Annex 2 – Invest to save scheme 1. Background a. As part of Gateshead Council’s 2030 vision, it is planned to make Gateshead carbon neutral by 2025. As a first step in achieving this goal, a Carbon Management Plan (CMP) has been established with the aim of reducing the Council’s carbon emissions by 35% (with an aspiration of 40%) by December 2014, compared with the 2007/08 baseline period. b. The Street Lighting lantern replacement Project forms a significant part of this overall carbon reduction programme. c. The original aim of the project was to enable a 35% reduction in the carbon emissions produced by street lighting in Gateshead. This would be achieved by investing in energy efficient lanterns and a Central Management System (CMS), which will enable lamps to be dimmed depending on traffic flows and the local need. d. 2. The scheme costs are some £12.5 million in total. Current Situation a. The central management system has been procured and used to allow for CMS lanterns to be controlled remotely. b. Phase 1 and 2 of the project has now been completed to Gateshead’s principal and distributor roads, with dimming to suit traffic volumes and local need. Installation of 10,092 new energy efficient dimmable lanterns controlled by CMS has achieved saving of 30% energy use, and carbon saving of 1,170 per annum. c. Phase 3 of the project is ongoing with installation to Gateshead residential streets. Installation of 18,030 new LED energy efficient dimmable lanterns controlled by CMS has now been completed with remaining 3,900 lanterns due to be installed. The phase 3 works to residential areas is using latest LED lanterns and is expected to achieve saving of 66% energy use, and carbon saving of approximately 2861 tonnes per year. d. The remaining 3,900 LED lanterns due to be installed to areas with predominantly 4.2m high concrete and cast iron columns. 3. Future a. When this project is completed, it is expected to achieve overall saving of 48% energy use, and carbon saving of approximately 4,032 tonnes per year. b. Gateshead Council is now consulting with members and public on proposal to achieve further energy and carbon saving by dimming phase 3 installations in residential areas.