1 Potential of Full waveform airborne laser scanning data for classification 2 of urban areas 3 Tran Thi Huong Gianga*, Nguyen Ba Duyb 4 a 5 Mining and Geology; tranthihuonggiang@humg.edu.vn 6 b 7 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology; nguyenbaduy@humg.edu.vn Cartography Department, Surveying and Mapping Faculty, Hanoi University of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Department, Surveying and Mapping Faculty, 8 9 *Corresponding author: 10 Name: Tran Thi Huong Giang 11 Phone number: +43-6802258679 12 E-mail address: tranthihuonggiang@humg.edu.vn 1 13 ABSTRACT 14 In contrast to conventional airborne multi-echo laser scanner systems, full-waveform 15 (FWF) LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems are able to record the entire emitted 16 and backscattered signal of each laser pulse. Instead of clouds of individual 3D points, 17 FWF devices provide connected 1D profiles of the 3D scene, which contain more detailed 18 and additional information about the structure of the illuminated surfaces. This is an 19 advantage for classification. In Vietnam, airborne LiDAR data primary used for DEM 20 (Digital Elevation Model) generation and almost urban classification researches are based 21 on Remote Sensing data. This paper contributes one potential method to classify urban 22 object based on full-waveform airborne LiDAR data by using additional attributes of full- 23 waveform data such as: sigma0, echo width, echo ratio, amplitude and so on. The output 24 with the high accuracy classification for buildings, trees and water are 93.7%, 92.0% and 25 81.6% respectively. According to this result, the paper demonstrates the potential of FWF 26 data for classification in Vietnam. 27 28 29 30 Keyword: LiDAR, Full-waveform, urban classification 2 31 1. Introduction 32 33 Airborne LiDAR has already proven to be a state-of-the-art technology for 34 high resolution and highly accurate topographic data acquisition with active and direct 35 determination of the earth surface elevation (Vosselman and Maas 2010). Generally, two 36 different generations of receiver units exist: discrete echo recording systems, which are able 37 to record multiple echoes on-line and typically sort up to four echoes per laser shot 38 (Lemmens 2009) and full-waveform (FWF) recording systems capturing the entire time- 39 dependent variation of the received signal power with a defined sampling interval such as 40 1ns (1 nanometer per second)(Wagner et al. 2006, Mallet and Bretar 2009). With signal 41 processing methods, FWF data provide additional information which offers the opportunity 42 to overcome many drawbacks of classical multi-echo LiDAR data on reflecting 43 characteristics of the objects, which are relevant in urban classification. 44 Airborne LiDAR data have been used in various applications in urban 45 environments, particularly aiming at mapping and modeling the city landscape in 3D with 46 its artificial land cover types such as buildings, power lines, bridges, roads. Moreover, as 47 urban environments are active regions with respect to alteration in land cover so urban 48 classification plays an important role in update changed information (Matikainen et al. 49 2010). If FWF data is available, amplitude, echo width, and the integral of the received 50 signal are additional information. Furthermore, a higher number of detected echoes has 51 been reported for FWF data in comparison to discrete return point clouds. These additional 52 attributes were successfully used in classification (Alexander et al. 2010). The 53 classification methods applied reach from simple decision trees to support vector machines 54 (SWM). (Ducic et al. 2006) applied a decision tree based on amplitude, pulse width, and 55 the number of pulses attributes of FWF data in order to distinguish the vegetation points 56 and non-vegetation points. (Rutzinger et al. 2008) used a decision tree based on the 57 homogeneity of echo width to classify points from FWF ALS data to detect all vegetation – 58 trees and shrubs. (Mallet et al. 2008) used SVM to classify four main classes in urban area 59 (e.g. buildings, vegetation, artificial ground, and natural ground). 3 60 In this study, four main classes are derived for the built up areas of 61 Eisenstadt region: buildings, vegetation, water body and ground. They are classified based 62 on decision tree method using OPALS (Pfeifer et al. 2014). The parameters of the 63 classification (threshold values, etc.) are set by expert knowledge or learned from training 64 data. Thus, these values are optimal for the investigated data set. 65 66 2. Study area 67 68 Eisenstadt is a town in the south eastern part of Austria. It characterized by 69 buildings of medium size. This area has landscape is quite similar to urban areas in 70 Vietnam (Figure 1). The center of Eisenstadt was selected for the analzsis located on lat. N 71 47o50’51”, long. E 16o31’5”. 72 73 3. Data used and Methodology 74 75 3.1. Data 76 77 The full-waveform airborne LiDAR data for Eisenstadt area was scanned 78 with a Riegl LMS-Q560 sensor in April 2010. The result point density was about 8 79 points/m2 in the non-overlapping areas, while the laser-beam footprint was not larger than 80 60 cm in diameter. The raw FWF data set were processed by using OPALS software and 81 sensor manufacturer software. The output of this procedure was strip-wise georeferenced 82 point clouds, stored in the OPALS data manager (ODM) format and projected in 83 ETRS89/UTM zone 33N. Each ODM file includes point attributes such as: X-, Y-and Z- 84 coordinate, Intensity, Echo Number, Number of Echoes, Amplitude, Reflectance, Echo 85 Width, etc… 86 Additionally to the LiDAR data, RGB Orthophoto - projected in the same 87 coordinate system - was used for visually interpretation. Furthermore, a Digital Terrain 88 Model (DTM), GEO TIFF format, grid size 1m is also available. 4 89 3.2. Methodology 90 91 First, a number of attributes is computed for each point, using the paradigm 92 of point cloud processing (Otepka et al. 2013) . From these attributes different images are 93 computed (“gridding”) at a pixel size of 1m. Then, a decision tree is applied to classify each 94 pixel into one of the four classes: building, vegetation, ground, and water body. Image 95 algebra (e.g., morphological operations) is used in between to refine the results. The quality 96 of the results is assessed using completeness and correctness measure. 97 98 3.2.1. Attributes for the classification 99 100 Prior to attribute computation in each point, the LiDAR point clouds are 101 checked in order to remove erroneous points which influenced to the accuracy of further 102 processing steps. The relative height of each point above the DTM, nH = z (point) - z 103 (DTM), was computed. All points with nH below -1m and above > 40m are removed. For 104 the Vienna data set the highest buildings are approx. 100m, but also no erroneously high 105 points were found in the data. 106 The value nH defines the attribute nDSM, i.e. normalized surface model 107 (object height). The nDSM represents, as written above, the height of points above the 108 terrain. In the classification it is used to distinguish all the point above the terrain such as 109 buildings and vegetation from the ground points. 110 To distinguish buildings and vegetation points the Echo Ratio (Rutzinger et 111 al. 2008, Höfle et al. 2009) is used. The echo ratio (ER) is a measure for local transparency 112 and roughness and is calculated in the 3D point cloud. The ER is derived for each laser 113 point and is defined as follows: Echo Ratio ER[%] = n3D / n2D * 100.0 (1) 114 n3D = Number of points within distance measured in 3D (sphere). 115 n2D = Number of points within distance measured in 2D (unbounded 116 cylinder). 117 In building and ground, the ER value reach a high number (approximately 118 100%), but for vegetation and permeable object ER < 100%. ER is created by using 5 119 OpalEchoRatio module, with search radius is 1 m, slope-adaptive mode. For the further 120 analyses the slope-adaptive ER is aggregated in 1 m cells using the mean value within each 121 cell. 122 The attribute Sigma0 is the plane fitting accuracy (std.dev. of residuals) for 123 the orthogonal regression plane in the 3D neighborhood (ten nearest neighbors) of each 124 point. It is measured in meter. Not only the roofs, but also the points on a vertical wall are 125 in flat neighborhoods. Echo Ratio and Sigma0 both represent the dispersion measures. 126 Concerning their value they are inverse to each other (vegetation: low ER, high Sigma0). 127 What is more, Sigma0 is only considering a spherical neighborhood and looks for smooth 128 surfaces, which may also be oriented vertically. The ER, on the other hand, considers 129 (approximately) the measurement direction of the laser rays (vertical cylinder). Those two 130 attributes play an importance role in discriminate trees and buildings. Using OpalsGrid 131 module with moving least square interpolation approach is used to create the Sigma0 image 132 with the grid size of 1 m. 133 The Echo Width (EW) represents the range distribution of all individual 134 scatterers contributing to one echo. The width information of the echo pulse provides 135 information on the surface roughness, the slope of the target (especially for large 136 footprints), or the depth of a volumetric target. Therefore, the echo width is narrow in open 137 terrain areas and increases for echoes backscattered from rough surfaces (e.g. canopy, 138 bushes, and grasses. Terrain points are typically characterized by small echo width and off- 139 terrain points by higher ones. The echo width also increases with increasing width of the 140 emitted pulse. It is measured in nano seconds. OpalsCell module is used to create EW 141 image with the final gird size of 1 m. 142 The local density of echoes can be used for detecting water surfaces. As 143 demonstrated by (Vetter et al. 2009) water areas typically feature areas void of detected 144 echoes or very sparse returns. It is measured in points per square meter. 145 146 The attributes used for classification are thus: nDSM, Echo Ratio, Sigma0, Echo Width, and Density. 147 148 3.2.2. Object classification 6 149 First each pixel is classified using the decision tree shown in Figure 2 150 including the threshold values. After the first 2 classes, water and building (candidates) are 151 extracted, mathematical morphology is applied to refine the building results. The pixels not 152 classified are then tested for fulfilling the vegetation criteria. If they are not in vegetation, 153 they are considered to be ground. 154 155 Water is first identified, based on the low point density. As mentioned above, water has very low backscatter, and often no detected echo. 156 Building objects are distinguished from other objects by height (above 3m) 157 and surface roughness. ER is used to distinguish buildings from tree objects. However, with 158 various shapes of building roof and some buildings being covered by high trees, only ER is 159 not sufficient and would include vegetation in the building class. Thus, EW is used to detect 160 only hard surfaces. Buildings are contiguous objects and have typically a minimum size. 161 This is considered by analyzing all the pixels classified as buildings so far with 162 mathematical morphology. A closing operation is applied first to fill up all small holes 163 inside the buildings, and then opening is performed to remove few pixel detections (“noise”) 164 from the building set. This also makes the outlines of building smoother. 165 ER, Sigma0 and EW are then used to classify trees. The building (and water) 166 mask is applied to classify only pixels not classified before. Finally, all pixels not classified 167 so far are considered ground. 168 169 4. Results & Discussion 170 171 The thresholds for the classification were set manually, based on exploratory 172 analysis of the data sets and on expectation of the objects. The main properties of ER, EW, 173 Sigma0, nDSM, and Density values for Eisenstadt are summed up in Table 1. 174 The results were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the 175 point density characteristic of water region it produces a good result. All the water bodies in 176 the interested area are classified. However, some small parts of the study area where the 177 laser signal could not reach the ground because of occlusion by high buildings, are 178 misclassified. This could possibly be improved with the overlap of another strip. 7 179 While buildings in general can be classified well, very complex roof shapes 180 and walls cause difficulties. It was observed that selecting threshold conservatively the 181 shape of the building is maintained, while its size is reduced slightly. 182 The final classification results were then assessed based on Correctness and 183 Completeness (Heipke et al. 1997). Some buildings, trees and water bodies are digitized 184 manually as reference data. Comparing the results of the automated extraction to reference 185 data, an entity classified as an object that also corresponds to an object in the reference is 186 classified as a True Positive (TP). A False Negative (FN) is an entity corresponding to an 187 object in the reference that is classified as background, and a False Positive (FP) is an entity 188 classified as an object that does not correspond to an object in the reference. A True 189 Negative (TN) is an entity belonging to the background both in the classification and in the 190 reference data. 191 The Completeness and Correction for building, tree, and water class are given 192 in Table 2. It is also illustrated for one building in Figure 4. The two main classes of 193 building and tree feature values above 93%. 194 195 5. Conclusion 196 197 This study used full-waveform LiDAR data to classify urban area, i.e. 198 Eisenstadt city. Four classes are classified: Water bodies, Buildings, Trees and Ground. The 199 computations were executed in OPALS, ArcGIS and Fugro Viewer. Overall, a high 200 accuracy (>93%) could be achieved. 201 Full-waveform LiDAR with its additional attributes is an advanced data to 202 classify urban area. The echo width proofed valuable in classifying vegetation reliably. The 203 other attributes used were Echo Ratio, Sigma0, nDSM, and Density. 204 With the high quality result, LiDAR full-waveform data is suggested to be a 205 data which used for urban classification, urban change detection in the other urban areas in 206 Vietnam in the near future. 207 208 Acknowledgements 8 209 210 The authors would like to thank Vienna University of Technology for support us the data and software to do this research. 211 212 Reference 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Alexander, C., Tansey, K., Kaduk, J., Holland, D., Tate, N.J., 2010. Backscatter coefficient as an attribute for the classification of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data in urban areas. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65 (5), 423432. 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Then the second decision tree is used for the 267 classification, focussing only on tree and ground class. The threshold values apply to the 268 Eisenstadt area. 269 Figure 3. Urban full-waveform classification in Eisenstadt. 270 Figure 4. (a) Ground truth data; (b) classified result; (c) accuracy assessment 271 10 272 TABLES AND FIGURES 273 Table 1. ER [%] Eisenstadt 4,2-100 EW [ns] 0-29 Sigma0 [m] 0-19 274 275 11 nDSM [m] Density [pt/m2 ] -1.52 – 39 0-72,4 276 Table 2. Building Tree Water Comp 97.3% 97.8% 89.0% Corr 96.0% 93.9% 90.7% Quality 93.7% 92.0% 81.6% 277 278 12 279 280 Figure 1. 281 282 13 283 284 Figure 2. 285 286 287 288 14 289 290 291 Figure 3. 292 293 15 294 Figure 4. 295 16