
Which parenting programmes are available?
Who runs the programmes?
EarlyBird Plus – a 3 month training programme involving 8 weekly
group sessions and 2 home visits. EarlyBird+ is a licensed National
Autistic Society programme.
PALS – a 6 week evidence-based training programme involving 6
weekly group sessions.
Who can attend and how much does it cost?
EarlyBird Plus- families of a child between the ages of 4 and 8
years with a diagnosis of an autistic spectrum disorder. 3 places
are allocated to each family: 2 places for parents/carers and 1
place for a professional (chosen and invited by the family) who is
currently working with your child e.g. teaching assistant.
PALS – families of a child between the ages of 5 and 11 years with
a diagnosis of an autistic spectrum disorder. 2 places are
allocated to each family for parents/carers/other family members.
Please note families must make their own childcare arrangements as
unfortunately, no facilities are available on site.
Our courses are FREE to families.
When and where are the sessions held?
The group sessions for both courses are held locally on the same day
each week. Sessions last for 2.5hrs each and are very informal and
relaxed. Families from all backgrounds attend our courses and find
them accessible and inclusive.
What are the aims of the programmes?
To empower parents/carers.
To develop an understanding of autism and gain knowledge of how
supportive strategies may be used with your child.
To meet and share experiences with other parents.
Each programme is led by qualified and experienced autism specialist
How do I get on a course and when do they run?
We usually ask parents to self-refer by completing the attached slip
and returning by post or email.
The courses run termly and are arranged according to demand. Families will
receive an email acknowledgement upon receipt of their application with
further details to follow.
Can professionals refer families to these programmes?
We believe that parents themselves are best placed to decide if and
when a parenting course is right for them, which is why we usually ask
parents to self-refer.
Under special circumstances, for example, when a parent may need
additional support to access the programme, professionals may refer
on a parent’s behalf. Following this, the team will contact the
professional directly therefore please ensure that your contact details
are also on the referral form.
Comments from parents
“taking part in this course has given me an increased level of both
skills and knowledge…I feel more positive”
“Really recommend this course…so much advice and reassurance”
“I feel more positive after sharing experiences with other parents in
similar situations”
If you have any further questions or queries please contact:
Joanna Haslam/ Elaine Brownless/ Lesley Newton
0191 433 8725 (answerphone service)
Please complete the details below if you are interested in
attending an autism parenting programme…
Name of child:
Child’s date of birth:
Autism Parenting
in Gateshead
Name of Parent:
(for 4-11 year olds)
Contact Email:
Daytime Phone Number:
Parent signature:
For professional referrals only
Professional Contact Details:
Please note that professional referrals will only be accepted with signed
consent from parents.
Return to: ASC Parent Courses, SENIT, Dryden Centre, Gateshead, NE9 5UR.
Updated Oct, 2015