My Culture Web

My Culture Web
Directions for My Culture Web Project:
 Project the culture web below on the Smartboard. Show the students that each spoke points toward one of the cultural universals
that we studied at the beginning of the unit except rules/laws.
 You will notice AND you should point out to the students that some of the cultural universal rectangles have questions attached to
them. What these questions are designed to do is to help students make a connection between the cultural universals and
themselves. We want them to think about and describe their own culture.
 Their job will be to create a web illustrating how the cultural universals relate to them. Instead of copying the questions that project
from the cultural universal rectangles, they will either write three sentences explaining how the cultural universal applies to them
OR they will draw three pictures illustrating the link with captions explaining the visual. (The ideal would be for students to
combine writing and pictures.)
 Make sure students know to be neat and use color (use pencil colors or crayons; use markers for outlining ONLY!)
 At the end of this handout, you will find a rubric to use when grading the project. Hand it out to the students and have them tape or
glue the rubric to the back of their project.
My Culture Web Project Rubric
Student Name:_____________
My Culture Web Project Rubric
Student Name:_____________
Point Value
My web has the word
“culture” in the center
oval and nine of the
10 points
ten cultural universals
coming off the center.
Next to each of the
nine cultural
universals, I have
written three
sentences describing
how the universal
65 points
works in my family
OR I have created
three visuals (with
captions) showing
how the universal
works in my family.
My work is neat. My
handwriting is easy to
read and my
illustrations show
15 points
I have used color in
my project (map
pencils or crayons). I
10 points
used markers for
outlining only.
Extra Credit: I wrote
three sentences AND
included visuals next Up to 15 points
to the cultural
Point Value
My web has the word
“culture” in the center
oval and nine of the
10 points
ten cultural universals
coming off the center.
Next to each of the
nine cultural
universals, I have
written three
sentences describing
how the universal
65 points
works in my family
OR I have created
three visuals (with
captions) showing
how the universal
works in my family.
My work is neat. My
handwriting is easy to
read and my
illustrations show
15 points
I have used color in
my project (map
pencils or crayons). I
10 points
used markers for
outlining only.
Extra Credit: I wrote
three sentences AND
included visuals next Up to 15 points
to the cultural