Chemistry of Life - California Science Teacher

Steve Chang
Angel Henandez
Chapter 2-5 Biochemistry
1. Different type of chemical bonds (Single bonds, double bonds, no
polar/polar bonds, covalent bonds, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, Van der
Waal interactions)
2. Elements properties depend on the structure of its atoms. Neurons (-),
protons (+), electrons, isotopes – different atomic forms.
3. Properties of water ( cohesion, high specific heat, surface tension)
4. pH (acid 0-7, base 7-14)
5. Organic chemistry contains carbon atoms which are covalent bonded
carbon contains 4 valance electrons.
6. Isomers:
Structural isomers: different covalent arrangement of atoms
Geometric isomers: some covalent arrangement, but different spatial
7. Carbohydrates used as energy or fuel.
8. Saturated fat: packed closely together at room temperature (butter)
9. Unsaturated fat: does not pack together because of kinks in their fatty acid
tails. (oleic acid)
10. Phospholipids found in the plasma membrane, composed of two fatty acids
attached to a Glycerol head.
11. Steroids – lipids characterized by a carbon skeleton consisting of four fused
rings. Cholesterol is an example of a common steroid.
1) Which is an example of hydrogen bonds?
A) H+ and N+.
B) The bond between an ocygen atom and a hydrogen In the
carboxyl group of fatty acid
C) Bond between carbon and hydrogen
D) The attraction between a hyrogen of one water molecule
and the oxygen of another water molecule.
E) All of the above
2) A Feature of organic compounds NOT found in inorganic
compounds is the presence of…
A) ionizing chemical group
B) elecctrons
C) carbon atoms covalantley bonded to each other
D) oxygen
E) hydrogen bonds