ENVIRONMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DECISION 1 August 2008 Application Code HSR07054 Application Type To import or manufacture for release any hazardous substance under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (“the Act”) Applicant Jurox New Zealand Ltd Date Application Received 20 September 2007 Submission Period 4 October 2007 to 16 November 2007 Consideration Period 5 June 2008 to 7 July 2008 Considered by A Committee of the Authority Purpose of the Application Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses: to import for release a veterinary medicine containing 126 g/kg domperidone, an endocrine agent, for use in horses to promote ovulation and improve livestock productivity (Category A). 1 Summary of decision 1.1 The application to import or manufacture Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses for release is approved with controls in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act, the HSNO Regulations and the HSNO (Methodology) Order 1998 (“the Methodology”). 1.2 The substance has been given the following unique identifier for the ERMA New Zealand Hazardous Substances Register: Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses 2 Legislative criteria for application 2.1 The application was lodged pursuant to section 28. The decision was determined in accordance with section 29, taking into account matters to be considered in that section and additional matters specified under Part II of the Act. Unless otherwise stated, references to section numbers in this decision refer to sections of the Act. 2.2 Consideration of the application followed the relevant provisions of the Methodology. Unless otherwise stated, references to clauses in this decision refer to clauses of the Methodology. 3 Application process 3.1 The application was formally received on 20 September 2007. 3.2 In accordance with sections 53(1) and 53A, and clauses 2(2) (b) and 7, public notification was made on 9 February 2007. 3.3 Submissions closed on 16 November 2007. 3.4 Various Government departments, Crown Entities and interested parties, including the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Group), the Ministry of Health and the Department of Labour Work Place Group, which in the opinion of the Authority would be likely to have an interest in the application, were notified of the receipt of the application (sections 53(4) and 58(1)(c), and clauses 2(2)(e) and 5) and provided with an opportunity to comment or make a public submission on the application. 3.5 No submissions or comments were received. 3.6 The Agency was commissioned to prepare an Evaluation and Review Report (“the E&R Report”) to aid the Committee in its decision making process. The E&R Report consists of the Agency’s review of the application and available data regarding the substance and/or its constituent components. In the E&R Report, the Agency proposed a suite of controls considered suitable to manage the risks associated with the release of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses and has assessed the potential risks the substance may pose to the environment, human health, Māori, community and to the market economy. 3.7 The ACVM Group, the Ministry of Health, the Department of Labour and the applicant were given the opportunity to comment on the Agency’s Evaluation and Review Report (“the E&R Report”) and the controls proposed therein. The applicant indicated that they did not believe any of the controls to be impracticable or inappropriate. 3.8 No external experts were used in the consideration of this application (clause 17). 3.9 Due to delays in completing the E&R Report, the Authority, with the applicant’s consent, postponed the consideration of the application until 5 June 2008. 3.10 The following members of the Authority considered the application (section 19(2) (b)): Helen Atkins (Chair), Dr Deborah Read, Dr Kieran Elborough. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 2 of 13 3.11 The information available to the Committee comprised: the application; the E&R Report including confidential appendices. 3.12 During the consideration the Committee was concerned about lack of data regarding the effect of potential metabolites excreted by the treated horse and the potential effects of these metabolites on human health and the general lack of data on human health and environmental adverse effects. Accordingly, the Committee requested that additional information be provided on the potential adverse effects and benefits of the substance and how similar applications have been treated by the Authority in the past. 3.13 The Agency requested further information on adverse effects and benefits from the applicant. 3.14 In response, the applicant supplied the following: Calculations of environmental concentration of domperidone in soil A letter to the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) A report from the US FDA Comments on the need to conduct an environmental impact assessment Further Information on the benefits of Jurox Domperidone. 3.15 The Agency provided a report to the Committee for consideration on 27 June 2008 and the Committee concluded its consideration of the application for approval on 7 July 2008. . 4 Consideration Purpose of the application 4.1 To import for release a veterinary medicine Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses containing 126 g/kg domperidone, an endocrine agent, for use in horses to promote ovulation and improve livestock productivity (Category A). Information Review 4.2 In the E&R Report, the Agency noted that there are data gaps for many of the hazard subclasses for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses. 4.3 As indicated above, the Committee requested further information from the applicant and the Agency on the potential adverse effects and benefits of the substance and how similar applications have been treated by the Authority in the past. 4.4 The additional information included a predicted environmental concentration (PEC) in soil of between 0.06 and 0.08 µg/kg. This level is well below the VICH (International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products) Guideline trigger value of ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 3 of 13 100 µg/kg for requiring an environmental risk assessment. (See Fig 1. Phase 1 Decision Tree, E&R Report Page 40). 4.5 Although the calculations relate to a predicted concentration in soil not faeces, it means that it is highly improbable that the amount of domperidone in soil/faeces will pose a risk to humans. 4.6 The additional information also made it clear that international practice does not require environmental risk assessments for products such as Jurox Domperidone. It also appears that risks to human health by exposure to manure etc. have not been considered. However, given the concentration that would be required to cause an adverse health effect, this is does not appear to be unreasonable. 4.7 The additional benefits identified by the applicant relate to “off-label” uses of the substance in treating agalactia in mares and the prevention of fescue toxicosis in peripaturient mares. As no alternative substances have been identified, these additional benefits would appear to be potentially significant in New Zealand. 4.8 The Agency also identified three approvals under Part V and two transferred approvals for similar substances. The Agency noted that these substances have been approved and are being used without any additional controls being applied to cover uncertainties in information on their human health and environmental effects. Furthermore, the Agency is not aware of any reports that indicate that the use of these substances has caused any concerns about human health or environmental adverse effects. 4.9 Having reviewed the application, the E&R Report and the additional information supplied by the applicant and the Agency, the Committee considers that the information available constitutes an adequate and appropriate basis for considering the application (clause 8). Sequence of the consideration 4.10 In accordance with clause 24, the approach to the consideration adopted by the Committee was to: establish the hazard classifications for the substances and derive the default controls that are prescribed under section 77 for each classification. identify potentially non-negligible risks, costs, and benefits. assess the potentially non-negligible risks and costs. Risks were assessed in accordance with clause 12, and costs in accordance with clause 13. consider the adequacy of the default controls, prescribed under section 77, and exposure limits alongside the assessment of risks and costs to determine whether those controls or limits should be varied or set and identify where additional controls need to be applied, under section 77A, to mitigate any unacceptable risks. vary and add controls in accordance with sections 77 and 77A. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 4 of 13 undertake a combined consideration of all the risks and costs and determine whether the combined risks and costs are negligible or nonnegligible. The combined risks and costs for this application were determined to be negligible. consider the cost-effectiveness of the application of controls in accordance with clause 35 and sections 77 and 77A. determine whether it was evident that the identified potential benefits outweighed the costs. confirm and set the controls. approve or decline the application under section 29 and clause 26. assess the benefits associated with this application in accordance with clauses 9, 11, 13 and 14 and section 6(e). taking into account the risk characteristics established under clause 33, evaluate the risks, costs and benefits in accordance with clause 34 and section 29 and determine whether the application should be approved or declined. confirm and set the controls. Hazard classification 4.11 The Agency reviewed the hazard classification for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses on the basis of its composition and the properties of its components. 4.12 The Agency was unable to assess the ecotoxicity hazards associated with the Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses since the applicant had not provided any formulation studies; providing instead a literature survey on the hazardous properties of domperidone. 4.13 Additional information provided by the applicant after the consideration reduced this uncertainty but did not provide sufficient information to allow the reassessment of the hazard classifications. 4.14 The Agency has classified Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses as follows: Hazardous Property Target Organ Toxicity Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses 6.9B Default controls 4.15 In the E&R Report, the Agency assigned default controls for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses based on its hazardous property as set out in the HSNO Regulations. The default controls were used as a reference for evaluation of the application in the E&R Report. The default controls are listed in section 8 of the E&R Report and have not been reproduced here. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 5 of 13 Identification of the potentially non-negligible risks, costs and benefits of the substance 4.16 In its evaluation of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses, the Agency identified potentially significant, and therefore non-negligible, risks, costs and benefits associated with the substance. Potentially non-negligible risks 4.17 The Committee considers that the potentially non-negligible risks associated with Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses relate to the substance’s classification of 6.9B indicating its potential to cause target organ toxicity Potentially non-negligible costs 4.18 A “cost” is defined in Regulation 2 of the Methodology as “the value of a particular adverse effect expressed in monetary or non-monetary terms”. Accordingly, the costs were assessed in an integrated fashion together with the risks in the Agency’s assessment. Potentially non-negligible benefits 4.19 A “benefit” is defined in Regulation 2 of the Methodology as “the value of a particular positive effect expressed in monetary or non-monetary terms”. Benefits that may arise from any of the matters set out in clauses 9 and 11 were considered in terms of clause 13. 4.20 The Committee considers that the major benefit associated with the substance is the improvement of mare fertility in the early stages of the breeding season to provide better control of reproduction in mares and less wastage of stallion time covering mares during low fertility periods. 4.21 The Committee also noted that the availability of the Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses ready-to- use formulation will avoid the current situation where the human medicine is used off-label. It is possible that the risks associated with the off-label process, particularly the likelihood of human exposure to the active ingredient, outweigh those of production in a Good Manufacturing Practice compliant facility and administration of a ready-to-use paste. Assessment of the potentially non-negligible risks and costs of the substance 4.22 The Agency was unable to assess the ecotoxicity hazards associated with the Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses due to a lack of data and the Committee considers that there is some uncertainty surrounding the magnitude of potential adverse effects. Taking this into account and after consideration of the additional information the Committee considers that, since the Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses will be available in small quantities (pre packaged in 5 g syringes) and will only be available with a veterinary prescription any potential adverse environmental effects will be negligible. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 6 of 13 4.23 The Agency classified Jurox Domperidone Paste as a target organ toxicant. The Committee considers that the risks to human health and safety are negligible since there is no dust associated with the formulation of the paste, reducing the hazards via the inhalation route, and its use will be limited to veterinarians or those under the direction off a veterinarian. The Committee noted that the dose at which human toxicity would be reached was equivalent to the repeated daily ingestion of 5 syringes of paste and that this is highly improbable. 4.24 Significant adverse impacts on the social or economic environment are not anticipated with the controlled use of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses. 4.25 The overall level of risk to Māori culture or traditional relationships with ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu, valued flora and fauna or other taonga is described as negligible. 4.26 There is no evidence to suggest that the controlled use of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses will provide significant risks to New Zealand’s international obligations. 5 Controls 5.1 A number of variations to the default controls for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses were proposed in the E&R Report in accordance with clause 35 and sections 77 and 77A. These variations and the setting of exposure limits and applications rates are discussed below. 5.2 The applicant was given an opportunity to comment on the proposed controls as set out in the E&R Report (clause 35(b)). 5.3 In response, the applicant indicated that they did not believe any of the controls to be impracticable or inappropriate. Setting of exposure limits and application rates 5.4 Control T1 relates to the requirement to limit public exposure to toxic substances by the setting of Tolerable Exposure Limits (TELs), which are derived from Acceptable Daily Exposure (ADE) values. 5.5 The Committee notes that domperidone is intended for use in horses which are not specifically excluded from use to produce meat for human consumption. However, given the limited information supplied the Committee is unable to determine an appropriate ADE and subsequent PDEfood and TEL values. Consequently no ADE or TEL values are set at this time. 5.6 Control T2 relates to the requirement to limit worker exposure to toxic substances by the setting of Workplace Exposure Standards (WESs). The Committee has deleted this control as Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses will not become airborne and disperse in air. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 7 of 13 Proposed additional controls 5.7 Under section 77A, the Authority may impose as controls any obligations and restrictions as the Authority thinks fit. Under section 77A(4), the Authority must be satisfied that, against any other specified controls that apply to the substance, the proposed control is more effective in terms of its effect on the management, use and risks of the substance; or the proposed control is more cost-effective in terms of its effect on the management, use and risks of the substance; or the proposed control is more likely to achieve its purpose. 5.8 The Committee notes that the risk assessment has been based solely upon the substance being used as a veterinary medicine but none of the specified (default) controls limit how the substance may be used. Additionally, with the uncertainty associated with the toxic properties of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses, the Committee considers that the potential for contact with people involved in administering the substance should be minimised. Accordingly, the Committee has applied the following controls so that the suite of controls for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses will be more effective than the specified controls in terms of their effect on the management, use and risks of the substance (section 77A(4)(a)): “This approval relates to the importation only of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses in the form of syringes”. “Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses shall only be used as a veterinary medicine” Proposed modification of controls 5.9 Under section 77, the default controls triggered for the substance may be varied. Under section 77(3), controls may be substituted or added. Under section 77(4), controls may be substituted or deleted. Under section 77(5), where a substance triggers more than one hazard classification, controls may be combined. 5.10 No modifications are proposed to the default controls for Domperidone Paste for Horses. 6 Overall evaluation of risks and costs 6.1 The Committee considers that, despite the uncertainties, there are no significant risks to the environment, human health, society or the community, the relationship of Maori to the environment, the market economy, or to New Zealand’s international obligations from Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses with the proposed controls in place. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 8 of 13 7 Assessment of the potentially non-negligible benefits 7.1 The Committee is unable to place an expected value on the benefits (clause 13(b)) but is satisfied that the ability of the substance to enter the market could give rise to the associated benefits detailed in paragraphs 4.11 and 4.12 above. However, the Committee considers that the benefits associated with the release of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses are potentially significant. 7.2 In accordance with sections 29(1) (a) (iii) and 29(1) (b) (iii), the Committee considers that if Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses were not made available, the benefits offered would not be realised and users would continue to use the human medicine. 8 Comparison of risks, cost and benefits 8.1 As discussed above, the Committee considers that due to its packaging and mode of application Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses poses negligible risks to human health and safety. 8.2 The Committee considers that, while Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses presents negligible risks to the environment, with any effects being reversible localised around the area of application. 8.3 The Committee also considers that Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses offers a significant level of benefit to users. 8.4 As there are potentially non-negligible benefits associated with the import or of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses, the Committee is satisfied that it is evident that the benefits associated with the substance outweigh the costs. 9 Recommendations 9.1 The Committee recommends that, should inappropriate or accidental use, transport or disposal of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses result in the contamination of waterways, the appropriate authorities, including the relevant iwi authorities in the region, should be notified. This action should include advising them of the contamination and the measures taken in response. 10 Environmental User Charges 10.1 The Committee considers that the use of controls is the most effective way of managing risks throughout the lifecycle of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses. The imposition of an environmental user charge instead of, or in combination, with controls is therefore not required at this time. 11 Decision 11.1 The Committee determines that Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses triggers the 6.9B Target organ systemic toxicity hazard classifications. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 9 of 13 11.2 Pursuant to section 29 and clause 26, the positive effects (benefits) of the substance outweigh the adverse effects (risks and costs). 11.3 The application for importation and release of the hazardous substance, Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses, is thus approved with controls as listed in Appendix 1. 11.4 In accordance with clause 36(2) (b), the Committee records that, in reaching this conclusion, it has applied the balancing tests in section 29 and clause 26. 11.5 It has also applied the following criteria in the Methodology: clause 9 – equivalent of sections 5, 6 and 8; clause 11 – characteristics of substance; clause 12 – evaluation of assessment of risks; clause 13 – evaluation of assessment of costs and benefits; clause 14 – costs and benefits accruing to New Zealand clause 21 – the decision accords with the requirements and regulations; clause 22 – the evaluation of risks, costs and benefits – relevant considerations; clause 24 – the use of recognised risk identification, assessment, evaluation and management techniques; clause 25 – the evaluation of risks; clause 33 – risk characteristics; clause 34 – the aggregation and comparison of risks, costs and benefits; and Clause 35 – the costs and benefits of varying the default controls. signed Helen Atkins Date: 1 August 2008 Chair ERMA New Zealand Approval Code: ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 HSR007947 Page 10 of 13 APPENDIX 1: CONTROLS FOR JUROX DOMPERIDONE PASTE FOR HORSES Table A5.1: Controls for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses – codes, regulations and variations. Control Regulation2 Topic Variations Code1 Hazardous Substances (Classes 6, 8, and 9 Controls) Regulations 2001 T1 11-27 Limiting exposure to toxic substances T4 7 T5 8 Requirements for equipment used to handle hazardous substances Requirements for protective clothing and equipment No ADE or TEL values are set for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses at this time. Hazardous Substances (Identification) Regulations 2001 I1 6, 7, 32-35, 36 (1)-(7) General identification requirements Regulation 6 – Identification duties of suppliers Regulation 7 – Identification duties of persons in charge Regulations 32 and 33 – Accessibility of information I9 18 I16 25 I17 I18 I19 26 27 29-31 Regulations 34, 35, 36(1)-(7) – Comprehensibility, Clarity and Durability of information Secondary identifiers for all hazardous substances Secondary identifiers for toxic substances Use of Generic Names Use of Concentration Ranges Alternative information in certain cases Regulation 29 – Substances in fixed bulk containers or bulk transport containers Regulation 30 – Substances in multiple packaging I21 37-39, 47-50 Regulation 31 – Alternative information when substances are imported Documentation required in places of work Note: The numbering system used in this column relates to the coding system used in the ERMA New Zealand Controls Matrix. This links the hazard classification categories to the regulatory controls triggered by each category. It is available from the ERMA New Zealand website www.ermanz.govt.nz/resources and is also contained in the ERMA New Zealand User Guide to the HSNO Control Regulations. 2 These Regulations form the controls applicable to this substance. Refer to the cited Regulations for the formal specification, and for definitions and exemptions. The accompanying explanation is intended for guidance only. 1 ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 11 of 13 Control Code1 Regulation2 Topic Variations Regulation 37 – Documentation duties of suppliers Regulation 38 – Documentation duties of persons in charge of places of work Regulation 39 – General content requirements for documentation Regulation 47 – Information not included in approval Regulation 48 – Location and presentation requirements for documentation Regulation 49 – Documentation requirements for vehicles I28 46 Regulation 50 – Documentation to be supplied on request Specific documentation requirements for toxic substances Hazardous Substances (Packaging) Regulations 2001 P1 5, 6, 7 (1), 8 General packaging requirements Regulation 5 – Ability to retain contents Regulation 6 – Packaging markings Regulation 7(1) – Requirements when packing hazardous substance Regulation 8 – Compatibility Regulation 9A and 9B – Large Packaging P3 9 PS4 Schedule 4 Packaging requirements for substances packed in limited quantities This schedule describes the minimum packaging requirements that must be complied with when a substance is packaged in limited quantities Hazardous Substances (Disposal) Regulations 2001 D4 8 Disposal requirements for Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses D6 D7 D8 10 11, 12 13, 14 Disposal requirements for packages Disposal information requirements Disposal documentation requirements Hazardous Substances (Emergency Management) Regulations 2001 EM8 12-16, 18-20 Level 2 emergency management documentation requirements Hazardous Substances (Tank Wagons and Transportable Containers) Regulations 2004 Regulations 4 to 43 where The Hazardous Substances (Tank Wagons and Transportable Containers) Regulations ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 12 of 13 Control Code1 applicable Regulation2 Topic Variations 2004 prescribe a number of controls relating to tank wagons and transportable containers and must be complied with as relevant. Section 77A Additional Controls This approval relates to the importation only of Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses in the form of syringes Jurox Domperidone Paste for Horses shall only be used as a veterinary medicine. ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application HSR07054 Page 13 of 13