CACHE Modules on Energy in the Curriculum Fuel Cells Module Title: Water Gas Shift Reaction in a Palladium Membrane Reactor Module Author: Jason Keith Author Affiliation: Michigan Technological University Course: Kinetics and Reaction Engineering Text Reference: Fogler (4th edition), Section 4.9 Literature Reference: S. Uemiya et al, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 30, 585 (1991). Concepts: Develop a numerical model to predict the conversion and hydrogen yield within a membrane reactor. Problem Motivation: Fuel cells are a promising alternative energy conversion technology. One type of fuel cell, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) reacts hydrogen with oxygen to produce electricity (Figure 1). Fundamental to a hydrogen economy powered by fuel cells is the generation of high purity hydrogen. Consider the schematic of a compressed hydrogen tank (2000 psi, regulated to 10 psi) feeding a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, as seen in Figure 2 below. We will now focus on hydrogen generation in a membrane reactor (to fill the compressed tank). - - e e H2 H2O O2 H+ H2 H2O H2 O2 O2 + H H2 Computer (Electric Load) Pressure regulator H2 feed line Air in H2 H2 H2 H2 H2O H2O + H H2 H+ O2 Anode Cathode Electrolyte Figure 1. Reactions in the PEMFC H2 out H2 tank Fuel Cell Air / H2O out Figure 2. Diagram for fueling a laptop. 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 1 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 Background Natural gas has been proposed as a source of hydrogen for fuel cell vehicle applications because of the existing infrastructure. In a process known as steam reforming, natural gas and steam are reacted into mostly carbon monoxide and hydrogen with some carbon dioxide also produced. There is also excess water in the reformate stream. A water gas shift reactor can be used to convert some of the remaining carbon monoxide into hydrogen according to the reaction: CO + H2O ↔ H2 + CO2 Figures 3 shows an axisymmetric view of an annular water gas shift reactor which is 8 cm high. In the outer (annular) region, an iron chromium oxide catalyst is present to carry out the water gas shift reaction. A 20 m thick palladium membrane separates the reaction (outer) zone from the separation (inner) zone. Gas Flows In Separation Zone Reaction Zones Figure 3. Annular Membrane Reactor : Top View (Left) and Side View (Right) 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 2 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 The following chemicals are present in the system: carbon monoxide (CO), water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2), and argon (Ar). Argon serves as an inert sweep gas in the separation zone. Performing a mass balance on each chemical in the outer (reaction) zone gives: dFCO ,outer rCO dx dFH 2O ,outer dx dFH 2,outer dx dFCO 2,outer dx (1) rH 2O (2) rH 2 j (3) rCO 2 (4) Similarly, for the inner (separation) zone we have: dFH 2,inner dx dFAr ,inner dx j (5) 0 (6) In equations 1-6 F denotes a molar flow rate in mol/min. The reaction rates are related by rCO rH 2O rCO 2 rH 2 r (7) where r is the reaction rate in units of mol/(min – cm reactor length) and is given in terms of gas concentration in units of mol/cm3 as: rk CCO ,outerC H 2O ,outer K 1CCO 2,outerC H 2,outer 1 2.4 10 5 C H 2O ,outer 7.2 10 5 CCO 2,outer (8) where k = 7.4 x 108 in units of cm6/(mol – min – cm reactor length)] and K = 11.92 (dimensionless) at the reaction conditions of 673 K. Finally, the membrane flux in units of mol/(min – cm reactor length) is given by Equation 9 of Uemiya et al. (see the literature reference on page 1) according to: j q 0.76 C H 2,outer C H0.76 2 ,inner t 1st Draft 2nd Draft (9) J.M. Keith Page 3 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 where q = 1.1 x 102 (mol0.24 – m thickness – cm2.28)/(min – cm reactor length) and t = 20 m. Example Problem Statement: Consider a reaction zone feed of 1.1 x 10-3 mol/min CO and 1.1 x 10-3 mol/min H2O at 2 atm pressure. In the separation zone the feed is 1.8 x 10-2 mol/min Ar at 1 atm pressure. Recall that the reactor length is 8 cm. a) Determine the equilibrium concentrations of CO, H2O, CO2, and H2 if there is no membrane separation of hydrogen (thus, in this problem assume j = 0). b) Construct a numerical model to predict the molar flow rates of CO, H2O, CO2, and H2 as a function of distance if there is no membrane separation of hydrogen (thus, in your simulations assume j = 0). Use a step size x = 0.01 cm. Is equilibrium reached in this reactor? What is the CO conversion in this system? Example Problem Solution: Part a) Step 1) At equilibrium the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal. This corresponds to a situation where: CCO,eq CH 2O,eq K 1CCO 2,eq CH 2,eq (10) Step 2) We note that as there is no CO2 or H2 in the feed, their initial partial concentrations are zero. Furthermore, the equal molar feed of CO and H2O corresponds to a partial pressure of 1 atm for each gas. The corresponding concentration is given as: Co 1atm L 1.8 10 5 mol/cm 3 3 L - atm 1000 cm 0.08206 673K mol - K (11) Step 3) As the reaction occurs the concentration of CO2 and H2 will increase linearly with conversion, whereas the concentration of CO and H2O will decrease linearly with conversion. If we denote C as the concentration change from the feed state to the equilibrium state, we would have: CCO ,eq C H 2O ,eq C o C (12) and C CO 2,eq C H 2,eq C (13) Step 4) Inserting Equations 12 and 13 into Equation 10 gives: 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 4 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 (Co C) 2 K 1C 2 (14) This can be expanded and rewritten as a quadratic equation: a(C ) 2 bC c 0 (15) where a = 1 – -1 = 0.916, b = –2Co = –3.6 x 10-5, and c = Co2 = 3.2 x 10-10. The solution is C = 1.4 x 10-5 mol/cm3 such that: C CO ,eq C H 2O ,eq 4.0 x 10-6 mol/cm3 (16) and CCO 2,eq C H 2,eq 1.4 x 10-5 mol/cm3 (17) These can be inserted into Equation 11 to show that they satisfy the equilibrium conditions. Step 5) The molar flow rates of these chemicals can be determined from the change in concentrations: FCO ,outer FH 2O ,outer FCO , feed C CO ,eq C CO , feed 1.1 10 3 mol/min 4.0 10 -6 mol/cm 3 2.4 10 -4 mol/min -5 3 1.8 10 mol/cm 1.1 10 3 mol/min 1.4 10 -5 mol/cm 3 8.6 10 -4 mol/min 1.8 10 -5 mol/cm 3 Also, FCO 2,outer FH 2,outer FCO , feed C CO 2,eq C CO , feed Part b) Step 1) A numerical model can be made to simulate Equations 1-4 with j = 0. Using a simple Euler discretization of the equations we have: FCO ,outer,i 1 FCO ,outer,i rx (18) FH 2O ,outer,i 1 FH 2O ,outer,i rx (19) FCO 2,outer,i 1 FCO 2,outer,i rx (20) FH 2,outer,i 1 FH 2,outer,i rx (21) 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 5 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 Subject to the initial conditions FCO ,outer, 0 FH 2O ,outer, 0 1.1 x 10-3 mol/min and FCO 2,outer,0 FH 2,outer,0 0.0 mol/min. These equations can be solved iteratively until the end of the reactor is reached. The procedure is: 1) Calculate the reaction rate r at feed conditions (location 0, distance x = 0). 2) Use r to calculate the chemical flow rates (location 1, distance = x) using equations 18 – 21. 3) Calculate the reaction rate r at the updated conditions (location 1, distance x = x). 4) Repeat steps 2-3 as you progress down the length of the reactor by increasing the location number and distance. The system is simulated using a step size of x =0.01 cm. For more detail please see the MATLAB code at the end of the example problem solution. A plot of the species molar flow rates as a function of distance is shown in Figure 4 below. It can be seen that equilibrium is reached within the first cm of the reactor. We note that the same results were obtained with x =0.001 cm such that step size does not influence the results. 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 6 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 Figure 4. Molar flow rates as a function of distance for the water gas shift reaction without the palladium membrane. Step 2) The exit CO flow rate is 2.4 x 10-4 mol/min. This corresponds to a CO conversion of: X FCO , feed FCO ,outer,801 FCO ,outer,801 1.1 10 3 2.4 10 4 78% 1.1 10 3 (22) Summary: Equilibrium is rapidly achieved within the first cm of reactor length. As will be seen in the example problem, the longer reactor length will facilitate hydrogen separation into the separation zone. Matlab Code: Following is the Matlab code for this example problem. % % water-gas shift reaction % CO + H2O <-> CO2 + H2 % without palladium membrane % % reaction occurs in annulus % iron-chromium oxide catalyst % % catalyst is 8cm high, 12.1 g, at 673 K % % feed conditions % a = CO % b = H2O % c = CO2 % d = H2 % e = Ar % clear figure(1) close % Fa0=1.1e-3; %mol/min Fb0=1.1e-3; Fc0=0; Fd0=0; % Ca0=1.8e-5; %mol/cm^3 Cb0=1.8e-5; Cc0=0; Cd0=0; % Ftot0=Fa0+Fb0+Fc0+Fd0; Ct0=Ca0+Cb0+Cc0+Cd0; % % set up numerical model dx=0.01; x(1)=0; 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 7 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 % Fa(1)=Fa0; Fb(1)=Fb0; Fc(1)=Fc0; Fd(1)=Fd0; % Ca(1)=Ca0; Cb(1)=Cb0; Cc(1)=Cc0; Cd(1)=Cd0; % for i=1:8/dx; x(i+1)=x(i)+dx; % r=7.4e8*(Ca(i)*Cb(i)-Cc(i)*Cd(i)/11.92)/(1+2.4e5*Cb(i)+7.2e5*Cc(i)); % Fa(i+1)=Fa(i)-r*dx; Fb(i+1)=Fb(i)-r*dx; Fc(i+1)=Fc(i)+r*dx; Fd(i+1)=Fd(i)+r*dx; Ftot=Fa(i+1)+Fb(i+1)+Fc(i+1)+Fd(i+1); % Ca(i+1) = Ct0*Fa(i+1)/Ftot0; Cb(i+1) = Ct0*Fb(i+1)/Ftot0; Cc(i+1) = Ct0*Fc(i+1)/Ftot0; Cd(i+1) = Ct0*Fd(i+1)/Ftot0; % end % figure(1) plot(x,Fa) hold on plot(x,Fb,'r--') plot(x,Fc,'g-.') plot(x,Fd,'k:') xlabel('Distance, cm') ylabel('Molar Flow Rate, mol/min') legend('CO','H_2O','CO_2','H_2') 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 8 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009 Home Problem Statement: Consider a reaction zone feed of 1.1 x 10-3 mol/min CO and 1.1 x 10-3 mol/min H2O at 2 atm pressure. In the separation zone the feed is 1.8 x 10-2 mol/min Ar at 1 atm pressure. Recall that the reactor length is 8 cm. a) Modify the numerical model to predict the molar flow rates of CO, H2O, CO2, and H2 as a function of distance if hydrogen is allowed to permeate through the palladium membrane (thus, in your simulations assume j ≠ 0). Use a step size x = 0.01 cm. Compare your results with the example problem (when there is no membrane). What is the CO conversion in this system? b) Determine the equilibrium partial pressures if you change the reaction zone feed to 7.0 x 10-4 mol/min CO and 1.5 x 10-3 mol/min H2O at 2 atm pressure if there is no membrane separation of hydrogen (thus, in this problem assume j = 0). c) Repeat part a) but with reaction zone feeds of 7.0 x 10-4 mol/min CO and 1.5 x 10-3 mol/min H2O (thus, in your simulations assume j ≠ 0). 1st Draft 2nd Draft J.M. Keith Page 9 October 14, 2008 March 17, 2009