Georgopoulos Dimitrios

Curriculum vitae (10-12-2013)
Date of birth:
Georgopoulos Dimitris,
Professor of Medicine
Intensive Care Unit,
University Hospital of Heraklion,
P.O. Box 1352,
Heraklion, 711 10, Crete,
+30-810-320084 (Home)
+30-810-392636 (Hospital)
+30-6944727501 (Mobile)
Education - Titles - Positions held
13/7/80 - 15/9/81
Medical School, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Medical Diploma
Military Service
Resident, Internal Medicine,
424 Military General Hospital, Thessaloniki
16/9/80 - 28/2/82 Country Service, General Practitioner, Dafni, Euritania
Resident, Pulmonary and Critical Care Department,
General Hospital "G. Papanicoloau",
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Health Center of Diavata,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Evaluating Examination of Medical Council of Canada (Pass), Paris,
28/6/1987-4/7/1989: Research Fellow,
Respiratory Investigation Unit,
Section of Respiratory Diseases and Critical Care Medicine, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
4/6/1988-20/6/1988: Visiting Research Fellow (University of Manitoba),
Dartmouth Medical School, Department of Physiology,
Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
Fellow of Canadian Lung Association (Rank first)
1/9/1987-31/1/1994: Attending Physician, Pulmonary and Critical Care Department,
General Hospital "G. Papanicolaou",
Faculty of Medicine, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Member of the Task Force for Consensus Statement of ERS concerning
"Optimal assessment and management of COPD"
1/2/1994-3/2/1995: Associate Investigator,
Section of Respiratory Diseases,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Reviewer in "Journal of Applied Physiology", "The European
Respiratory Journal", "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine", "Intensive Care Medicine", "Respiration".
4/2/1995-19/10/1996:Attending Physician, Pulmonary and Critical Care Department,
General Hospital "G. Papanicolaou",
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Associate Professor of Medicine,
Director of Intensive Care Unit,
University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete
11/01/2003-Present Professor of Medicine
Director of Intensive Care Unit,
University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete
Invited Speaker (other than Greek Societies)
President (Moderator) in International Congress.
Chapters in Medical Books (International)
No. 28
Publications (Peer Review International Journals)
No. 110 (Pub Med)
No. 119 (Scopus)
Publications (International Medical Journals)
Effects of Ipratropium Bromide on repeated methacholine challenges. D. Giulekas, N.
Tsakalos, D. Georgopoulos, D. Papakosta, V. Sitis, C. Vamvalis. Ann Allergy 1985;
Influence of Pindolol on asthmatics and effect of bronchodilators. D. Giulekas, D.
Georgopoulos, D. Papakosta, H. Antoniadou, C. Vamvalis. Respiration 1986; 50:15866.
Methacholinprovokationstest bei Asthma Bronchiale. D. Giulekas, D. Georgopoulos, N.
Tsakalos, D. Riggos, C. Vamvalis. Praxis und Klinik der Pneumologie 1986; 40:167-72.
Effect of Captopril in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and secondary
pulmonary hypertension. D. Patakas, D. Georgopoulos, H. Rodini, P. Christaki. Postgr
Med J 1988; 64:193-95.
Interactive effects of systematically administered Salbutamol and Aminophylline in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. D. Georgopoulos, D. Wong, N.R.
Anthonisen. Am Rev Respir Dis 1988; 138:1499-1503.
Effects of CO2 breathing on ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia in normal adults.
D. Georgopoulos, D. Berezanski, N.R. Anthonisen. J Appl Physiol 1989; 66:1071-78.
Effects of Salbutamol, Ipratropium Bromide and Cromolyn Sodiun on Prostaglandin F2a
induced bronchospasm. D. Georgopoulos, D. Giulekas, G. Ilonidis, L. Sichletidis. Chest
1989; 96:809-814.
Tolerance to B2 agonists in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. D.
Georgopoulos, D. Wong, N.R. Anthonisen. Chest 1990; 97:280-4.
Continuous oxygen therapy for the chronically hypoxemic patient. D. Georgopoulos,
N.R. Anthonisen. Annu Rev Med 1990; 41:223-30.
Aminophylline effects on ventilatory response to hypoxia and hyperoxia in normal
adults. D. Georgopoulos, S. Holtby, D. Berezanski, N.R. Anthonisen. J Appl Physiol
1989; 67:1150-56..
Increased chemoreceptor output and ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia.
D. Georgopoulos, S. Walker, N.R. Anthonisen. J Appl Physiol 1989; 67:1157-63.
Are steroids useful in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? D. Georgopoulos, N.R.
Anthonisen. Pulmonary Perspectives 1989; 6(2):6-8.
Effect of Dichloroacetate on ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia in normal adults.
D. Georgopoulos, D. Berezanski, N.R. Anthonisen. Respir Physiol 1990; 82:115-22.
Effect of sustained hypoxia on ventilatory response to CO2 in normal adults. D.
Georgopoulos, S. Walker, N.R. Anthonisen. J Appl Physiol 1990; 68:891-6.
Hypoxic exposure and activation of the afterdischarge mechanism in conscious humans.
D. Georgopoulos, Z. Bshouty, M. Younes, N.R. Anthonisen. J Appl Physiol 1990;
Hypoxic exposure and activation of afterdischarge mechanism. D. Georgopoulos, Z.
Bshouty, M. Younes, N.R. Anthonisen. Chest 1990; 97:58S
Ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia in elderly humans. M Ahmed, C.G.
Giesbrecht, C. Serrette, D. Georgopoulos, N.R. Anthonisen. Respir Physiol 1991;
Respiratory short-term post-stimulus potentiation (afterdischarge) in elderly humans.
Ahmed M, C.G. Giesbrecht, C. Serrette, D. Georgopoulos, N.R. Anthonisen. Respir
Physiol 1993; 93:165-73.
How is maximal expiratory flow reduced in canine post-pneumonectomy lung growth?
D. Georgopoulos, S.N. Mink, L. Oppenheimer, N.R. Anthonisen. J Appl Physiol 1991;
Respiratory short-term post-stimulus potentiation (afterdischarge) in patients with
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. D. Georgopoulos, E. Giannouli, V. Tsara, P.
Argiropoulou, D. Patakas, N.R. Anthonisen. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 146:1250-1255.
Effect of extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure on mechanically ventilated patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and dynamic hyperinflation. D.
Georgopoulos, E. Giannouli, D. Patakas. Intensive Care Med 1993; 19:197-203.
Buspirone effects on breathlessness and exercise performance in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. P. Argiropoulou, D. Patakas, A. Koukou, P. Vasiliadis,
D. Georgopoulos. Respiration 1993; 60:216-20.
Factors determining lobar emptying during maximal and partial forced deflations in
nonhogeneous airway obstruction in dogs. D. Georgopoulos, A. Gomez, S. Mink.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149:1241-7.
Effect of hypoxic sensitivity on decay of respiratory short-term potentiation. D.
Georgopoulos, I. Mitrouska, P. Argyropoulou, D. Patakas, N.R. Anthonisen. Chest
1995; 107:150-155.
ERS - Consensus Statement. Optimal assessment and management of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). N.M. Siafakas, P. Vermeire, N.B. Pride, P.
Paoleti, J. Gibson, P. Howard, J.C. Yernault, M. Decramer, T. Hingenbottam, D.S.
Postma, J. Rees, on behalf of the Task Force. Eur Respir J, 1995; 8:1398-1420.
Effects of breathing pattern on mechanically ventilated patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and dynamic hyperinflation. D. Georgopoulos, I. Mitrouska, K.
Markopoulou, D. Patakas, N.R. Anthonisen. Intensive Care Med 1995; 21:880-886.
Ventilatory post-stimulus potentiation in patients with brain damage. D Gergopoulos, I.
Mitrouska, K. Koletsos, K. Markopoulou, D. Riggos, D. Patakas, N.R. Anthonisen. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 152:1627-1632.
Effects of breathing route, temperature and volume of inspired gas and airway anesthesia
on the response of respiratory output to varying inspiratory flow. D Georgopoulos, I.
Mitrouska, Z. Bshouty, K. Webster, N.R. Anthonisen, M. Younes. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 1996; 153:168-175.
Effects of NREM sleep on the response of respiratory output to varying inspiratory flow.
D. Georgopoulos, I. Mitrouska, Z. Bshouty, N.R. Anthonisen, M. Younes. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 1996; 153:1624-1630.
Control of breathing in mechanically ventilated patient. D. Georgopoulos, C. Roussos.
Eur Respir J 1996; 9:2151-2160.
Effects of mechanical ventilation on control of breathing. D. Georgopoulos, M.
Anastasaki, K. Katsanoulas. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 1997; 52:253-262
Effects of respiratory muscle unloading on respiratory motor output. D. Georgopoulos,
I. Mitrouska, Z. Bshouty, M. Younes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:20002009
Respiratory response to CO2 during pressure-support ventilation in conscious humans.
D. Georgopoulos, I. Mitrouska, Z. Bshouty, D. Patakas, M. Younes. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 1997; 156:146-154.
Effects of pulmonary and intercostal denervation on the response of respiratory output to
varying inspiratory flow. I. Mitrouska, Z. Bshouty, M. Younes, D. Georgopoulos. Eur
Respir J 1998; 11: 885-90.
Bronchodilator delivery by metered-dose inhaler in mechanically ventilated patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Influence of end-inspiratory pause. Mouloudi
L, Katsanoulas K, Anastasaki M, E. Askitopoulou, D. Georgopoulos. Eur Respir J 1998;
Proportional assist ventilation: an alternative approach to wean the patient. D.
Georgopoulos. Eur J Anaesthesiol 1998; 15:756-60.
Surgery and the respiratory muscles. N.M. Siafakas, I. Mitrouska, D. Bouros, D.
Georgopoulos. Thorax 1999; 54:458-65.
Effects of chemical feedback on respiratory motor and ventilatory output during different
modes of assisted mechanical ventilation. I. Mitrouska, N. Xirouchaki, D. Patakas, N.
Siafakas, D. Georgopoulos. Eur Respir J 1999; 13:873-82.
Effects of assisted mechanical ventilation on control of breathing. N. Xirouchaki, D.
Georgopoulos. Intensivmed 1999; 36:163-173.
Response of respiratory motor output to varying pressure support level in mechanically
ventilated patients. N. Xirouchaki, E. Kondili, I. Mitrouska, N. Siafakas, D.
Georgopoulos. Eur Respir J 1999; 14:508-516
Reversible platypnea and orthodeoxia after surgical removal of an hydatid cyst from the
liver. D. Patakas, G. Pitsiou, D. Phillipou, D. Georgopoulos, E. Mavrofridis. Eur Respir
J 1999; 14:725-727.
Remote generalized convulsions following fat embolism syndrome: A case report: G.
Prinianakis, G. Chatzakis, S. Hoeing, N. Xiruchaki, D. Georgopoulos. Eur Respir Top
1999; 5:90-92.
43. Bronchodilator delivery by metered-dose inhaler in mechanically ventilated patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – Influence of tidal volume. Mouloudi L,
Katsanoulas K, Anastasaki M, Xoing S. D. Georgopoulos. Intensive Care Med
44. How to set the ventilator in asthma. D. Georgopoulos, G. Prinianakis, E. Kondili.
Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2000;55:74-83.
45. Milky-white pleural effusion in a patient with acute respiratory failure; a case report.
Valassiadou K, Prinianakis G, Sanidas E, Tsiftsis D, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care
Med 2000; 26:645-646.
46. Effect of digoxin on global respiratory muscle strength after cholecystectomy: a double
blind study. Siafakas N, Stathopoulou M, Tzanakis N, Mitrouska I, Tsoumakidou M,
Georgopoulos D. Thorax 2000; 55:497-501.
47. Bronchodilator delivery by metered-dose inhaler in mechanically ventilated patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Influence of flow pattern. Mouloudi L,
Prinianakis G, Kondili E, D. Georgopoulos. Eur Respir J 2000; 16:263-268
48. Bronchodilator delivery with metered-dose inhaler during mechanical ventilation. D.
Georgopoulos, Mouloudi E, Kondili E, Klimathianaki M. Crit Care 2000; 4:227-234
49. Low flow pressure-time curve in patients with ARDS. E. Kondili, G. Prinianakis, S.
Hoeing, G. Chatzakis, D. Georgopoulos. Intensive Care Med 2000;26:1756-1763.
50. Effects of inspiratory flow rate on beta 2 agonists induced bronchodilation in
mechanically ventilated patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Mouloudi
L, Prinianakis G, Kondili E, D. Georgopoulos. Intensive Care Med 2001; 27:42-46.
51. Acute fatal poisoning by methomyl caused by inhaltion and transdermal absorption. A.
Tsatsakis, G. Bertsias, I. Mammas, I. Stiakakis, D. Georgopoulos. Toxicology Med
2001; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 2001;66:415-420
52. Duration of salbutamol induced bronchodilation delivered by metered dose inhaler in
mechanically ventilated COPD patients. L. Mouloudi, Ch. Maliotakis, E. Kodili, A.
Kafetzakis, D. Georgopoulos. Mon Arch Chest Dis 2001; 56:189-194
53. Acute effects of ventilator settings on respiratory motor output in patients with acute
lung injury. Kondili E, Prinianakis G, Anastasaki M, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care
Med 2001; 27:1147-1157
54. Aerosol medications. Kondili E, Georgopoulos D. Respir Clin North Am 2002; 8:309334
55. Treatment with aerosols in mechanically ventilated patients - Is it worthwhile?
Mouloudi Ε, Georgopoulos D. Cur Opin in Anaesthesiology 2002; 15:103-109.
56. Characteristics and Outcomes in Adult Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation. A 28Day International Study. Adrés Esteban, MD, PhD; Antonio Anzueto, MD; Fernando
Frutos, MD; Inmaculada Alía, MD; Laurent Brochard, MD; Thomas E. Stewart, MD;
Salvador Benito, MD; Scott K. Epstein, MD; Carlos Apezteguía, MD; Peter Nightingale,
MD; Alejandro C. Arroliga, MD; Martin J. Tobin, MD; for the Mechanical Ventilation
International Study Group. JAMA 2002; 287:345-355
57. Internal herniation and strangulation of Ileus through a post-traumatic defect of
mesentery in an ICU patient. A case report.
Athanasakis H, Kafetzakis A,
Daskalogianaki M, Chalkiadakis G, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Med 2002; 28:523
58. Pattern of lung emptying in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome – Effects of
PEEP. Kondili E, Prinianakis G, Athanasakis H, Georgopoulos D. Eur Respir J 2002;
59. Fat embolism syndrome – Clinical Examination is still the preferable diagnostic method.
Editorial. Georgopoulos D, Bouros D. Chest 2003; 123; 982-3
60. ICU-Acquired Pneumonia - Statement of the Fourth International Consensus Conference
in Critical Care. Hubmayr R, Burchardi H, Elliott M, Fessler H, Georgopoulos D, Jubran
A, Limper A, Pesenti A, Rubenfeld G, Stewart T, Villar J. Intesnive Care Med 2002;
61. Patient-Ventilator Interaction. Georgopoulos D, Kondili E.
British Journal of
Anaesthesia 2003; 91: 106-19.
62. Characteristics and Outcomes in Adult Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation. A 28Day International Study. Adrés Esteban, MD, PhD; Antonio Anzueto, MD; Fernando
Frutos, MD; Inmaculada Alía, MD; Laurent Brochard, MD; Thomas E. Stewart, MD;
Salvador Benito, MD; Scott K. Epstein, MD; Carlos Apezteguía, MD; Peter Nightingale,
MD; Alejandro C. Arroliga, MD; Martin J. Tobin, MD; for the Mechanical Ventilation
International Study Group. JAMA 2002; 287:345-355
63. Anemia and Blood Transfusion in Critically Ill Patients. Jean Louis Vincent, JeanFrançois Baron, Konrad Reinhart, Luciano Gattinoni, Lambert Thijs, Andrew Webb,
Andreas Meier-Hellmann, Guy Nollet, Daliana Peres-Bota, for the ABC Investigators.
JAMA 2002; 288:1499-1507
64. Effects of flow waveform method of triggering and cycling off on patients ventilator
interaction. G. Prinianankis, E. Kondili, D. Georgopoulos. Intensive Care Medicine
2003, 29:1950-1959
65. Effects of theophylline on ventilatory poststimulus potentiation in patients with brain
damage. Mitrouska I, Kondili E, Prinianakis G, Siafakas N, Georgopoulos D. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Apr 15;167(8):1124-30.
66. Metastatic liver disease and fulminant hepatic failure: presentation of a case and review
of the literature. Athanasakis E, Mouloudi E, Prinianakis G, Kostaki M, Tzardi M,
Georgopoulos D. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2003 Nov;15(11):1235-40.
67. Pattern of lung emptying and expiratory resistance in mechanically ventilated patients
with COPD. Kondili E, Alexopoulou Ch, Prinianakis G, Xirouchaki N, Georgopoulos
D. Intensive Care Med 2004; 30:1311-8.
68. Intestinal ischemia as the first manifestation of vasculitis. Passam FH, Diamantis ID,
Perisinaki G, Saridaki Z, Kritikos H, Georgopoulos D, Boumpas DT. Semin Arthritis
Rheum. 2004 Aug;34(1):431-41.
69. Determinants of the cuff-leak test: a physiological study. Prinianakis G, Alexopoulou C,
Mamidakis E, Kondili E, Georgopoulos D. Crit Care. 2005 Feb;9(1):R24-31.
70. Non-invasive mechanical ventilation in patients with blunt thoracic trauma. Xirouchaki
N, Koumiotaki S, Georgopoulos D. Respiration 2005; 72;517-22
71. New and future developments to improve patient-ventilator interaction. Kondili E,
Georgopoulos D. Respir Care Clin N Am. 2005 Jun;11(2):319-39.
72. Patient-ventilator interaction: an overview. Prinianakis G, Kondili E, Georgopoulos D.
Respir Care Clin N Am. 2005 Jun;11(2):201-24.
73. Patient-ventilator interaction. Editorial. Georgopoulos D. Respir Care Clin N Am.
2005 Jun;11(2):xv-xvi.
74. Effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on surfactant protein expression proliferation and
apoptosis in A549 alveolar epithelial cells. Vaporidi K, Tsatsanis C, Georgopoulos D,
Tsichlis PN. Life Sci 2005; 78:284-93
75. Recombinant human erythropoietin therapy in critically ill patients - A dose response
study. Georgopoulos D, Matamis D, Routsi C, Michalopoulos A, Maggina A,
Dimopoulos G, Zakynthinos E, Nakos G, Thomopoulos G, Mandragos K, Maniatis A for
the Critical Care Clinical Trials Greek Group. Crit Care 2005; 9:R508-R515
76. In patients with obstructive pulmonary disease during controlled ventilation, PEEP
decreases dynamic hyperinflation: is this response really "paradoxical"?Kondili E,
Alexopoulou C, Prinianakis G, Xirouchaki N, Georgopoulos D.Crit Care Med 2005;
Waveform analysis during pressure support ventilation Prinianakis G, Kondili E,
Koumiotaki S, Georgopoulos D. International Journal of Intensive Care 2005; 12:21-29
Bedside waveform evaluation to identify patient-ventilator interaction. Georgopoulos D,
Prinianakis G, Kondili E. Intensive Care Med 2006;32:34-47
Respiratory load compensation during mechanical ventilation-proportional assist
ventilation with load-adjustable gain factors versus pressure support.
Kondili E, Prinianakis G, Alexopoulou C, Vakouti E, Klimathianaki M, Georgopoulos
D. Intensive Care Med 2006; 32:692
Is there increasing evidence that the risks of rhAPC may outweigh its benefits?
Plataki M, Vaporidi K, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Med. 2007 Aug;33(8):1485-6.
Epub 2007 Jun 12.
Short-term cardiorespiratory effects of proportional assist and pressure-support
ventilation in patients with acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome. Kondili
E, Xirouchaki N, Vaporidi K, Klimathianaki M, Georgopoulos D. Anesthesiology. 2006
Influence of respiratory efforts on b2-agonist induced bronchodilation in mechanically
ventilated COPD patients: a prospective clinical study. Malliotakis P, Mouloudi E,
Prinianakis G, Kondili E, Georgopoulos D. Respir Med. 2007 Feb;101(2):300-7.
Effect of the physical properties of isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane on pulmonary
resistance in a laboratory lung model. Nyktari VG, Papaioannou AA, Prinianakis G,
Mamidakis EG, Georgopoulos D, Askitopoulou H. Anesthesiology. 2006
Acute respiratory distress and hemorrhagic shock in a patient 12 days after elective
hepatic surgery. Xirouchaki N, Mavrogeni E, Kondili E, Georgopoulos D. Intensive
Care Med. 2007 Feb;33(2):368-70.
Sleep during proportional-assist ventilation with load-adjustable gain factors in critically
ill patients. Alexopoulou C, Kondili E, Vakouti E, Klimathianaki M, Prinianakis G,
Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Med. 2007 Jul;33(7):1139-47.
Current status of proportional assist ventilation. Georgopoulos D, Plataki M, Prinianakis
G, Kondili E. Inetrantional Journal of Intensive Care 2007;14:74-83
Effects of inspiratory muscle relaxation on ventilator pressure during pressure support.
Prinianakis G, Plataki M, Kondili E, Klimanthianaki M, Vaporidi K, Georgopoulos D.
Intensive Care Med Intensive Care Med 2008; 34:70-74
Effects of respiratory rate on ventilator-induced lung injury at constant PaCO2 in a
mouse model of normal lung. Vaporidi K, Voloudakis G, Prinianakis G, Kondili E,
Koutsopoulos A, Tsatsanis C, Georgopoulos D. Crit Care Med 2008; 36:1277-83
Proporitonal assist ventilation with load-adjustable gain factors in critically ill patients:
Comparison with pressure support. Xirouchaki N, Kondili E, Vaporidi K, Xirouchakis
G, Klimathianaki M, Gavriilidis G, Alexandropoulou E, Alexopoulou C, Georgopoulos
D. Intensive Care Med 2008; 34:2026-34.
Sleep patterns and method of ventilatory assist. Kondili E, Gavrilidis G, Vapodidi K ,
Babalis, Georgopoulos D. International Journal of Intensive Care 2008
Duration of salmeterol-induced bronchodilation in mechanically ventilated cronic
obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A prospective study. Malliotakis P, Linardakis
M, Gavriilidis G, Georgopoulos D. Crit Care 2008;12:140
Is Proportional Assist ventilation with load adjustable gain factors a friendly-user mode?
Xirouchaki N, Kondili E, Klimathianaki M, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Med 2009
2009 Sep;35(9):1599-603.
93. Estimation of inspiratory muscle pressure in critically ill patients. Kondili E,
Alexopoulou C, Xirouchaki N, Vaporidi K, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Med 2010
94. Effect of propofol on breathing stability in adult ICU patients with brain damage.
Klimathianaki M, Kondili E, Alexopoulou C, Prinianakis G, Georgopoulos D. Respir
Physiol Neurobiol 2010 May 31;171(3):232-8.
95. Anifantaki S, Prinianakis G, Vitsaksaki E, Katsouli V, Mari S, Symianakis A, Tassouli
G, Tsaka E, Georgopoulos D. Daily interruption of sedative infusions in an adult
medical-surgical intensive care unit: randomized controlled trial. 'J Adv Nurs 2009
97. The question of futility and Roger C. Bone. Bitsori M, Georgopoulos D, Galanakis E.
Med Health Care Philos 2009 Nov;12(4):477-81. Epub 2009
98. The risk associated with hyperoncotic colloids in patients with shock. Schortgen F,
Girou E, Deye N, Brochard L; CRYCO Study Group. Intensive Care Med 2008
Dec;34(12):2157-68. Epub 2008 Aug 7.
99. Do hypooncotic fluids for shock increase the risk of late-onset acute respiratory distress
syndrome? Schortgen F, Girou E, Deye N, Brochard L; CRYCO Study Group.
Intensive Care Med 2010 Oct;36(10):1724-34.
100. Identifying and relieving asynchrony during mechanical ventilation. Kondili E,
Akoumianaki E, Alexopoulou C, Georgopoulos D. Expert Rev Respir Med 2009
101. Aerosolized plus Intravenous Colistin versus Intravenous Colistin Alone for the
Treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: A Matched Case-Control Study.
Kofteridis DP, Alexopoulou C, Valachis A, Maraki S, Dimopoulou D, Georgopoulos D,
Samonis G. Clin Infect Dis 2010 Dec 1;51(11):1238-44.
102. Lung ultrasound in critically ill patients: comparison with bedside chest radiography.
Xirouchaki N, Magkanas E, Vaporidi K, Kondili E, Plataki M, Patrianakos A,
Akoumianaki E, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Medicine 2011; 37:1488-93.
103. Respiratory function in patients with pemphigus vulgaris - a small clinical study. Apalla
Z, Chloros D, Argyropoulou P, Georgopoulos D, Patakas D, Spanos D, Chaidemenos
G. J Dermatol Case Rep. 2011 Mar 26;5(1):1-4
Effect of albuterol on expiratory resistance in mechanically ventilated patients. Kondili
E, Alexopoulou C, Prinianakis G, Xirouchaki N, Vaporidi K, Georgopoulos D. Respir
Care 2011;56:626-32.
Respiratory muscle dysfunction in COPD: from muscles to cell. Klimathianaki M,
Vaporidi K, Georgopoulos D. Curr Drug Targets 2011;12:478-88.
Comparison of Oligon catheters and chlorhexidine-impregnated sponges with standard
multilumen central venous catheters for prevention of associated colonization and
infections in intensive care unit patients: a multicenter, randomized, controlled study.
Arvaniti K, Lathyris D, Clouva-Molyvdas P, Haidich AB, Mouloudi E, Synnefaki E,
Koulourida V, Georgopoulos D, Gerogianni N, Nakos G, Matamis D; Catheter-Related
Infections in ICU (CRI-ICU) Group. Crit Care Med. 2012 Feb;40(2):420-9.
Defining the needs of ICU patient families in a suburban/rural Greek population: a
prospective cohort study. Chatzaki M, Klimathianaki M, Anastasaki M, Chatzakis G,
Apostolakou E, Georgopoulos D. J Clin Nurs. 2012 Jul;21(13-14):1831-9.
Pulmonary microRNA profiling in a mouse model of ventilator-induced lung injury.
Vaporidi K, Vergadi E, Kaniaris E, Hatziapostolou M, Lagoudaki E, Georgopoulos D,
Zapol WM, Bloch KD, Iliopoulos D. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol.
106. Ineffective efforts during mechanical ventilation. The brain wants the machine declines.
Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care Medicine 2012 May;38(5):738-40.
107. Effects of propofol on sleep quality in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients – A
Physiological study. Eumorfia Kondili, Christina Alexopoulou, Nectaria Xirouchaki and
Dimitris Georgopoulos Intensive Care Med 2012 Oct;38(10):1640-6
108. Akt2 Deficiency Protects from Acute Lung Injury via Alternative Macrophage
Activation and miR-146a Induction in Mice. Vergadi E, Vaporidi K, Theodorakis
EE, Doxaki C, Lagoudaki E, Ieronymaki E, Alexaki VI, Helms M, Kondili
E, Soennichsen B, Stathopoulos EN, Margioris AN,Georgopoulos D, Tsatsanis C. J
Immunol 2013; In press
109. Impact of lung ultrasound on clinical decision making in critically ill patients.
Xirouchaki N, Kondili E, Prinianakis G, Malliotakis P, Georgopoulos D. Intensive Care
Med 2013; In press.
110. Patient-ventilator synchrony and sleep quality with proportional assist and pressure
support ventilation. Alexopoulou C, Kondili E, Plataki M, Georgopoulos D. Intensive
Care Med 2013; 39:1040-1047.
Citations: 2957
h-index: 27