HYDROLOGIC & HYDRAULIC REPORT ON THE PROPOSED BRIDGE WATERWAY OPENING MERCER COUNTY STATE ROUTE 2025, SECTION BO0 SEGMENT 0020, OFFSET 0000 OVER BARMORE RUN Prepared by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Engineering District 1-0 Bridge Unit June 2005 Mercer County S.R.2025, Sec. B00 Seg.0020, Off.0000 Over Barmore Run PROJECT DESCRIPTION NARRATIVE INTRODUCTION AND SITE DATA This is a Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report on a deteriorated steel girder bridge carrying State Route 2025 over Barmore Run in the Township of Pine, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this report is to obtain a water obstruction and encroachment permit for the proposed bridge waterway opening from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. Also, a Corp of Engineers “Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit-2. Available High Water Marks and Information Mr. John Royle, a 37 year resident of this area, provided the following high water information. The extreme high water elevation was approximately 1217.76, he could not recall any particular time frame of when this happened. Environmental Effects Barmore Run is not a navigable stream. It is not a stocked trout stream because it is not listed in the PaDOT Design Manual, Part 2, Appendix 10-A “Stockable Warm Water and Trout Streams” or the PA Fish & Boat Commission’s “2004 PA Summary of Fishing Regulations and Laws”. The Department of Environmental Protections, Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 93 Water Quality Standards does not contain a classification for Barmore Run, therefore past practice of looking downstream until we find a stream that is listed, came up with Slippery Rock Creek as a cold water fishes (CWF) stream. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Division of Fisheries Management, “Listing of Water having Wild Trout” does not list Barmore Run. Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) search form was submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Northwest Regional Office. The response (PNDI search dated 10/08/04) indicates that there is potential to impact a species of special concern in the project area. Investigations by the appropriate agency cleared the project site of any impact to endangered species. (See attachment in PNDI Search Section) Barmore Run is not listed on the Pennsylvania Scenic River System. All pollution control measures and other safety precautions will be adhered to during the construction of the new structure. (See attachment in E&S Section) Refer to the Environmental Assessment Form for further details on environmental concerns. Debris and Ice The stream is flanked on both sides by heavy vegetation and lawns. There exists some potential for debris accumulation at this structure. The formation of ice at this site will not change the effectiveness of the structure or the stream flow. The proposed replacement structure has the same span and channel length with a larger underclearance waterway opening. Nature of Streambed and Bank Stability The streambed is composed of sand and silt with small to meduim cobblestones. The stream banks are covered with a heavy growth of vegetation and lawns. The banks are relatively stable as there is only minor erosion in the vicinity of this structure. Water Stage Factors There is a dam/spillway and lake in the drainage area but with no affect on the natural stream stage. The project area is not within any flood control structure. Site Inspection Information Members of the District 1-0 Bridge Unit made a field inspection of the subject bridge site. The drainage area consists of forest, wetlands with heavy thick vegetation and contoured grassy areas. The existing structure is located in a rural area with some growth potential. No change in hydrologic characteristics is expected to occur within the life span of the new bridge. Line and Grade The grade and alignment of the roadway will remain the same as that of the existing. Skew of Crossing and Bridge Position The skew of the proposed structure will be 90 degrees, the skew of the existing structure is 90 degrees. The proposed structure centerline will be the same as the existing structure centerline and stationing. HYDROLOGIC ANLYSIS Drainage Area The area which drains into Wolf Creek is 2.68 Square Miles. All non-contributing basins located within this area are also included. WMS (Watershed Management System) and a Planimeter were used to determine the drainage area from a portion of the 7.5' series U.S.G.S. Map. Flood Discharges Flood Discharges (Q) for this drainage area were calculated using the TR-55 Method to come up with the estimated peak rate of runoff. The interpolated design (25 Year) and Basic (100 Year) flood discharges are 306.54 cfs and 453.17 cfs. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN FEMA Flood Maps No detailed Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps are available for this area. Allowable Stream Velocity and Headwater The maximum allowable velocity in a channel with a streambed of fine sand and sandy loam is 2.5 fps. (PaDOT Design Manual, Part 2, Table 2.13.2) An allowable headwater elevation of 1220.00 was used for design. This figure corresponds to the minimum bottom of superstructure. No structure roadway inundation or property damage will occur during a flood of this stage elevation Performance of Existing and Proposed Structures Hydraulic performance of the existing and proposed structures were determined using the HEC-RAS program. The proposed structure will perform the same as the existing structure at this location. The existing structure has no flood problems. The following table is a summary of the HEC-RAS Analysis. Structure Type Existing Steel Stringer Bridge Proposed Twin Cell Box Culvert Design (25-YR.) Headwater Design (25-YR.) Velocity Basic (100-YR.) Headwater Basic (100-YR) Velocity 1217.11 1.86 FPS 1217.29 2.20 FPS 1217.32 1.85 FPS 1217.82 2.20 FPS Scour Analysis The bridge inspection reports for this site show no scour problem exist. Recommended Structure Opening The existing steel girder bridge has a span of 30.00 feet and a vertical clearance of 4.00 feet. The proposed box culvert will have 2 spans of 15.00 feet and a vertical clear of 7.00 feet. Temporary Facilities for Construction A temporary roadway will not be provided for this project. A detour will maintain traffic during the construction of the proposed bridge. The stream flow will be maintained at all times during construction. Every attempt will be made to discourage erosion and siltation during the construction period. An approved Erosion and Sedimentation (E&S) Pollution Control Plan will be properly implemented and closely monitored during construction. All equipment and materials will be removed from the site and disposed of or stored in an environmentally safe manner at the completion of the project. Construction of this project is expected to last approximately 3 months. A. SUMMARY DATA 1. Site Data a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 2. Route: S.R. 2025 Segment/Offset: 0020/0000 (Sta. 186+20) County: Mercer Township: Pine Township Stream: Barmore Run Drainage Area: 2.68 Square Miles Location: U.S.G.S.(7.5’ Series) Grove City,PA Quadrangle Map Longitude: 80o06’17” west of Greenwich Meridian Latitude: 41o08’41” north of equator Average channel top width: 30 feet Average channel bottom width: 28 feet Average channel depth: 4 feet Pertinent Elevation 200’ U/S 200’D/S Streambed Elevations 1215.00 1213.00 Average Flow Depth: 2 feet Proposed Structure Data a. Type: Twin Cell Box Culvert b. c. d. e. Span: 1 Clear Span: 30’-0” Underclearance: Skew: 90 degrees Bridge width: 30’-0” curb to curb 7’-0” PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT Name Theodore J. Tarr Position Bridge & Structural Drafter/Designer Autumn Kelley Assistant Environmental Manager Involvement Misc. correspondence Plan Preparation Report Preparation Wetland Identification Alternatives Analysis The project involves the replacement of a deteriorated one span steel girder bridge. The proposed structure will be located on the same alignment and profile as the existing bridge. The following alternatives were evaluated throughout the preliminary design process: 1. 2. Rehabilitation of the existing structure is not a feasible alternative due to the excessive deterioration of the superstructure. A no action alternative would result in placing lower weight restrictions on the structure which would limit most motor traffic.