CHE 230 - Lab #7 Aluminum by UV-VIS Spectroscopy Objectives: Use standard methods to prepare and analyze Jennings water samples for aluminum. Prepare a calibration curve or Beer’s Law plot of aluminum standards. Quantify the aluminum content (both total and dissolved) in your water samples. Tools/Skills: Syringe filtration Digestion Standard preparation Calibration curve Procedure: Sample preparation Total aluminum – mix and measure out 50.0 mL of sample to be digested Soluble (dissolved) aluminum – filter >50.0 mL of sample using a 0.45 um syringe filter (Method 3500Al B, 1d); measure out 50.0 mL of filtered sample to be digested Digest both samples using Method 3030 E Nitric Acid Digestion Standards Work out the math for a series (4-6) standards in the range of 0-300 ug/L By dilution of a 5.00 ug/mL stock standard To a final volume of 20.0 mL Standards will be prepared and analyzed based on the procedure from Method 3500-Al B, Section 4a Volume scale will be adjusted according to the table below: Adjusted Original vol (mL) vol (mL) Stock standard x x water to 25 10 ascorbic acid soln 1 0.4 0.02N H2SO4 1 0.4 buffer soln 10 4 working dye 5 2 dilute to 50 20 Note: “x” based on M1V1 calculations Samples Sample volumes are adjusted to 10.0 mL Three samples tested: 1. Titration with methyl orange to pink color (record volume for titration; can discard sample) 2. One sample with added EDTA (serves as blank by complexing Al) 3. One sample without EDTA Samples will be prepared and analyzed based on the procedure from Method 3500-Al B, Section 4b Volume scale will be adjusted according to the table below: Original vol (mL) sample 0.02N H2SO4 EDTA ascorbic acid buffer soln working dye dilute to 25 titration vol + 1mL 1 * 1 10 5 50 Adjusted vol (mL) 10 titration vol + 0.4mL 0.4 0.4 4 2 20 *Note: only one of the samples will contain EDTA; you will have a pair of analyses for each sample Analyze the quality control sample (single replicate) using the sample procedure (true value will be provided during post-lab) Analysis Notes Use DI water to “zero” the instrument; do not blank with your “0” standard Make sure your sample absorbances are in the range of your standard absorbances You may need to dilute your samples to get them in range Perform 3-4 analysis replicates (replication of analysis procedure—not sample prep—for each sample (total Al, dissolved Al) Note: these are not “true” replicates Reference: Andrew D. Eaton, Lenore S. Clesceri, Eugene W. Rice and Arnold E. Greenberg. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st ed. American Public Health Association. 2005. Post-Lab/Discussion: 1. Create a calibration curve by plotting absorbance versus concentration for your standards. o Include the equation of the line and R2 value on your graph. o Calculate your sample concentrations from the calibration curve. Consider any dilution steps in your calculation. Present your results as the average ± 95% confidence interval. 2. What color were your solutions? How does that color compare with the wavelength of analysis (535 nm)? Why are they the same/different? 3. What is the difference between “dissolved” aluminum and “total” aluminum? What trend should be observed for the dissolved and total content of a given sample? 4. You performed 3 or 4 “analysis replicates,” which are not “true” replicates. What does this kind of replicate allow us to assess (statistically)? Describe how to perform a “true” replicate. 5. Compile class data for the aluminum results and discuss any trends (especially with respect to sample location). 6. Comment on the accuracy and precision of your results. **This lab will be written up as a formal report.** ***The “best” report will be submitted to Jennings.***