(Parenthetical) Documentation With a direct quote (from a website) In order to raise money for school districts devastated by Hurricane Katrina’s wrath, New Orleans is auctioning flooded school busses on eBay. While “[s]chool officials acknowledge the sale of the buses on the Internet auction site may puzzle some people used to more traditional school fundraisers like bake sales” (Need a flooded New Orleans school bus? Try eBay), they assert that the situation is so bad there that they have little choice but to try to do whatever they can. "Need a flooded New Orleans school bus? Try eBay." CNN.com. 29 Mar. 2006. CNN. 29 Mar. 2006 <http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/03/29/flooded .school.bus.ap/index.html>. Paraphrased (from a novel) Tom and Huck show themselves to be very ornery when they play a trick on Jim to convince him that he’s been visited by a witch because he wakes up to find his hat hanging from the tree, convincing him that a witch has taken him around on her broomstick (Twain 14-15). Twain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Signet Classic, 1997.