Atomic Dimension Redo

Atomic Dimension Redo
All numbers in scientific notation.
An aluminum atom is roughly 0.25 nm in diameter. If you have a cube of aluminum with
1 cm3 long sides, how many atoms are there in the chunk?
1. The diameter of the aluminum atom is ________ nm.
2. Based on the information in #1, it takes _______________________ atoms to lie side
by side across one edge of the aluminum chunk? Hint: you will need to convert nm to
cm or cm to nm. Show this work using dimensional analysis (factor label method)
3. Based on the information in #2, the total number of atoms in the whole chunk of
aluminum is _________________? Think volume!!!!
4. A student places a nanowire next to a laser and turns on the laser. A series of dots is
projected onto the wall 4 meters away. The dots are 1.2 cm apart. What is the diameter
of the nanowire? ( the laser has a wavelength of 650nm)