FILM STUDIES COURSES WINTER 2003 (all courses are 4 units unless otherwise specified) CHANGES TO SCHEDULE ARE UNDERLINED AND IN BOLD January 15, 2003 Film Studies 46. INTRODUCTION TO CINEMA. Film Studies 106B. CREW PRODUCTION PART II. D. Driskel. #18648 / 57133 A. Brusutti Concurrent enrollment in Film Studies 46MS is highly recommended for film studies majors. An introduction to the study of film as an aesthetic and social phenomenon, and to various forms of critical analysis. {Required} Lecture: Lab: TR W Plus one required discussion section: 1) T 11:00-11:50 Ellison 1714 2) T 12:00-12:50 Ellison 1714 3) T 1:00-1:50 Ellison 1714 4) W 12:00-12:50 Ellison 1714 5) W 1:00-1:50 Ellison 1714 5:00-6:50pm 6:00-7:50pm #18390 6) W 2:00-2:50 #18408 7) R 11:00-11:50 #18416 8) R 12:00-12:50 #18424 9) R 1:00-1:50 #18432 10) Honors T 4-5 Film Studies 46MS. MAJOR SEMINAR. A. Brusutti Seminar: Buchn 1920 Buchn 1920 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1710 2.0 Units. #18440 #18457 #18465 #18473 #18481 Seminar: R 2:00-3:50pm Ellison 1710 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Upper-division Film Studies courses have a prerequisite of Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing or consent of instructor unless stated otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Film Studies 101A. HISTORY OF CINEMA: THE SILENT FILM. C.Felando 5.0 units International film history from the camera obscura to the close of the silent era in the late 1920’s. {Required for majors} 12:00-1:50pm 11:30-12:50pm Buchn 1920 Buchn 1920 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Film Studies 101B. HISTORY OF CINEMA: ADVENT OF SOUND. MWF TR Plus one required discussion section: 1) T 1:00-1:50 Ellison 1710 2) T 2:00-2:50 Ellison 1710 3) T 3:00-3:50 Ellison 1710 4) W 1:00-1:50 Ellison 1710 10:00-11:50am 10:00-11:20am #18523 5) W 2:00-2:50 #18531 6) W 3:00-3:50 #18549 7) TBA *Honors #18556 #49304 #49312 #49320 Buchn 1920 Buchn 1920 #18564 #18572 #58255 8:00-9:50am 7:00-10:00pm 12:00-3:00pm Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Film Studies 114A. CREATING AND PERFORMING FOR STAGE AND SCREEN. N. Kawalek. #18721 Prerequisite: FS 46 and consent of instructor. Auditions will be held. Concentrated acting training through rehearsal and performance of monologues, scenes and individual projects. Provides a unique perspective for actors, directors and writers who wish to achieve truthful, fleshed-out, professional level characters and dialogue. Includes viewing and analyzing film and stage productions, completion of an actors "demo" tape at the end of the second quarter, and master classes with visiting professionals. Monday and Wednesday Lab time is set aside for individual rehearsals. Students must also enroll in 114AL. Course does not meet all 12 hours each week. Lecture: TR 4:00-6:50pm Kerr Studio A MW 4:00-6:50pm Kerr Studio A Film Studies 122CU. CUBAN CINEMA. C. Venegas. #49197 May be repeated provided the letter designations are different, but only 12 units may be applied toward the major. Examines the cinema of Cuba in terms of major periods, themes, and formal parameters, in relation to both national and international cultural histories. {Satisfies the National Cinemas (Area B) requirement} Lecture/Lab MW 3:00-5:50pm Buchn 1910 Film Studies 125B.DOCUMENTARY FILM. J. Walker. #49155 Lecture Lab TR M 1:00-2:50pm 7:00-8:50pm Buchn 1920 Buchn 1920 Film Studies 136. BRITISH CINEMA. H. Lawton. #18747 Prerequisites: Film 46 or consent of instructor or upper-division standing. The evolution of British cinema during the past half century. {Satisfies the National Cinemas (Area B) requirement} Lecture: Prerequisite: Film 46 and open to Film Studies majors only. An introduction to video production, with attention to fundamental concepts and techniques of shooting, sound recording, lighting, and editing basic to filmmaking in general. {Satisfies Production requirement by petition only.} MW T S Prerequisites: Film 46 or upper-division standing. The history of documentary film, as an aesthetic form and a social force, from World War II to the present. {Satisfies the Social Issues (Area C) Requirement} Film Studies 105. VIDEO PRODUCTION. K. Braun. #49148 Lecture: Seminar: This lab is concurrent with 114A. Students must enroll in both the class and the lab. C. Wolfe. 5.0 units. Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Film Studies 114AL. CREATING AND PERFORMING LAB. N. Kawalek. 2.0 units. #18739 Prerequisite: Film Studies 46. International film history from the advent of “talkies” to 1959. {Required} Lecture: Lab: 10:00-11:50pm TBA Prerequisite: FS 46 and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit provided letter designations are different. Development and production of a sponsored “health film” concerning alcohol and other drugs (AOD). For information concerning submitting a proposal, please contact instructor. Applications for crew positions are in the Film Studies main office. Lab/Rehearsal: #49171 5) R 9:00-9:50 #49254 6) R 10:00-10:50 #49262 7) TBA *Honors #49288 WF TBA Film Studies 109HF. Film Production. W. Popadynetz. #59550 # 18499 Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Film Studies 46 and consent of instructor. Designed for film studies majors and students contemplating a major concentration in film. An intensive introduction to the study of film and various methods of critical analysis. Lecture: MWF Lab: TR Plus one required discussion section: 1) T 8:00-8:50 Ellison 1710 2) T 9:00-9:50 Ellison 1710 3) T 10:00-10:50 Ellison 1710 4) R 8:00-8:50 Ellison 1714 Prerequisite: FS 104 or FS 107 and consent of instructor. Part B of a two-quarter workshop involving instruction in the basic techniques of 16mm filmmaking via the production of crew projects over two consecutive quarters. Post-production through composite print. Kerr Studio A TR 5:00-7:50pm Buchn 1940 Film Studies 148CM. SPECIAL TOPICS IN FILM AESTHETICS: CAMERA MOVEMENT. E. Branigan. #59568 May be repeated provided the letter designations are different, but only 12 units may be applied toward the major. Exploration in detail of camera movement in relation to aesthetic and analytical issues. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement. Satisfies Seminar (Area A) by petition only.} Lecture MWF 4:00-5:50pm Ellison 1714 Film Studies 151E. AMERICAN FILM: THE 1970s. A. Brusutti. #49189 Prerequisites: Film 46 or upper-division standing. A survey of major American directors and genres of the 1970s, within the context of social concerns. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement} Lecture: MWF 3:00-4:50pm Buchn 1930 Film Studies 163. WOMEN AND FILM: FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES C. Felando. #18754 Prerequisites: Film 46 or consent of instructor or upper-division standing. Survey of the major debates on questions of women and representation in contemporary film criticism. Topics to be covered include the representation of sexuality and the family in the Hollywood cinema; feminism and the avant-garde. {Satisfies the Social Issues (Area C) requirement} Lecture: TR W 3:00-4:50pm 6:00-7:50pm Buchn 1920 Buchn 1940 Film Studies 183. FILM OF NATURAL & HUMAN ENVIRONMENT. D. Driskel. #18796 Prerequisite: FS 46 and consent of instructor Presents a series of popular films and professional documentaries representing a range of trends, images, issues associated with the natural and human environments. Visual images and critical thinking skills are combined to enhance understanding of environmental issues presented by the media. (Satisfies Social Issues (Area C) requirement by petition only). Lecture: Lab: W M 6:30-9:20pm 10:00-11:50am Buchn 1930 Ellison 1714 Film Studies 192A. FILM THEORY. E. Branigan. Prerequisites: Film 146 and upper-division standing or consent of instructor. An introduction to film theory and critical methodology through a close analysis of selected writings of such theorists as Munsterberg, Eisenstein, Bazin, and Mitry. {Required}. Lecture: MWF 2:00-3:50pm Buchn 1920 6) W 6:00-6:50 7) R 8:00-8:50 8) R 9:00-9:50 9) R 10:00-10:50 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 Plus one required discussion section: 1) T 9:00-9:50 2) T 10:00-10:50 3) T 11:00-11:50 4) W 4:00-4:50 5) W 5:00-5:50 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1714 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 Ellison 1710 #18861 #18879 #18887 #18895 #18903 Film Studies 195I. INDEPENDENT STUDIES (INTERNSHIPS). Staff #18911 #18929 #18937 #18945 #18952 Prerequisites: upper-division standing, a minimum 3.0 grade point average for the preceding three quarters, and consent of department. Open to Film Studies Majors only. An opportunity for training, career sampling, and contacts in the film or television industry. Required are approximately 100 hours of work a quarter, a final five-page report, and a supervisor’s letter of verification. Film Studies 196. SENIOR HONORS SEMINAR. Staff #18960 Film Studies 184. FILM MUSIC.(DON’T KNOCK THE ROCK) A. Anders #58198 Prerequisite: admission to senior honors program. A one-quarter directed study, to be conducted as outlined in the description of the Senior Honors Program. (Found in the Film Studies Office) Prerequisites: Film 46 or consent of instructor or upper-division standing. Examines the musical score as an integral structural element of cinema. Topics include the narrative function of film music and contemporary development of film score. Film Studies 199. INDEPENDENT STUDIES. Staff Lecture: Lab: TR F 6:30-8:20pm 4:00-5:50pm IVThea2 IVThea2 #18978 Prerequisites: Instructor approval required prior to registration. Use instructor codes to enroll. Upperdivision standing; 3.0 GPA for preceding 3 quarters; have completed at least 2 upper-division Film Studies courses. Variable units 1-4. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN INDEPENDENT STUDIES CONTRACT IN THE FILM STUDIES OFFICE BEFORE ENROLLING. Film Studies 187RC. REVOLUTIONARY CINEMA. C. Venegas. #49213 Prerequisites: consent of instructor. If the age of territorial colonies is now over, can we claim to be living in a postcolonial world, or do structures of domination continue in novel forms? How can the populations of erstwhile colonies overcome their multi-dimensional subjection, and find their own voices? How do they articulate their own histories against the grain of western accounts, how do they forge their own resurgent-ifhybrid-identities? {Satisfies Seminar (Area A) requirement}. Lecture/Lab: MW 10:00-11:50am Ellison 1710 Film Studies 199RA. INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT. Staff #18986 Prerequisites: Same as those for 199. Use instructor codes to enroll. Variable units 1-5. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN INDEPENDENT STUDIES CONTRACT IN THE FILM STUDIES OFFICE BEFORE ENROLLING. Course work shall consist of faculty-supervised research assistance. Film Studies 596. DIRECTED READING. Staff. #11900 (for Graduate Students) Seminar: TBA Film Studies 188B. ADVANCED SCREENWRITING. P. Portuges. #18812 Prerequisites: FS 188A. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 8 units. A course intended for students who have successfully completed FS 188A and have a full-length screenplay in progress which they want to complete. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement}. Seminar: TR 5:00-6:50pm Ellison 1710 Film Studies 188TV. WRITING FOR TELEVISION. P. Portuges. #18820 Prerequisite: Upper-division standing. An introduction to the fundamentals of writing for television including the situation comedy, the hour-long drama, the movie-of-the-week, the miniseries, and children’s programming. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement}. Seminar: TR 7:30-9:20pm Ellison 1710 Film Studies 190AD. ADAPTATIONS. C. Wolfe. #49205 Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. This seminar focuses on the aesthetic and social processes by which literary material is translated or transformed into filmic works. {Satisfies the Seminar (Area A) Requirement} Seminar: TR 2:00-4:50pm Ellison 1714 OTHER FILM COURSES: Black Studies 171. AFRICA IN FILM. J. Akudinobi. #04267 Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor. This course provides an understanding of African cultures, traditions, and politics as depicted by African and non-African filmmakers. Students will explore stereotypical as well as positive and romantic images of Africa. Films: semi-documentaries, documentaries, fiction. {Satisfies National Cinemas (Area B) Requirement} Lecture: Lab: R MW 3:00-5:30pm 4:00-5:50pm Chem 1171 South Hall 1430 Dramatic Arts 162. SHAKESPEARE ON FILM & STAGE. S. Williams. #10090 An investigation of Shakespeare’s plays through the media of performance; viewing of Shakespearean productions on film and videotape, in classroom rehearsal and in stage performances as available; reading and critical analysis of selected Shakespearean plays. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement by petition only}. Lecture: Lab: M WF 1:00-2:50 pm 1:00-2:15 pm HSSB 1173 HSSB 1173 Environmental Studies 183. FILM OF NATURAL & HUMAN ENVIRONMENTS. P. Wack. # 17939 Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor Presents a series of popular films and professional documentaries representing a range of trends, images, issues associated with the natural and human environments. Visual images and critical thinking skills are combined to enhance understanding of environmental issues presented by the media. {Satisfies Social Issues (Area C) requirement by petition only}. Lecture: Lab: W M 6:30-9:20 pm 6:30-7:20 pm Buchn 1920 Girvetz 2128 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructor Code Numbers: | Bobo, J 17 | Branigan, E R 03 | Walker, J R 08 | Brusutti, A 04 | Driskel, D B 06 | | Parks, L 12| Penley, C 10 | Portuges, P 05 |Sarkar, B 14| Walker, J 08 | Wolfe, C 09 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILM STUDIES REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Required Courses: 46, 101A, 101B, 192A Production: 105 Seminar: 187RC, 148CM, 190AD National Cinemas: 122CU, 136, BS 171 Social Issues: 125B, 163, 183, BS 170, CH ST 185, ENV ST 183 Electives: 151E, 184, 188B, 188TV, DA 162, No Credit Towards Major: 46MS, 106B, 114A, 114AL, 195I, 196, 199, 199RA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H - Indicate section for Honors students only, Instructor approval required