Latin III-IV continues the study of Latin grammar, vocabulary, English

Latin III-IV Syllabus for AP Latin and Advanced Latin
Latin III-IV continues the study of Latin grammar, vocabulary, English derivatives, mythology, Roman life, and
history through translations, readings, and speaking. By the conclusion of Latin III-IV, students should know most
constructions in Latin grammar. Students will read selections from Vergil’s Aeneid and Caesar’s de Bello Gallico We
will follow the AP syllabus for the AP Latin test. We will study Roman history of the first century BC and the first
century AD, Roman culture, and mythology through projects. Students will study literary devices and meter in poetry.
Pharr’s Aeneid
Mueller’s Caesar: Selections from his Commentarri De Bello Gallico
Students should purchase a Latin dictionary.
Websites: This has many materials for Vergil
Line assignments are listed on the accompanying breakdown of the year’s schedule.
Class Expectations:
1. Come to class prepared to learn.
2. Bring your notebook(s) every day.
After we work on a section in class, you are expected to go home and study every day.
The grammar is complicated. The vocabulary is huge.
EVERYONE will be making flashcards via a Quizlet account
3. Complete your work daily with pride. Keep up with daily preparation. DO NOT GET BEHIND!
Not that learning is about making a grade, but daily translation grades will be earned at the
end of each book.
4. If you need extra help, ASK. Call me at 918-231-1566 before 10 pm
5. Get involved. Learning should be active, not passive.
6. If you’re not having fun, make it a game! Then share the rules with the rest of us.
Grading Scale: 90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
below 60 F
Make-up Policy:
Tests must be made up by Tuesday of the following week.
Discipline Policy:
Level 1 - first disruption – verbal reminder
Level 2 - second disruption – written warning
Level 3 - third disruption – parent-teacher contact
Level 4 - fourth disruption – detention
Level 5 - fifth disruption – visit with principal
Levels reset on a daily basis. However, a continuation of the same disruptive behavior will result in skipping from
Latin III-IV Syllabus for AP Latin and Advanced Latin
Level 1 to Level 4 or Level 5, depending on the behavior. Major classroom disruptions (per JHS handbook, e.g.
profanity) will also result in skipping levels and or students instantly visiting the principal’s office.
Jenks Latin Club
Jenks Latin Club includes membership in the Oklahoma Junior Classical League and National JCL. I cannot
require students to sign up for Latin Club, but truly, all Latin students should want to be in Latin Club!! Only
students who have paid their dues are eligible to attend state Latin convention in March.
DUES: $8.00 by September 30
$10.00 on or after October 1
$20.00 after January 1
National Testing
1. National Latin Exam – in the week of March 10th-14th
Students compete with others around the country to show off their Latin skills. High
scores are awarded with medals and certificates.
2. ALIRA – end of second semester (April or May)
The ACTFL (American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages) Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment will be
taken on a computer during a class period. For more information, contact Mrs. Whipple or visit:
Students are highly encouraged to take both exams. Money should never be the reason not to participate in extra
academic opportunities. Please contact Mrs. Whipple if any assistance is needed.
National Latin Exam
$4.00 by December 2
$10.00 by February 3
Make checks payable to Jenks Public Schools.
Fees for dues and for both exams may be included in one check if desired.
Field Trips – in the interest of saving paper and ink, ALL information regarding field trips will be posted online at
November 26 – Classics Day at University of Oklahoma
We will be visiting the University of Oklahoma in Norman to attend various workshops over Latin (and Greek)
history, mythology, culture, language, and literature. Other topics include application of Latin and Greek to the outside
world, such as in the medical field or in the legal field. Estimated Cost: $35 (includes registration and bus)
March 28-29 – State Convention at West Moore High School in Moore, Oklahoma.
Students must have paid Latin Club Dues in order to be eligible to attend. We will leave Friday morning, stay
overnight in a hotel, and return Saturday evening. Students will compete in events centered on academics, arts, and
athletics with other students in the Oklahoma area. Estimated Cost: $80 (includes registration and hotel)