Curriculum Overview for Year 1 – Autumn Term 2015 Art & Design Computing English Traditional tales – Fairy tales Fiction – Sequencing a story, settings, comparing traditional tales with traditional tales with a twist, and characterisation Non-fiction – labelling castles, letters Poetry – Poems on a theme (castle and seasonal poems) Drama – hot seating Guided reading and individual reader Phonics – Letters and Sounds phases 3, 4 and 5 Handwriting Grammar and sentence structure Design and make crowns Portraits (self and family) Scissor technique Colour mixing (primary colours to secondary colours) Design & Technology Crowns E-safety Programming Using iPads Saving work Using a keyboard and mouse Parts of the computer Geography Location of castles International Food Week Mathematics Days of the week and months of the year Count and order numbers to 20 Read, write and recognise numbers to 20 in digits and words One more / one less Using number lines Number bonds to 10 Adding and subtracting One step problems 2D and 3D shapes Measuring (non-standard units of measurement) Science Seasonal changes (Autumn) Properties of materials – advantages and disadvantages Investigations Modern Languages The children will start French in the Summer term Music Singing games and rhymes Controlling classroom instruments Creating music to tell a story History Features of a castle Geographical locations of castles Castle life – banquets, jousting Life of a King / Queen Family trees Physical Education Dance – Medieval and Tudor dances Games – Throwing and catching Gym – Basic shapes Swimming – Building confidence in the water. Beginning to learn some strokes (front crawl and back stroke) Religious Education Harvest Divali PSCHE To duscuss right from wrong New beginnings Friendships Class charter