LiDAR metadata over FLUXNET sites Please use one form for each measurement campaign. Return filled forms to: Airborne LiDAR Site Site name, location, and vegetation classification Las Majadas, Extremadura, Spain 262342 E 4424548 N. ETRS89 UTM 30 N Quercus ilex and grassland Site vegetation info (if available) mean canopy height +/- NA mean stems per hectare NA mean crown size Vegetation state at time of acquisition Measurements Date of acquisition LiDAR instrument used Area covered (m2 or ha) Discrete returns or full waveform (if discrete provide number of returns per pulse) Spatial resolution (pulse per m2) Size of pulse footprint Maximum off-nadir scan angle Accuracy of georeference at ground level Processing Main objective of acquisition Processing applied (please provide a general description) Products derived from processing of data If an image (jpeg/tiff) of the lidar data is available please send along with this form NA Evergreen 2010 NA 3647 ha discrete return 1,2,3,4 0.5 NA +-25° RMSE x,y < 30cm RMSE z < 20cm to get digital elevation models with high accuracy (resolution from 25 - 50 cm) of the entire Spanish territory with an update period of 2 to 3 years Altimetric fit between flight lines. Automatic classification. Manually ground class depuration using intensity images and aerial photographs 2x2 Km. las files (v1.1) classified according Terrestrial LiDAR Site Site name, location, and vegetation classification Las Majadas, Extremadura, Spain 262342 E 4424548 N. ETRS89 UTM 30 N Quercus ilex Site vegetation structure (if available): mean canopy height +/- StDev NA mean stems per hectare NA mean crown size Vegetation state at time of acquisition Measurements Date of acquisition LiDAR instrument used Number of scans Single discrete return, multiple discrete returns, or full-waveform Resolution (angle between pulses) Coverage: number of individual trees scanned Number of plots scanned (provide area of plots) Scans registration: Scans are aligned/co-registered into a common coordinate system Scans are georeferenced in a global coordinate system (e.g. GPS tiepoints) Processing Main objective of acquisition Processing applied (please provide a general description) Products derived from processing of data If an image (jpeg/tiff) of the lidar data is available please send along with this form NA Evergreen 10/09/2008 Leica HDS 6000 2 scans per tree / 8 total discrete, first return 0.000628 rad 4 4, plot was made for individual tree. ☒ Accuracy: 5mm. ☒ Accuracy: 2 cm. to get 3D structure from the canopy and estimate Gap Fraction and LAI scanning and merge both models using tie points measured with GPS and survey station .imp (Leica Cyclone files) for partial scans and fusioned model. Fisheye photos