blades or the temperature of the gas in the turbine section. A small number of systems have been used to measure the temperature of turbine disks. For turbine blade measurements there are three common basic requirements: 1. Blade profiling 2. Hot blade detection 3. Blade averaging The objective of blade profiling is detailed thermal mapping of individual blades which can then be put together to create a thermal map of the entire array of turbine blades. In hot blade detection the objective is to identify and locate any blade, or blades, which are running at higher temperatures than the rest of the array. An average temperature measurement of the entire blade array is the result Inner Casing Vane Blade Vane Blade Fig.10 Typical turbine blade access set-up For more information on fiber optic IR thermometry systems and specific examples of their uses in gas turbines see references 1, 5, 13, 15 - 20, 22, 24 - 31 and 34 - 39. When measuring the temperature of turbine disks, the requirement is usually for an average temperature as a function of disk radius, although sometimes detailed data of temperature from the area of blade roots is of particular interest. Disk heating rates on engine start-up are also often of interest. -6- 8 The Future of Fiber Optic IR Thermometry within Gas Turbines The use of fiber optic IR thermometry within gas turbines has changed little in recent years and is still to significantly progress from use for just turbine blade and gas measurements. Listed below are a number of possible developments which may be seen in the near future which will aid the increase in use of fiber optic IR thermometry. 8.1 Range Expansion Whilst the temperature measuring range of some fiber optic IR thermometry systems is already large, they tend to have a lower temperature limit of around 200 or 300 ºC. This means that these systems cannot be used to make measurements at temperatures lower than this - which makes the measurement of engine start-up temperatures impossible. The cause of this “high” lower temperature limit is the properties of the fiber optic cable material used, specifically their low transmission levels at longer wavelengths. This limitation is being overcome by the development of new chalcogenide and polycrystalline IR fiber materials, CIR and PIR respectively. These cables have much lower transmission losses over a wider range of wavelengths and so can be used to measure lower temperatures. For more information see references 32 and 33. 8.2 Cost Reduction The current high cost of specialist IR fiber optic cables constitutes a barrier to their widespread use. While some of the costs are unavoidable, much of it stems from the limited volume of manufacture. As more uses for these cables are found then production volumes can be increased which should lead to a decrease in these costs. [18] optic cables in a linear array, all within a single outer coating, and so with careful arrangement, each individual cable can be set to measure the temperature of a different disk radius. 8.3 Cable Flexibility The typical “sight tube and mounting flange” arrangement mentioned earlier is mounted on the external casing of the gas turbine and so is limited to access to the turbine blade area and cannot be used to access other gas turbine components such as the discs. Access to these areas will typically involve feeding the cable through the turbine shaft, then up into the disc cavities before finally fixing them to adjacent stator components. This process requires the cables to be bent, sometimes significantly, and current fiber optic cables have very definite minimum bending radii of typically 10 mm. As cables develop they will need to have smaller minimum bending radii which would allow them access to ever more restrictive environments. 8.4 Multiple Instruments As discussed earlier, a slightly different piece of equipment is used to measure surface temperatures than is used to measure gas temperatures. Future systems could combine the two and be used to measure blade surface temperatures and the temperature of the gas flowing past them. Watari M. et al [20] developed an optical fiber thermometer which had 4 cables fed into a single detector system. These cables could be separated from the detector system in any combination. The principle advantage of this system is that it allows the cables to be individually replaced if they become damaged or otherwise require replacing. Future systems could see both a blackbody system and a lens system being fed into a single detector system. 8.3 Measurement Arrays 9 Conclusions Whilst it is currently possible to use a small motor, or similar movement device, in order to scan a surface using a single probe, this process cannot return simultaneous measurements – as only one location can be measured at any one time. However, it is often desirable to know simultaneous surface temperatures e.g. turbine disk temperatures at different radii at a given instance in time. It is now possible to arrange several fiber This paper discusses the current use of fiber optic infrared thermometers for both surface and gas flow temperature measurements within gas turbines. Blackbody fiber optic systems can be used to measure gas flow temperatures whilst optical lens systems can be used to measure surface temperatures. Both of these systems share many common components, central to which is the fiber optic cable itself. 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