RECYCLING: Conserving Natural Resources 1. From where do all of the materials we depend on come? 2. Unfortunately, most of these resources are . 3. Renewable resources are resources that can be replenished by natural processes within 4. EXAMPLES OF RENEWABLE RESOURCES: 5. Nonrenewable resources are FINITE. Once they are used, none will be created . . 6. EXAMPLES OF NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES: . 7. The 4 major steps in processing aluminum are a. _____ b. _______ c. ________ d. ________ 8. The name of ORE that Aluminum comes from is _______ a nonrenewable resource. 9. Write the ratio of BAUXITE needed to create ALUMINUM and ROCK needed to create GOLD: a. ___________________ b. ______________ 10.Once the ore is taken to the mill it is crushed and the valuable part is separated from the waste, which is called ________ 11.Tailings may contain ___________ and ___________ which can pollute nearby streams and rivers and kill aquatic life. ________ 12.It takes HUGE AMOUNTS OF __________ comes from nearby COAL BURNING POWER PLANTS. 13.Of the trees logged in the United States, __ _____________ to make Aluminum. This electricity are used to make a multitude of . 14.The 5 major steps in creating paper products are: a. __________ b. __________ c. _______ d. _________ e. _______ _ 15.Clear-cutting forests has several major environmental impacts. List two: a. ____________ b. ________ c. ___________________ 16.What is the problem with dioxins that are produced by bleaching paper? ___ ____________________________________________________________________________ 17.How much trash or MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE do Americans throw away every year? ___ _____________________________________________________ 18.Where is MOST of our trash put? ___________________ 19.Fill-in the percentages of garbage types found in landfills: a. b. c. d. PAPER: FOOD/YARD WASTE: METALS/PLASTICS/GLASS: OTHER MATERIALS (wood/rubber): 20.Why are more than half of the landfills in the US closed or closing? _______________ ____________________________________ 21.Burning trash has the positive effect of but also the negative effect of _________________________ ___________________________ ________ ____ 22.Recycling reduces 3 things. What are they? a. _ b. _ c. _ 23.Collected recyclables are taken to a ___________________________ MRF. 24.How are ferrous or steel materials separated? _____________ 25.Once materials are sorted and baled, where do they go? _____________________ 26.How much energy is saved by recycling Aluminum? ___ 27.Why? ___________________________________________________________ ________ 28.How many trees would be saved annually if all Americans recycled their newspapers? _____________ 29.List THREE ways YOU can reduce waste: a. _____________________ b. ___________ c. ___________________ 30.What are the THREE R’s? a. _____ b. _____ c. _______ or a