Suffolk County Community College Michael J. Grant Campus Sayville Center NUR240-Adult Physical Health Nursing II Lecturer: Joy Borrero, RN, MSN Ruth Kolk, RN, MS, CEN Spring 2011 LECTURE SCHEDULE & READING ASSIGNMENTS A variety of teaching methods will be utilized, including case studies, power point presentations, group work and student presentations. To maximize the class time, students are expected to come prepared to discuss the scheduled topic. Student readings should be based on all the text books listed on required reading list. Please refer to Clinical Skills book, Health Assessment, Nursing Diagnoses, Pharmacology text and Drug Guide and Nutrition Texts for related readings. ATI refers to Adult Med-Surg, ATI Pharm refers to ATI Pharmacology 4.1. DATE TOPIC READING ASSIGNMENTS M 1/24 COURSE OVERVIEW DOSAGE CALCULATION ASSESSMENT Begin Cardiovascular assessment IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 35, 40. ATI- Chapters 23, 24, 34. NUTRITION: Low Cholesterol diet. PHARMACOLOGY- Nitrates, Antilipemics IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 35, 40. ATI- Chapters 23, 24, 34. NUTRITION: Low Cholesterol diet. PHARMACOLOGY- Nitrates, Antilipemics. W 1/26 M 1/31 CARDIAC STRESSORS CV Assessment, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Angina, MI PTCA, CABG W 2/2 Rhythms, Arrhythmias, Dysrhythmias, Pacemaker, AICD Rhythm Strip Interpretation M 2/7 W 2/9 Heart Failure, Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, Self study: disorders of cardiac structure. Valvular disorders, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy M 2/14 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR STRESSORS Peripheral arterial disease, AAA, Acute and chronic arterial occlusion, Raynaud’s, Buerger’s Disease, Thromboangiitis obliterans, HIT IGNATAVICIUS- Chapter 38. ATI- Chapters 30,31. PHARMACOLOGY- Antiplatelets, Heparin, Coumadin, anticoagulants W 2/16 VENOUS AND LYMPHATIC STRESSORS Chronic venous insufficiency, DVT, Lymphedema IGNATAVICIUS- Chapter 38. W 2/23 UNIT EXAM 1 M 2/28 W 3/2 RESPIRATORY STRESSORS Pulmonary embolism, Lung CA, Chest trauma, Pneumothorax, Hemothorax, Thoracic surgery, Chest tubes, Respiratory failure, ARDS, Ventilators IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 36. ATI Chapter 20, 22. PHARMACOLOGY- Antiarrhythmics Beta Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters- 37, 39 (pp.826830) ATI- Chapters 32, 33, 35, 36. PHARMACOLOGY- Thrombolytics, Vasopressors, Anticoagulants, Diuretics. NUTRITION- Low Na diet. IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 29, 32 (pp 641652), 34. ATI-Chapters 6, 7, 8, 10, 15-19. PHARMACOLOGY- bronchodilators, steroids, decongestants, antihistamines, antitussives W 3/7 M 3/9 ENDOCRINE STRESSORS Endocrine assessment Pituitary, Adrenal, Thyroid & Parathyroid Dysfunction IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 64, 65, 66, ATI- Chapters 51-58. PHARMACOLOGY- Hormones & thyroid meds. M 3/14 ARTHRITIC AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE STRESSORS Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, SLE Hip and Knee Replacement IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 20 ATI- Chapters 99, 103, 109, 110. PHARMACOLOGY- NSAIDS W 3/16 MUSCULOSKELETAL STRESSORS Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis; Gout, SLE Joint Replacement Surgery UNIT EXAM 2 IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 52, 53, 54, 45. ATI- Chapters 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 W 3/23 GASTROINTESTINAL STRESSORS GERD, Peptic Ulcer, Gastric Ca, Morbid Obesity and Bariatric Surgery IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 57, 58, 63 (1402-1410). ATI- Chapters 61, 64, 66, 67, PHARMACOLOGY- Proton pump inhibitors. M 3/28 Peritonitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diverticular Disease, Colon Ca, Intestinal Obstruction, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self study: Hernias, Ostomy care IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 59, 60. ATI- Chapters 62, 71, 72. W 3/30 HEPATO-BILIARY STRESSORS Choleycystitis, Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Ca Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Liver Ca and transplantation IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 61, 62. ATI-Chapters 73-77 M 4/4 GENITOURINARY STRESSORS UTI, Bladder Ca, Urinary Diversions, Renal Colic/ Calculi, Polycystic kidney disease IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 68, 69. ATI- Chapters 45, 46, 47 W 4/6 Acute/chronic renal failure Dialysis, Renal Transplant. IGNATAVICIUS-Chapter 71 ATI-Chapters 42, 43, 50 M 4/11 FEMALE GYNECOLOGIC STRESSORS Uterine, cervical, ovarian Ca IGNATAVICIUS- Chapter 74. ATI- Chapters 117, 118, 120, 123. MALE REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS BPH, Prostate Ca, Testicular Ca IGNATAVICIUS-Chapters 75. ATI- Chapters 119,121, 122. M 3/21 W 4/13 UNIT 3 EXAM M 4/25 HEMATOLOGIC STRESSORS Anemias, Polycythemia Vera, DIC Chronic Leukemia Self Study: review blood transfusions IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 41, 42 ATI-Chapter 26, 27 Nutrition: Iron rich foods W 4/27 NEUROLOGICAL STRESSORS ALC (Altered Level of Consciousness), Increased ICP, Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Tumors IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 43, 47 ATI- Chapter 78. Revised 1/11 JB M 5/2 Spinal Cord Injury, Back Pain CVA/TIA, Carotid Endartarectomy IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 45,47 ATI- Chapters 83, 88, 89. W 5/4 Chronic Neurological Disorders: Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, MS, ALS, Guillain-Barre’, Myasthenia Gravis IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 44, 45, 46, 47 ATI- Chapters 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90. M 5/9 BURNS SHOCK STATES IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 28, 39 ATI- Chapter 115 W 5/11 STRESSORS RELATED TO DISASTERS Emergency Nursing IGNATAVICIUS- Chapters 10, 11,12. ATI- Chapters 1, 2, 35 M 5/16 UNIT 4 EXAM IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER 1/25 or 1/28 ACE #1: On campus 2/21 President’s Day- No classes 3/22 All College Day – No Classes 3/24 Mid-semester 4/16-4/24 Spring Recess TBD ACE #2: ½ day clinical ½ day on campus Rhythm strip interpretation Code Blue/Sims Lab TBD ACE #3: Clinical Presentations ATI Med-Surg Final Clinical Evaluations 5/18-5/19 College Make-up Days 5/18 ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor 5/20 Nursing Pinning Ceremony 5/22 Commencement Cellphones and electronic devices must be shut off during lectures class. Note well: On Exam day, students will not have access to cell phones or any electronic devices for the ENTIRE lecture class. ATI Testing: Please have paper/pencil and computer ID available. Revised 1/11 JB