Module proposal UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Proposal Form for New or Revised Modules (MA1- version 3) For consideration by the Undergraduate Studies Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate Studies Committee only. NB: 1. If it is unclear whether or not a change to an existing module should be proposed on this form, the Chair or Secretary of the Undergraduate Studies Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate Studies Committee should be consulted. 2. In order to reduce printing costs please delete the text provided as guidance in the body of the form before submission to the Faculty Secretariat. However, all sections must be completed to the satisfaction of the Faculty Undergraduate/Graduate Studies Committee. 1. Title of Module: CH248 Organic Synthesis 2. New or Revised Module: New module? [] Revised module? [X] Level: D (Doctorate) M (Masters) H (Honours) I (Intermediate) C (Certificate) [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] If this new module replaces an existing approved module specify the code and title of the module to be discontinued and date on which change will occur: If this is a proposal for a revised module, specify which sections have been amended, and give an outline rationale for the changes: Syllabus has been changed slightly in line with restructured first year 3. Date of Introduction of new module or revised version of existing module: October 2009 4. Department Responsible for Teaching: Chemistry If the module is taught by more than one department please indicate this (for matrix purposes): Department Department % % Name of Module Leader: Prof Mike Shipman 1 Module proposal If the module leader is not a member of Warwick staff and has not previously been appointed as a module leader/tutor, please include a C.V with this form. 5. Availability/Location of module within courses: List the degree courses on which this module is available, indicating the year of study, whether the module is core or an option and the credit weighting in each case. Include any part-time or 2+2 degrees on which this module is available. Degree Code F100 F101 F102 F105 F106 F107 F108 F121 F122 F125 F126 F127 F128 BF91 B9F1 FC11 F1C1 Title Chemistry BSc Chemistry BSc with Intercalated year General Chemistry BSc Chemistry MChem Chemistry MChem with Professional Experience Chemistry MChem with Intercalated Year Chemistry MChem with Industrial Training Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry BSc Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry BSc with Intercalated Year Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem with Professional Experience Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem with Intercalated Year Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem with Industrial Training Biomedical Chemistry BSc Biomedical Chemistry BSc with Intercalated Year Chemical Biology MChem Chemical Biology MChem with Intercalated Year Visiting Students Year of study 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Core Optional Option list CATS* core? A,B or C Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 Core 7.5 2 2 Core Core 7.5 7.5 2 Core 7.5 2 Core 7.5 2 2 2 2 Core Core Core Core 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 *Credit should be in one of the following tariffs: 6, 12, 18, 24, 48 credits; or 7.5, 15, 30, 45, 60 credits; or (for postgraduate courses only) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60 credits 6. Consultation with other Departments: It is important that any departments affected by the introduction of this module are consulted before the module is considered by the relevant Faculty committee. Which other departments will be affected by the introduction/revision of this module (i.e. other departments offering the module as an option in their degree courses, including joint degree courses involving the department proposing the module)? Please give details of any consultations undertaken and indicate whether the other departments have approved the proposal. Not applicable 2 Module proposal 7. Context: Describe the relationship to any other modules with which the new module has a close connection and any prerequisite relationships. CH161 Introduction to Organic Chemistry is a pre-requisite 8. Module Aims: These should identify the module’s broad educational purposes. Indicate how the module will contribute to the achievement of the aims of the degree courses on which it is available. To provide a framework in which students are able to: (i) consolidate existing knowledge and understanding of organic chemical transformations; (ii) critically evaluate a proposed synthesis; (iii) design a sensible synthesis of a given target molecule from readily available starting materials 9. Learning Outcomes: Successful completion of the module leads to the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes identify the knowledge, skills and attributes developed by the module. Learning Outcomes should be presented in the following format using the table below: By the end of the module students should be able to... Learning Outcomes should include reference to subject knowledge and understanding, key skills, cognitive skills and subject-specific practical and professional skills and be clearly relevant to fulfilling the educational aims. Learning Outcomes should be measurable by the assessment methods for the module. Indicate how the module will contribute to the achievement of degree course learning objectives. (a) Subject knowledge and understanding The knowledge and understanding that a student will be expected to have upon completion, such as : ‘a theoretical knowledge of the principles and methods of archaeology’ or ‘a knowledge of the major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them.’ (b) Key Skills Communication (written, verbal, graphical...) Numeracy Use of information technology (e.g. WP, www, databases, spreadsheets, specialist packages) Ability to learn Others (e.g. teamwork) (c) Cognitive Skills For example: ability in critical analysis; the ability to formulate and test concepts and hypotheses. (d) Subject-Specific/Professional Skills For example: laboratory skills; scientific support writing; research skills and methods. 3 Module proposal LEARNING OUTCOMES (By the end of the module the student should be able to....) Which teaching and learning methods enable students to achieve this learning outcome? Which assessment methods will measure the achievement of this learning outcome? ....have a solid grounding of the mechanisms of a wide range of organic chemical reactions. . Directed reading, lectures, tutorials. formative assessment by set and marked work for tutorials summative assessment by examination ....understand and apply a wide range of important chemical transformations of use in modern organic synthesis. This will entail exposure to a significant number of new reactions as well as revision and further application of important organic reactions seen in year 1. Lectures, tutorials, workshops. formative assessment by set and marked work for tutorials summative assessment by examination ....justify their solutions to problems in organic chemistry. Lectures, tutorials, workshops.. formative assessment by set and marked work for tutorials and examples classes summative assessment by examination 4 Module proposal 10. Syllabus: Give an outline of the syllabus for the module. A. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT B. MAKING C–C BONDS B.1 Using Organometallics Organolithium Reagents. Formation by deprotonation, oxidative insertion, halogen-metal exchange. Useful C–C bond forming reactions with carbon dioxide, aldehydes/ketones, carboxylic acids, use of 1,3-dithianes. Grignard Reagents. Synthesis by insertion. Reactions with formaldehyde, aldehydes and ketones, esters, nitriles, addition to enones in absence/presence of Cu(I). Organozinc Reagents. Reformatsky reaction. Organocopper Reagents. Synthesis by transmetallation. Use in conjugate additions, SN2displacements, epoxide openings and alkylation of acid chlorides. B.2 Using Enolates Enolate formation using strong bases, C- vs O-alkylation, thermodynamic vs kinetic enolate formation, alkylation of enolate anions, crossed-aldol reactions, stereocontrolled aldols with E- and Z-lithium and boron enolates, Zimmerman-Traxler transition states. Alternatives to enolates: enamines and silyl enol ethers (Mukaiyama aldol). Use of enolates to make rings: Dieckmann reaction, Robinson annulation. C. MAKING C=C AND C≡C BONDS C.1 Formation of C=C Bonds Wittig reaction including: formation of phosphonium ylids, cycloaddition mechanism, reactivity comparison with sulfur ylids, E-alkenes from stabilised ylids, Z-alkenes using non-stabilised ylids. Alternatives to the Wittig reaction including (i) Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction to make Ealkenes, use of Arbuzov reaction to make phosphonate esters; (ii) Peterson reactions under acidic and basic conditions, (iii) Julia reaction of sulfone anions. Use of elimination reactions to make alkenes including (i) dehydrations; (ii) pyrolytic syn-eliminations involving esters, N-oxides, sulfoxides and selenoxides; (iii) from 1,2-diols (Corey-Winter). C.1 Formation of C≡C Bonds Corey-Fuchs reaction. D. FUNCTIONALISATION OF ALKENES Oxymercuration/reduction. Hydration by hydroboration including mechanism, stereochemical issues, improved regio- and chemoselectivity with 9-BBN. Synthesis of C–C and C–N bonds using organoboranes. E. OXIDATION E.1 Oxidation of Allylic C-Bonds Using selenium dioxide and singlet oxygen. E.2 Important Methods for the Oxidation of Alcohols Jones oxidation, PCC including allylic transposition with tertiary allylic alcohols, manganese dioxide for selective oxidation of allylic/benzylic alcohols, Dess-Martin periodinane, DMSO based oxidations including Swern and Corey-Kim procedures. DMSO based oxidation of C–X bonds. E.3 Oxidative Cleavage of Diols. Using NaIO4 and cat. OsO4/NaIO4 (cf ozonolysis). F. REDUCTION F.1 Reduction of C=O and C=N Bonds Reduction of esters using lithium aluminium hydride and DIBAL, reduction of carboxylic acids using borane, use of sodium borohydride to reduce aldehydes/ketones, ‘exhaustive’ reduction of ketones to alkanes using (i) Clemmensen reduction; (ii) Wolff-Kishner; and (iii) dithioacetal reduction, reduction of amides using LiAlH4 and borane, use of azides to make amines, reduction of C=N bonds using sodium cyanoborohydride. F.2 Reduction of C–X Bonds Reduction of halides and pseudohalides with LiAlH4, use of Appel reaction to prepare halides from alcohols. 5 Module proposal 11. Illustrative Bibliography: List the core texts only. The illustrative bibliography should provide an indication of the focus and level of the reading required by this module, rather than the full range (this should not be more than half a page): Clayden, Greeves, Warren & Wothers ‘Organic Chemistry’ 12. Teaching: Give the number of each type of teaching event per week and the length of each session in hours. Lectures per week (5 weeks) Workshops Tutorials Private/self study Total contact hours Module duration (weeks, if applicable) 13. Assessment Methods: Type of assessment Length Examinations Assessed essays/ coursework Other type of formal assessment 14. 3 hrs per week (15 hrs in total) Revision session (1 hr) 2 hrs in total 57 hrs in total 75 hours 5 weeks 1.5 hour paper N/A N/A % weighting 100% N/A N/A Resources: Are any resources required for this module which are not already available from the Department’s own baseline resources (e.g. staff costs, accommodation, equipment, minor works, library costs, audio visual and computing facilities, vacation study requirements)? Is the module likely to require high usage of centrally timetabled teaching rooms or specific slots (e.g. for a module on a part time postgraduate course)? Any additional requirements should be discussed with the appropriate Officer (see list below) before submitting the proposal. List any additional requirements and indicate the outcome of any discussions. None Signature of Module Leader: Prof Mike Shipman Date 12 Sept 2011 Signature of Chair of Department: 6 Module proposal Date 7 Exams Office Assessment Details (information required by the Exams Office) This form should be completed only for modules to be assessed by an exam organised by the Exams Office The form does not have to be submitted for approval but should be sent to Andrea Humber in the Exams Office. If this information is not provided the module cannot be set up on the Student Record System and students will therefore be unable to register for the module and exam. If you have any queries about this form please contact Andrea Humber in the Examination Office (ext 74160) Module Title Department Module Leader Name of Examiner CH248 Organic Synthesis Chemistry Prof Mike Shipman Indicate all available methods of assessment in the table below % Examined % Assessed by other methods 100% Length of examination paper 1.5hrs Examination Details Will this module be examined together with any other module (sectioned paper)? If so please give details. Yes it will be examined along with the new module CH269 Introduction to Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (3hr paper in total) Is the module to be examined by 1 paper [X ] or 2 papers [ ] When will the exam take place (e.g. Jan, April, Summer)? . .summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is reading time required? Yes [ ] No [ ] Give any special exam timetable arrangements Stationery Requirements No. of Answer Books Graph Paper Calculator List any other special stationery requirements (e.g. Data books, tables etc): Type of Paper Seen: Yes [ ] No [ ] Open Book : Yes [ ] No [ ] Restricted: Yes [ ] No [ ] Where restricted please provide list of texts permitted here: 8