CONSTITUTION - Mt. San Jacinto College

We, the students of Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC), in order to increase the educational values
of student life and strengthen the bond of purpose among students, faculty and administrators, do
establish this constitution to act in accordance with the laws of the State of California and
regulations of the Board of Trustees of the California Community Colleges.
The name of this organization shall be: The Mt. San Jacinto College Student
Government Association, which shall be abbreviated MSJCSGA.
The purpose of the Student Government Association is to provide a student organization
through which students may have the means of some determination in the activities and
affairs of their college life. Objectives shall be as follows:
To represent student interests, rights, and concerns;
To stimulate student awareness of and involvement in the many academic,
cultural, social, and community opportunities available at MSJC;
To promote student awareness and appreciation of the values and traditions of the
To enhance communication/cooperation between all segments of the campus
To organize, finance, and budget student activities and programs through a fair
and representative process.
The following membership shall be recognized by MSJCSGA:
Active Membership
All registered MSJC students enrolled in one or more credit courses, who pay the
designated activity fee, are accorded active membership.
Active membership entitles individuals to:
Vote in all MSJCSGA elections;
Be represented by MSJCSGA officers;
Hold MSJCSGA office;
SGA Constitution –Page #1
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
Discounts established by the MSJCSGA;
Participate in MSJCSGA sponsored organizations;
Eligibility for scholarships and awards given by the MSJCSGA; and
Other rights, privileges, and benefits will be established by MSJCSGA
resolutions and recommendations.
Associate Membership
All other registered MSJC students enrolled in one or more credit courses are accorded
associate membership in MSJCSGA.
Associated membership entitles individuals to;
Vote in all MSJCSGA elections;
Representation by MSJCSGA officers;
Other rights, privileges, and benefits will be established by MSJCSGA
resolutions and recommendations.
Loss of Membership
MSJCSGA membership and privileges shall be revoked for violations of the MSJC
Student Code of Conduct and/or as stated in Mt. San Jacinto College District Policy,
MSJCSGA Constitution and its By-Laws, Standing Rules, and the Student Government
Privileges Granted Policy.
Student Government: Composition and Regulations
The Student Government shall consist of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch.
There shall be at least one advisor without voting privileges to render advice when
requested or necessary at all Executive and Legislative Branch meetings. The Judicial
Branch will request the advice of the MSJCSGA Advisor as necessary to operate
Nature and Power
The Student Government shall act with full authority of the members of the MSJCSGA
subject to limitations within this Constitution and its By-Laws. Actions taken by the
Student Government are effective unless ten (10) percent of the members of the Student
Government Association petition against any decision within fifteen (15) school days
after the proposal of a decision has been made.
Duties of Student Government
It shall be the duty of the Student Government to carry out the business of the
MSJCSGA. A quorum shall consist of fifty (50) percent plus one of the members listed
in their respective branch and/or body of government.
SGA Constitution –Page #2
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
Each currently registered MSJCSGA cardholder shall have the right to receive one ballot
in which to cast his/her vote for the President, the Vice-President, and the members of the
Senate. The President and Vice-President shall run on one slate. The number of students
registered at each campus shall determine the number of Senate seats. Students
registered at both campuses will not be counted in determining the Senate seats. The
candidates with the most votes cast in his/her favor, in descending order, shall be
declared the winners of their respective positions. Guidelines for each election shall be
determined by the Judicial Branch.
Elections and Eligibility Requirements
President/Student Trustee & Vice President
In the semester of nomination, the President/Student Trustee and Vice
President must be enrolled in and maintain nine (9) units at Mt. San
Jacinto College. Must commit to enroll and complete three (3) units of
student leadership classes while in office and complete a minimum of 1.5
units of SGA 105 - Service Learning Seminar, when offered.
Must have completed at least twelve (12) units at Mt. San Jacinto College.
Must have a grade point average of 2.5 for the prior semester’s work and
maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average while in office.
Must have submitted the official petition to run for office and have
followed all rules and guidelines set forth.
Must run on one slate.
Must have complied with all election procedures.
Must be an Active Member of MSJCSGA.
Shall assume their respective duties the final day of the spring semester.
In the semester of nomination, Senators must be enrolled in and maintain
at least nine (9) units at Mt. San Jacinto College. Must commit to enroll
and complete three (3) units of student leadership classes while in office
and complete a minimum of 1.5 units of SGA 105 - Service Learning
Seminar, when offered.
Must have completed at least twelve (12) units at Mt. San Jacinto College.
Must have a grade point average of 2.5 for the prior semester’s work and
maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average while in office.
Must have submitted the official petition to run for office and have
followed all the rules and guidelines set forth.
Must have complied with all election procedures.
Must be an Active Member of MSJCSGA.
Shall assume their respective duties the final day of the spring semester.
SGA Constitution –Page #3
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
Standard and Special Elections
There shall be one (1) standard MSJCSGA election each academic year
for the offices of President, Vice President, Student Trustee, and Senate.
Special elections may be called by the President and authorized by twothirds (2/3) vote of the Legislative Branch or by Initiative, Referendum, or
Recall actions.
Special elections shall comply with all election requirements of
general election.
Appointed Positions
Must have completed at least nine (9) units at Mt. San Jacinto College.
Must be enrolled in and maintain at least nine (9) units at Mt. San Jacinto
College. Must have completed or commit to three (3) units of student
leadership classes while in office and complete a minimum of 1.5 units in
SGA 105 - Service Learning Seminar, when offered.
Must have a grade point average of 2.5 for the prior semester’s work and
maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 while in office.
Must be an Active Member of MSJCSGA.
Must have served as an officer of MSJCSGA, or appointed by the
president with the approval of 2/3 vote from the legislative branch.
Executive Cabinet Appointees
The Executive Cabinet appointees shall be the Secretary, Treasurer, Historian,
and Public Relations Officer(s). Executive Cabinet appointment responsibilities
Must have completed at least nine (9) units at Mt. San Jacinto College.
Must be enrolled in and maintain at least nine (9) units at Mt. San Jacinto
Must have a grade point average of 2.5 for the prior semester’s work and
maintain a 2.0 cumulate grade point average while in office.
Must have completed or commit to three (3) units of student leadership
classes while in office and complete a minimum of 1.5 units in SGA 105 –
Service Learning Seminar, when offered.
Must have submitted the official appointments packet and have followed
all the rules and guidelines set forth. The Secretary shall resume his/her
respective duties upon completion of the appointment process.
Must be an Active Member of MSJCSGA
The Secretary shall resume his/her respective duties upon completion of
the appointment process. All other Executive Cabinet Appointees shall
assume their respective duties the final day of the spring semester.
SGA Constitution –Page #4
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
Members at Large
The Members at Large classification is an appointed position. The President may
appoint a maximum of four Members at Large from each campus to serve as nonvoting members of the Board, with two-thirds (2/3) consent of the legislative
branch, in accordance with Section 51023.7 of the Education Code. These
appointees do not have voting rights, and there is no unit requirement for service
in this classification. The Member at Large classification is designed for new
students who wish to be involved in MSJCSGA.
Limit of Office
Elected officers of the MSJCSGA shall not simultaneously hold more than one position
at a time. An executive officer shall not hold any executive office for more than two (2)
years in MSJCSGA.
Term of Office
The terms of office for elected or appointed positions shall be one year, unless appointed
to a position to fill a vacancy. The term for that appointment term will expire at the next
general election for that office.
President/Student Trustee and Vice President Vacancy
If the President should become unable to fulfill his/her term, the Vice President
shall become the President.
If the Vice President should become unable to fulfill his/her term, the President
shall appoint a Vice President who will require the confirmation of the Legislative
Branch with a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
If both the President and Vice President are unable to fulfill their terms, the
Secretary will assume the responsibilities of the President until the Legislative
Branch appoints and confirms the new President.
Publications and Publicity Regulations
Regulations concerning the publication of student publications or any printed material
shall be found in the MSJC College Catalog, MSJCSGA Policy, the MSJCSGA
Constitution, By-Laws and the Standing Rules.
Standing Rules
SGA Constitution –Page #5
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch shall have the
authority to establish and implement any Standing Rules for effectiveness and efficiency
of policies and procedures as deemed necessary.
Standing Rules must be filed with the Secretary.
Standing Rules must have a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present of their
respective branch or body of government to become effective.
Official MSJCSGA minutes must be taken at all MSJCSGA meetings and filed with the
Secretary, the MSJCSGA Advisor and MSJCSGA Support Staff at both campuses, the
MSJC President, Vice President, and Public Relations Officer(s), the MSJCSGA website,
and posted in designated public areas where all MSJC students may read and respond to
the minutes.
Source of Parliamentary Law
The parliamentary law used shall be that defined in the newest edition of Roberts’ Rules
of Order, Revised.
We, the Mt. San Jacinto College Student Government Association, respect the dignity
and rights of all people.
Code of Ethics
We shall recognize that every individual deserves respect, regardless of
his or her cultural affiliation, ethnicity, race, religious beliefs, political
philosophies, disabilities, sexual orientation, age, or socioeconomic status.
We shall avoid using any personal power to exploit or intimidate other
people. We shall be sensitive to the feelings of others and refrain from
displaying personal attention when it is not welcomed.
We shall make every attempt to preserve individual dignity when it is
necessary and appropriate to publicly challenge the beliefs or actions of
any person. We will attempt, in all of our business and social interactions
with others, to display sensitivity which will encourage positive
relationships rather than discourage the development of positive
We recognize that freedom of expression is essential to encourage and
ensure positive student participation and the full expression of ideas.
We will avoid relationships and situations that may constitute conflict of
We, the Mt. San Jacinto College Student Government Association, will
demonstrate honesty while representing the students of Mt. San Jacinto College
and provide an arena for open and honest debate related to student interests and
SGA Constitution –Page #6
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
maintains documentation of all actions, positions, and decisions determined by
We shall provide information regarding the student government
representation process throughout the College campus for student perusal.
We shall actively disseminate the agenda and minutes of all MSJCSGA
meetings in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.
We shall endeavor to evaluate positions other than our own with an openmind.
We, the Mt. San Jacinto College Student Government Association, will
consistently evaluate the consequences of our actions since our actions impact the
MSJC community-at-large, we shall seek to protect the integrity of the Mt. San
Jacinto College Student Government Association and protect the overall mission
of our organization as established by the MSJCSGA Constitution.
We shall decline all gifts and favors from, not only our constituents on
campus, but those within the larger community as well. We shall decline
any gift or favors that can be construed to benefit us, such as bribery, that
demonstrate a substantive material gain, and that would appear as an
attempt to curry favor.
We shall not demonstrate an attitude of personal favoritism or extend
preferential treatment in our relationship with others.
We shall not exploit our colleagues or any other person for personal or
professional gain.
We shall strive to maintain our academic goals and promote excellence in
all that we accomplish.
We shall guard against any action that might compromise our ability to
serve the student body of Mt. San Jacinto College.
We shall remember to carefully consider how we speak and conduct
ourselves as a member of MSJCSGA.
We shall complete the responsibilities that we have assumed as members
We shall refrain from the consumption of alcohol and/or use of illicit
drugs during all MSJCSGA events and activities.
ARTICLE V. Student Government Branches and Responsibilities
Executive Branch
The executive powers of MSJCSGA shall be vested in the President.
The executive officers of MSJCSGA shall be a President, a Vice President,
Secretary, Historian and Treasurer.
The President and Vice President are elected and all other members of the
Executive Cabinet shall be appointed by the President. Upon appointment by the
President to the Executive Cabinet, the nominee must receive two-thirds (2/3)
approval of the Legislative branch.
SGA Constitution –Page #7
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The President is responsible for and required to maintain academic standards and
eligibility while in office. The academic standard is a 2.0 grade point average.
Eligibility requirements for the Office of President are referenced in Article IV,
Section V-A of this Constitution.
The President is the official representative of the MSJCSGA.
The President is responsible for executing legislation and directing programs,
without exceeding budgetary guidelines to ensure “no deficit spending,” as
established by the Senate and provided by the MSJC Student Government
Association’s budget.
The President is responsible for upholding the laws of the MSJCSGA as
proscribed in the MSJCSGA Constitution By-Laws, Finance Code, and Election
The President has the power to conduct business of the MSJCSGA at any time,
but is answerable to the Legislative Branch for any action.
The President shall preside over all meetings of the MSJCSGA and comply with
all mandates of the Brown Act.
The President shall work in conjunction with the Treasurer to develop and present
the annual budget for approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the Legislative body.
The President must maintain eligibility as stated in the California Education Code.
The President shall give a State of the Government Address to the Legislative
Branch. The address shall be given at the first official meeting in the fall and
spring semester and other meetings as deemed necessary.
The President may call special meetings as deemed necessary to carry out the
business of the MSJCSGA. He or she must give 24 hours notice to all Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial members by posting the agenda and/or telephone contact.
The President must either approve or veto any legislation passed by the Senate. In
order to approve legislation, the President must sign the legislation within five (5)
school days. In order to veto legislation, the President must submit a written
statement of objections to the Senate within five (5) school days. If the President
does not take action within this specified period, the legislation shall become law,
unless the Senate has adjourned its session.
In the event of an MSJC District Student Code of Conduct or Grievance hearing,
the President, with recommendations from the MSJCSGA Advisor, will select
from the student body the appropriate representatives to the student grievance
The President, with advice and recommendations of the MSJCSGA Advisor, shall
describe the duties and obligations of newly elected executive, legislative, and
judicial positions.
The President shall have the authority to remove from office any appointed person
who does not fulfill his/her duties, as proscribed by the MSJCSGA Constitution,
By-Laws, or Standing Rules, with a confirmation of two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
Legislative Branch.
SGA Constitution –Page #8
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The President shall make all necessary committee appointments to represent
student interests with two-thirds (2/3) consent of the legislative branch in
accordance with Section 51023.7 of the Education Code.
The President shall make recommendations for establishing the MSJCSGA
regular meeting schedule at the beginning of each semester and notify Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial members of days and times of the regularly scheduled
meetings by letter or telephone.
The President shall preside over and attend weekly Executive Cabinet meetings.
The President shall work with the Vice President to determine representation on
the other campus (not his/her home campus) throughout the month, on separate
days from the Vice President.
Vice President
The Vice President is responsible for and required to maintain academic standards
and eligibility while in office. The academic standard is a 2.0 grade point average.
Eligibility requirements for the Office of Vice President are referenced in Article
IV, Section V-A of this Constitution.
The Vice-President shall assume the office and duties of the President if the office
becomes vacant within the one-year term. The Vice President shall be the official
representative of the MSJCSGA when the President is unavailable.
The Vice President shall preside over all MSJCSGA council meetings in the
absence of the President due to illness, resignation, or removal of the President.
The Vice President shall accompany the MSJCSGA President to all MSJC Board
of Trustee meetings.
The Vice President is the presiding officer of the ICC and may only cast a vote in
the case of a tie.
The Vice President shall work with the President to determine representation on
the other campus (not his/her home campus) throughout the month, on separate
days from the President.
The Vice President shall provide education, orientation, assist in the development
of newly formed clubs and advise campus clubs as necessary.
The Vice President shall be responsible for the planning and assisting with club
activities on both campuses and with business which pertains to clubs and
organizations on both campuses.
The Vice President shall be responsible to recommend to the Legislative Branch,
any revisions to the MSJCSGA Constitution and By-Laws.
The Vice President shall be responsible for marketing and recruiting prospective
MSJCSGA candidates for the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.
The Vice President, along with the MSJCSGA Board Members, shall be
responsible for marketing, inventory, and distribution of the MSJCSGA sticker.
The Vice President shall assume other duties as proscribed by the President and
the MSJCSGA Advisor.
Executive Cabinet
SGA Constitution –Page #9
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The Executive Cabinet advises and assists the President in the fulfillment of
his/her duties and responsibilities.
Individual members of the Executive Cabinet shall assume their respective duties
as prescribed by the Constitution, By-Laws, Standing Rules, or as otherwise
stated by the President.
The Executive Cabinet shall meet at least once a week during the fall and spring
semesters excluding vacations.
The Executive Cabinet is comprised of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Public
Relations Officer(s).
Eligibility requirements for the Office of Secretary are referenced
in Article IV, Section VI-B of this Constitution.
The Secretary shall be responsible for taking attendance at all
MSJCSGA Senate meetings.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping time and minutes
during all MSJCSGA Senate meeting.
The Secretary shall be responsible for upholding and abiding by
the MSJCSGA Constitution and By-Laws.
The Secretary shall be responsible for posting all MSJCSGA
agendas on the MSJC website and on designated posting areas 72
hours before the MSJCSGA Senate meeting on both campuses.
The Secretary shall be responsible for making all approved
minutes available to the public on the MSJC website and
designated posting areas.
The Secretary shall be responsible for distributing all agendas and
approved minutes to:
The MSJCSGA Advisor and SGA support staff at both
campuses; and
The MSJCSGA President, Vice President, and Public
Relations Officers.
The secretary shall be responsible for handling all MSJCSGA
correspondence, and maintain the MSJCSGA telephone and e-mail
The Secretary shall attend all Executive Cabinet meetings.
The Secretary shall work in conjunction with the Treasurer to
expedite all conference, travel, and event expenditures.
Eligibility requirements for the Office of Treasurer are referenced
in Article IV, Section VI-B of this Constitution.
The Treasurer shall be responsible to make monthly reports to the
MSJCSGA Executive Cabinet and Senate.
SGA Constitution –Page #10
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
For the purpose of fiscal accountability, the MSJCSGA’s fiscal
year shall be from July 1 through June 30.
No later than the first week of March in each year, the Treasurer as
directed by the President shall initiate the budget development for
the upcoming fiscal year.
The Treasurer shall collect these requests, formulate a budget, and
submit it as the proposed budget to the Senate no later than April 1.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for serving on MSJC’s Budget
Committee and report findings to the legislative branch.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with
standard operating accounting procedures in relation to all
MSJCSGA expenditures. The Treasurer will ensure that there is
“no deficit” in MSJCSGA budgetary expenditures.
The Treasurer shall work in conjunction with the SGA Advisor to
maintain accurate records and communicate on-going budgetary
issues connected to expenditures and balances.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that proper
signatures are recorded and submitted to Business Services in a
timely manner.
The treasurer shall work in conjunction with the Secretary to
expedite all conference, travel, and event expenditures.
The treasurer shall assume other duties as proscribed by the
President or the Senate, as stated in the Standing Rules.
Public Relations Officer(s)
The President shall appoint Public Relations Officer(s) to serve as the
person responsible for communication and marketing of MSJCSGA
related information and materials. Eligibility requirements for the Public
Relations Officer(s) are referenced in Article IV, Section VI-B of this
Constitution with the following additional criteria:
Must have completed English 098 or equivalent with a grade of
“B” or higher and one transfer level course in Humanities or Social
and Behavioral Sciences.
The Public Relations Officer(s) shall be responsible for
developing, disseminating, and updating information as directed by
the Executive Cabinet to include:
Information Flyers;
Marketing Ads;
Class Schedule;
Student Club Handbook; and
Social Networking sites, including but not limited to
Facebook and MySpace.
SGA Constitution –Page #11
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The Public Relations Officer(s) shall be the primary contact for the
Mt. San Jacinto College Public Information Officer and Web
a. Eligibility requirements for the Office of Historian are referenced in Article
IV, Section VI-B of this Constitution.
b. The Historian shall be responsible for upholding and abiding by the
MSJCSGA Constitution and By-Laws.
c. The Historian shall attend all SGA events.
d. The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining a photographic record of
the year’s events performed by the MSJCSGA.
e. The Historian shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a scrapbook
of photos and memorabilia collected throughout the year that captures work
of the MSJCSGA.
f. The Historian shall be responsible for creating a slideshow of photos to be
shown during the annual Student Government Association Student
Recognition Celebration.
g. The Historian shall maintain the file of scrapbooks and other memorabilia of
MSJCSGA events and actions.
Legislative Branch
All Senators are responsible for and required to maintain academic
standards and eligibility while in office. The academic standard is a 2.0
grade point average. Eligibility requirements for Senators are referenced
in Article IV, Section V-B of this Constitution.
The Senate shall consist of one (1) seat for every 500 + 1 student currently
registered at the Menifee Valley and San Jacinto campus to form one
The Senate may pass legislation (bills, resolutions, and recommendations)
to propose amendments, enact by-laws, and initiate programs and
Members of the Senate shall initiate legislation for raising revenue and
shall be responsible for approval of the MSJCSGA budget.
All legislation that is passed by the Senate shall go to the President for
approval before enactment. If the President approves, the legislation shall
be signed and enacted; if not, the President shall return the legislation to
the Senate with a written statement of objections. The Senate may then, in
re-consideration, by two-thirds (2/3) vote of its membership, pass the
measure again and enact it as law.
The Senate shall confirm by majority votes all appointments to MSJCSGA
offices made by the President.
SGA Constitution –Page #12
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The Senate shall have the power to enact impeachment proceedings, with
cause, against the President, Vice President, and all other elected or
appointed officers of MSJCSGA with two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total
Senate membership. Once the Senate has a two-thirds (2/3) vote for
impeachment, a recommendation will be sent to the Judicial Branch and
the Executive Cabinet. The Judicial Branch shall conduct an impeachment
Inter Club Council (ICC)
Shall be responsible for the planning and assisting with club activities, having a master calendar
with club activities on both campuses, and concern itself with business which pertains to clubs and
organizations on both campuses.
2. The SGA Vice President shall convene and chair all ICC meetings.
3. The ICC shall consist of one (1) representative from each officially approved club and
organization on each campus to form two ICC’s, one on each campus.
4. The ICC shall ensure that all official clubs or organizations have submitted an official charter.
The said charter must then be updated and resubmitted at the beginning of each fall semester if the
club or organization wishes to remain a club or organization in good standing at MSJC.
5. The ICC shall elect from its membership an ICC Vice Commissioner, one from each campus, who
will act as presiding officer of the ICC in the absence of the Vice President of MSJCSGA.
6. The ICC shall appoint special committees and appoint special committee chairs as deemed
7. The ICC may pass resolutions and recommendations to propose amendments, set codes, and
initiate programs and activities.
8. The ICC shall elect its own officers from its representative body, provide penalties within the
Standing Rules to compel the attendance of members, and establish rules pertaining to censure and
9. All resolutions and recommendations that are passed by the ICC shall go to the SGA Board for
approval before enactment. If the SGA Board approves the resolution or recommendation, it shall
be signed and enacted. If not, the SGA Board shall return the resolution or recommendation to the
ICC with a written statement of objections. If approval from the SGA Board cannot be obtained
before the event or expenditure, an emergency written approval from a Dean overseeing SGA,
authorized administrator, or SGA Advisor must be obtained.
10. The ICC shall meet weekly or bimonthly at the discretion of the ICC Board during the fall and
spring semesters (excluding vacations), and must keep minutes of all meetings and publish
decisions and resolution and recommendations.
11. General council meetings of ICC may be called as deemed necessary by the Vice President of
Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch shall consist of three (3) or five (5) Justices, all of which are
appointed by the President and subject to confirmation by the Legislative Branch.
One of these Justices shall be appointed by the President to serve as Chief Justice,
subject to confirmation by the Legislative Branch.
The Judicial Board shall decide all matters brought before it, as delineated in the
California Educational Code, District Policy, MSJCSGA Constitution, By-Laws,
Standing Rules, and/or documented precedent.
SGA Constitution –Page #13
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
In the event of a student grievance hearing, the President shall select from the
Judicial Branch the appropriate number of Justices for representation on the
MSJC District Grievance Board.
The Chief Justice shall preside over impeachment proceeding against the
President and/or Vice President as initiated by the Legislative Branch.
The Judicial Board shall meet when necessary, and the Chief Justice shall be the
Presiding Officer.
All decisions shall be recorded with reasoning, dissenting opinions, clearly stated
in the publication of the minutes and thereafter reported to the Senate Chair
within five (5) days after the decision has been finalized.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of MSJCSGA funding is to support MSJC student needs through
institutional and community projects, events, and activities that clearly benefit the entire
student body and campus community.
Budget Expenditures
Expenditures shall be authorized by the signature of the Treasurer. If the President or the
Treasurer is not available, and an emergency exists that cannot wait for 24-hour approval,
the Vice President is authorized to approve/disapprove the item, but in all cases may not
sign for both the President and Treasurer simultaneously.
Purchase Requests (PR)
Purchase requests must be signed by the President, Treasurer, and MSJCSGA Advisor. If
the president is not available and the item cannot wait for 24-hour approval, the Vice
President is authorized to approve/disapprove the item, but in all cases may not sign for
both the President and Treasurer simultaneously.
Purchase Orders (PO)
Purchase orders must be signed by the President and the MSJCSGA Advisor.
Finance Committee
The Executive Cabinet shall appoint a standing Finance Committee subject to majority
vote of approval by the Senate. If an appointment is vetoed, the appointment will require
the approval of two thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate. The Treasurer shall act as the
chairperson of the Finance Committee as a non-voting member. In the event of a tie, the
Treasurer will cast the tie-breaking vote.
SGA Constitution –Page #14
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
The Finance Committee will receive all requests for funding and provide an
analysis of each funding request. These requests will be submitted to the Senate
with a recommendation to approve or deny, based upon each proposal meeting the
established criteria (completed packet of information: Purchase Request and
Funding Proposal). If approved, the Finance Committee /Treasurer will ensure
the appropriate forms are submitted to the SGA President and SGA Advisor. If
denied, the Finance Committee will notify the applicant of the denial and provide
a reason for denial.
The Finance Committee shall:
Have the authority to review and modify existing Finance Policies, including the
MSJCSGA Student Activity fee when necessary, subject to Senate approval
(majority vote); recommend and advise the Senate on financial matters; review
transfers of expenditures and appropriations.
Distribute Purchase Requests to all departments having an SGA account
and any organization requesting allocation of SGA funds (i.e. clubs)
All requests must be made within the fiscal year
All requests must be accompanied by a proposal (i.e. proposed budget of
expenditures and how the funding will be used –how does it benefit the
student body)
All forms are available in the SGA Office
Funding will not be approved for events and activities that are held for the sole
benefit of an individual or club members.
Budget Process
The Treasurer, in consultation with the MSJCSGA Advisor and Finance Committee, shall
draw up a tentative budget within thirty (30) days prior to the academic spring term. At
this time, the budget recommendation shall be submitted to the Senate for approval and
shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the quorum.
The budget shall then be submitted to the MSJCSGA President for final approval
Fiscal Year: July 1 to June 30
Intercollegiate Awards
SGA may fund at most $3,500 each fall and spring semester of the fiscal year of
the intercollegiate period, depending on the budget for that year. The following
guideline(s) apply:
All persons receiving MSJCSGA funds must be MSJCSGA cardholders.
Eligibility will be established by submission of a verified list of
MSJCSGA cardholders by the faculty sponsor or athletics director.
SGA Constitution –Page #15
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
Funding eligibility must be submitted and established within four weeks
from the start of classes each semester.
A complete record of MSJCSGA cardholders must be submitted to the
MSJCSGA President to be considered for funding approval. Incomplete
information will cause an automatic forfeiture of funding for the semester.
The above guideline(s) is to be verified by the organization’s faculty sponsor or
athletics director. Failure to follow the above guideline(s) may result in forfeiture
of funds for the entire semester.
Any attempt to receive funds must be reviewed by the Senate Finance Committee
and passed by the Senate.
MSJCSGA Student Activity Fees
The Finance Committee, subject to Senate approval (majority vote), shall determine the
cost of the MSJCSGA Student Activity fee.
Right to Petition
Members of the Student Government Association reserve to themselves the powers of
initiative, referendum and recall. These are as follows:
Legislation may be proposed by means of initiative petition signed by ten percent
(10%) of the members of the Student Government Association.
Any student government legislation shall be subject to referendum upon receipt of
a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of MSJCSGA members within 15 working
days after the Student Government decision is made before such funds may be
All MSJCSGA elected members shall be subject to recall by representation of a
petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the MSJCSGA members.
Action on any petition must be taken by student government within 15 working
days after it has been received unless petition requests otherwise. The Student
Government shall either rescind the action for which the petition is for or call a
special election within 15 days after filing of said petition.
Mt. San Jacinto College Colors and Mascot
College Colors: Red, Black, and White
College Mascot: The American Bald Eagle
Constitutional Amendments and Revision
Proposing Amendments
Amendments may be proposed for consideration in two ways:
SGA Constitution –Page #16
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012
By a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of either body of the Legislative Branch.
(Both ICC’s must act as one and have a two-thirds [2/3] majority vote on the
same amendment to qualify.)
By petition of ten percent (10%) of the members of the Student Government
All amendments or revisions to the Student Government Association Constitution shall
be proposed in writing and may not be voted upon until at least one week has elapsed
after the proposal is received by the Student Government and approved by a two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote of the members present of the Legislative Branch. Once the
Legislative Branch has required two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, the amendment will then
go to the President in the form of a recommendation or resolution, and the President shall
then call a special election for the said amendment. Such amendments must be posted in
at least five (5) conspicuous places on both campuses for one full week before the general
election, and copies must be made available in the library and bookstore for all
MSJCSGA members who wish copies during the said week.
This MSJCSGA constitution, upon ratification by a majority vote of the members of the
Mt. San Jacinto College Board of Trustees and the members of the Student Government
Association in a special election for that purpose, shall take affect at the beginning of the
week following the special election.
SGA Constitution –Page #17
Approved by the 2009-2010 MSJCSGA Board on May 3, 2010
Amended by the 2011-2012 MSJCSGA Board on September 20, 2011
Amended by student vote April 23, 2012