LiDAR metadata over FLUXNET sites Please use one form for each measurement campaign. Return filled forms to: Airborne LiDAR Site Site name, location, and vegetation classification Laegeren Switzerland / CH-Lae Lat: 47.4780833 Lon: 8.365000 Vegetation type: mixed forest LC – MODIS IGBP class: deciduous broad-leaf forest Site vegetation info (if available) mean canopy height +/- 28 m mean stems per hectare 205 mean crown size Vegetation state at time of acquisition Measurements Date of acquisition LiDAR instrument used Area covered (m2 or ha) Discrete returns or full waveform (if discrete provide number of returns per pulse) Spatial resolution (pulse per m2) Size of pulse footprint Maximum off-nadir scan angle Accuracy of georeference at ground level Processing Main objective of acquisition Processing applied (please provide a general description) Products derived from processing not known leaf-on/leaf-off April/ August 2010 Riegl LMS Q-560/ Riegl LMS Q-680 1500 ha full-waveform >5 0.25 m 15 deg < 0.5 m ESA 3D Vegetation Laboratory Georeferencing using terrestrially surveyed roofs, classification of points, interpolation in raster models DSM, DTM and CHM (Canopy Height Model) of data If an image (jpeg/tiff) of the lidar data is available please send along with this form Terrestrial LiDAR Site Site name, location, and vegetation classification Laegeren Switzerland / CH-Lae Lat: 47.4780833 Lon: 8.365000 Vegetation type: mixed forest LC – MODIS IGBP class: deciduous broad-leaf forest Site vegetation structure (if available): mean canopy height +/- StDev see above mean stems per hectare see above mean crown size Vegetation state at time of acquisition Measurements Date of acquisition LiDAR instrument used Number of scans Single discrete return, multiple discrete returns, or full-waveform Resolution (angle between pulses) Coverage: number of individual trees scanned Number of plots scanned (provide area of plots) Scans registration: Scans are aligned/co-registered into a common coordinate system Scans are georeferenced in a global coordinate system (e.g. GPS tiepoints) Processing Main objective of acquisition Processing applied (please provide a general description) Products derived from processing of data not known leaf-on 13-15 September 2011 Z&F IMAGER 5006 24 single discrete return 3.1 mm @ 15 m Range 130 2 plots / 100 m2 yes yes Accuracy: < 0.02 m Accuracy: < 0.05 m ESA 3D VegLab project Internal and external geolocation of point clouds, manual digitization of stems and branches, classification of point cloud into foliage and woody material Unified point cloud, tree models If an image (jpeg/tiff) of the lidar data is available please send along with this form