Oceanography: Southern Ocean Writing Assignment

Southern Ocean Writing Assignment
*****Attach this sheet to the front of your Assignment!!!!!!!!!!!*****
You will pick an organism in the Southern Ocean ecosystem (list of organisms on the back side) and research
how that organism survives in its environment. What you will include in your writing is listed below. This
writing should be approximately 1-2 pages long.
Name of your organism:_______________________________
Things to include:
o Describe your organism’s specific habitat in the Southern Ocean ecosystem
o Explain how your organism obtains energy (photosynthesis; eating others, etc.)
o Describe how your organism fits into a Southern Ocean food web – what eats it; what it eats
o Describe adaptations your organism has
o for surviving in the Southern Ocean environment
o for reproducing
o for finding food
o for defending against predators
o Express something you found interesting about this organism
o Cite your sources! MLA format
12-point, Times New Roman font
1-2 pages
Reference section
You should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Describe where your organism is found in the Southern Ocean
Explain how your organism obtains energy (photosynthesis; eating others, etc.)
Describe how your organism fits into a Southern Ocean food web – what eats it;
what it eats
Describe adaptations your organism has
o for surviving in the Southern Ocean environment
o for reproducing
o for finding food
o for defending against predators
Express something you found interesting about this organism
Cite your sources!
Total Points_____/15