Resume - Iowa State University

Neal Siela
Phone: 319 560 2901
University Address
163N Hyland 305
Ames, Iowa 50010
Permanent Address
5758 22nd Avenue Drive
Vinton, Iowa 52349
Objective: To obtain a job in the agricultural industry where I can apply my knowledge
and experience with cattle and crop farming to benefit my employer and myself.
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Major: Agricultural Studies
Anticipated graduation date: May 2010
Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Agriculture transfer program
Completed May 2008
Work Experience
Siela Farms, Vinton, Iowa Youth to Present
Assisted with on farm jobs dealing with corn and soybean production on our 2700
acres of crop ground.
Owner and operator of 50 beef cows, and 15 bred heifers.
Operator of 140 acres of crop ground currently in continuous corn rotation.
Skilled in the preparation of cattle for cattle shows.
Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association
Iowa Cattlemen’s
Bob Domer
Cattle and crop farmer
Vinton, Iowa
319 929 3335
Jeff Maas
Part time employer
Williamsburg, Iowa
319 530 4718
Ross Butler
Cattle farmer
Marengo, Iowa
319 539 3810