Student Evacuation Area Supervisors

Oak Park High School Emergency Planning
 Read this guide; awareness of appropriate actions during an
emergency is the key.
 Take all drills very seriously; Train students that the way we train is
the way we act in a true emergency.
 Practice the "drop, cover, and hold" maneuver twice a semester with
each of your classes.
 Post, review and practice evacuation routes to the evacuation area
for/with each of your classes.
 Check with your students early on in the first semester to see if any
of them have current First-Aid and/or CPR certificates.
 Designate a student to lead the emergency process in the event you
are unable and they cannot get assistance from another adult in a
timely manner.
 Be flexible and use common sense; complex solutions won't normally
work in emergency situations.
Faculty members should create a visible area of wall space for emergency
maps and procedures to be displayed. This should act as a reminder to do
periodic review of those procedures and as a reference to a substitute
teacher or other person who may need to find and take emergency checklists
in your absence.
Emergency Drills and Responses to Real Emergencies
It is important that emergency responses be logical and routine so that they
are actually "doable" under the duress of an emergency situation. Please
work with your students and co-workers to understand the "big picture" for
the types of responses called for in different situations so that the initial
response can be thoughtful and safe. Detailed instructions can then be
followed from notes and checklists that will allow us to complete each step
responsibly. If a drill or emergency occurs right before school, during lunch or
nutrition period, or right after school, guide students to the football field to
muster with their 3rd period teacher (Home Room) area safely away from the
Fire Emergency or Drill - STAGE ONE – Football Field
The emphasis in a fire emergency is to evacuate the buildings quickly and
completely. The "big picture" is this:
 Logical meeting places will be designated outside, away from each building
– check your appropriate area on the Football field.
 Students are to practice getting themselves to the meeting place in an
orderly manner while teacher completes responsibilities.
Oak Park High School Earthquake Planning
 Teachers are to inspect halls, restrooms, and other adjacent rooms before
"lock and leave."
 Accounting for students is done by each teacher.
 Radios will be brought to each meeting place by the area supervisor to
coordinate and announce next steps.
The emphasis will be to make sure all students are in classrooms.
 Do not confront the suspect
 Lock classroom doors and have students sit on the floor facing away
from doors or windows.
 Keep students quiet and engaged
 An administrator or police will indicate when it is safe to come in.
 Do not open door to anybody!! Administrators will have a key.
 Refer all media to the principal.
 If we move to dismiss students we will dismiss after a threat analysis
and collaborating with law enforcement.
Earthquake or Other Disaster Emergency or Drill - STAGE ONE
The "big picture" here is for students and staff to protect themselves
properly, then to safely exit the building to evacuation area for further
accounting and directions:
 Use the "drop, cover, and hold" maneuver to protect yourself.
 When the shaking or emergency ends, start looking for a safe exit. The
teacher or designee should direct safe evacuation.
 Assist injured persons (if they are able to move) to exit safely. Note their
location if they must be left.
 Go to designated meeting place for each classroom (Football Field). Unless
it is unsafe or directed to an alternative and safer area.
 Teachers are to inspect halls and other rooms before they leave.
 Accounting for students is done by each teacher.
 Radios will be brought by an area supervisor to coordinate and announce
next steps.
Meeting Places for Classes in Emergencies or Drills for Stage One
See the evacuation map posted in each classroom for the best
evacuation route and assembly area for each classroom on the
Football Field. Students are to be reminded and drilled on how to
leave each classroom.
Bell Signal – Short Repeated Tones - Verbal Signal – “Fire Evacuation”
All Clear – Long Sustained Tone “All Clear”
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Emergency Drills and Responses to Real Emergencies
STAGE TWO RESPONSE Following Stage One Evacuation not being
Central Assembly Area - If you are instructed, or in the absence of
emergency direction the teachers at your meeting area decide, to move your
students to another central assembly area besides the Football Field, please
take a route that avoids going between buildings and uses parking driveways
to get students to the central area. The baseball field area will normally be
the assembly area for stage two of evacuation during emergencies. In the
event that another area needs to be chosen to assemble all students it will be
announced. A possible location is the tennis court area. As students come to
the grass with their class they should fine the correct alphabetical line. This
central area will facilitate student supervision by fewer teachers and the
release of many teachers to their other emergency roles. Teachers should be
with the students with the same alphabetical last name and help those
students line up. For example Winnie Litten would be with the students with
last names G-L.
 Students and teachers should use this protection at the first notice of
a disaster emergency.
 The drill signal will be an intermittent bell or a P.A. announcement
and then the teacher's directive.
 Students should drop, cover, and maintain their positions under a
desk or a table, holding onto the desk or table leg; keep head down.
 Don't stand in doorways.
 Keep away from areas where there is/might be glass.
 Every step you take increases your chances of getting injured; stay
put if not near a table or a desk.
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Know who is in your area that you would want checking on you during the
“lock and leave” phase of evacuation.
Fels, Paulson
Amerikaner, Glass & Palowski
College Career Center & Iwanoff
Bolyog & Van Slooten
Meyer, Herberg & Rohlfs-Legget
K. Smith, Kinberg & Hall
Oonk, Shiney, Fullmer, Sands and Fowler
Pedretti, Oswaks, Firkins, Mach, Villapando and Deck
Reinking & Custodio
Bowman, Willis, Enoch and Schultheis
Bovard, Boone Anderson and Hung
Litten, Nelson, E.Chevalier, Stutz & Labnow
Peters, Pryor and Walker-Sean
Sloan & McManus
Galbreath, Warren & Dakin
Harnish & Lory
Creason & Appell
Billingsley, Pettit, Shaw & Atkins
Hunt, Cissell, T.Chevalier, Blount, Hankins & Pasqua
Winkler, Benton
Barnett, Micek & Gorji
Midiri, Lac & Winkler
Rauch, Ramirez and Cohen
Lovejoy & Blum
Klemcki, Schmidt, Crouse & St. John
Fleishman, Sigel, Rowbotham & Tattersall
Tamddorn, Gentile, Charnow, Meloeny & Falk
Cortes & Tabor
Paulson T. and Sterling
McLelland, Svoboda, Fries, Heeney
Buchanan, Martin, McGugan
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Checklist of Roles of Teachers and Other Instructional Staff
1. Protect yourself during danger time; keep students calm and protected;
don’t leave room until you plan route; then check on buddy safety.
 Determine if you or buddy needs to stay with injured persons so
accurate report can be made to Student Attendance Station.
2. Get emergency procedures, equipment, and supplies; review before
moving out.
 All keys and attendance needed for the duration.
 Check areas around your classroom so that all students exit.
 Injured persons who can walk should leave, those who cannot be
moved should be protected as best possible; report location.
3. Do not lock outer and inner doors.
4. Take attendance carefully at stage one assembly with class. If you are
directed or decide to move to stage two you must be able to accurately
report those students missing.
5. Wait to hear from Incident Commander to report to the assignment you
have in an emergency after reporting anyone left behind to Command
Center. Be ready to go.
6. If you are helping at the Student Evacuation Area with student lines and
accounting please do the following:
7. Keep students and staff calm by insisting that procedures be followed.
 Line up as trained in alpha order.
 Sit quietly once alpha order is determined.
 Help each other remain calm so directions can be followed.
8. Accuracy of accounting is more important than speed.
 Get line list from supervisor if you do not have. Start attendance.
 If student is missing from line ask around to see if in wrong place,
has anyone seen the student, do the best you can to determine that
student is actually missing because if they are reported missing, and
are not really missing, lots of time and energy will be spent
accounting for the wrong person.
 If missing, write “MISSING” next to their name, not absent or a
9. When list is complete, turn it in to the supervisor and ask about other
Student Evacuation Area Supervisors
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After completing responsibilities as classroom teacher (above)
10. Keep students and staff calm by insisting that procedures be followed.
 Line up as trained in alpha order.
 Sit quietly once alpha order is determined.
 Help each other remain calm so directions can be followed.
11. Accuracy of accounting is more important than speed.
12. Check staff list to determine if staff are missing and report to Counselor
who will contact the Emergency Command Center. Many staff have other
assignments, so the student accounting will have to be done slowly by
those available.
13. Counselor should have alpha lists if they are not available with
14. Teacher instruction for marking missing students are:
 If student is missing from line ask around to see if they are in the
wrong place, has anyone seen the student, do the best you can to
determine that student is actually missing because if they are
reported missing, and are not really missing, lots of time and energy
will be spend accounting for the wrong person.
 If missing, write “MISSING” next to their name, not absent or a
Checklist for Counselor (or replacement for Counselor) 1. Protect yourself during danger time; then check on buddy safety.
2. Get emergency procedures, equipment, and supplies; review before
moving out.
 All keys, communications, backup tapes, and procedure lists needed for
the duration.
 Get to the Football Field and be prepared to help with decision to go to
Stage Two if other decision makers are not available.
3. Personally establish contact with teachers in charge of students in the
Football field evacuation area. Remind them to account for students and to
report any persons left behind to the command center. Accuracy rather
than speed needs to be emphasized.
4. If we move to dismiss students to their parents, get the alpha signs for
lines (in Snack Shack building) and assign a student or the teacher for that
line to hold up the sign at the proper location (see Alpha Dismissal Line Up
map for assembly). It is your job to get the initial organization of this area
done. Locate first aid kits.
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5. As teachers and classes come to the assembly area, remind teachers that
the first priority is to report to the command center any persons left
behind for search and rescue to attend to. Second is to go to the
emergency post to which they are assigned, if directed. Teachers who are
to supervise lines can then start assisting students to get in alpha order.
6. If students want to leave we ask them to stay seated and assist others to
remain calm until we can do an orderly checkout based on their
emergency cards. If we see some leaving against directions we want to
encourage them to stay to assist, but insist on getting names so that we
can note their leaving on a master list that can be used later to give
information to parents who may be looking for students. We do not
physically detain students.
7. Check with the other counselor and teachers to begin to free up people to
assist with keeping parents out of the student area until we can begin a
check out process. If we can get some lines started that parallel the
student lines parents can see that students are fine and may wait out the
process. We also want to free up teachers to assist with the checkout
procedure under the direction of the principal and registrar.
Evacuation Area for Students - Stage TWO of evacuation
When students have to be assembled centrally in ALPHA order on the
Football Field or to another area than the Football Field because it is not a
safe area during an emergency or a drill, students are escorted from the
initial evacuation area to a designated area to be supervised by faculty.
Usually this would be the baseball field. If the emergency required that
students be moved to a more remote location due to danger in this area, the
same assembly would be created at the tennis courts, depending on the
circumstances and decision by the command center.
Once classes arrive at the Football Field and it has been determined to get
into ALPHA Lines. The alpha lines are used by all four grade levels so that
students always use the same line each year. Each of these lines may have
from 40 – 60 students who will need to get organized before accounting can
take place. The attendance office will bring out alpha signs that are to be
given out by the counselors to students or teachers to be held up to help
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organize the lines. Supervisors are reminded that the priority for this process
is safe evacuation, orderly lines, and finally alpha lines to allow for the orderly
checkout of students. The counselors each supervise half of the lines to
remind teachers to report to the command center any students they know
are trapped or left behind in a building. Counselors should try to determine
the location of missing faculty and report same to command center. If the
incident commander determines that students can be released the checkout
process will begin. We direct students to stay for checkout – we do not
physically detain. If students are observed leaving we need to try to
document names.
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 Personnel: Buchanan, Martin and McGugan
 Location: Football Stadium seating or Track below seating
 Duties: Coordination of all activities and communications. Do you
have radios and cell phones?
 Objectives: Have a full picture of the situation (get accurate and
current status reports from all stations); coordinate and direct all
emergency plans and procedures; direct resources appropriately.
 Responsibilities:
Handle all communications; make studentrelease decisions. See checklist.
 Remember:
Disseminate vital information quickly; make
command decisions; don't assume anything; utilize runners if
communications break down; be succinct and specific in your
communications; set up a system for contacting families; designate a
helicopter landing site for supplies with a 50 ft. clearance area.
Checklist for Principal (or replacement ) Acting as Incident Commander
Prior to the drill - Food Services and library alerted if fire bells will trigger
alert in their office.
During Drill or Incident
1. Protect yourself during danger time; then check on buddy safety.
2. Get emergency procedures list, equipment, and supplies; review before
moving out.
 All keys, communications, backup tapes, and backpacks needed for the
 Keys for Search and Rescue teams.
 Walkie Talkie and District Communication Radio.
3. Lock office outer doors to prevent that entrance to school.
4. Establish Incident Command Center with Office and Admin. Staff.
 Check on Progress of student evacuation. If decision is made to go to
assemble all students in ALPHA order or move to another location of
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students make contact with all teams. Collect and redistribute walkietalkies* to teams that need them.
 Communications established with key personnel
 Custodian* (checking utilities and building integrity)
 Search and Rescue teams 1-3* (send when buildings safe)
 First Aid Treatment area
 Counselors and Teachers (establishing student assembly area)
 Perimeter Security (blocking driveways and issuing info)
Start accounting for adult personnel and make reassignments as needed
Establish communications with District Office when they call on channel
one of district radio.
Evaluate damage and injury reports as they come in to determine next
Have the attendance clerk begin the reconciliation of students reported as
missing with the absence list, sign-out list, first aid list.
Begin checkout of students to parents or emergency contacts on the
emergency Checkout cards.
Assistant Principal (or replacement for Assistant Principal)
1. Protect yourself during danger time; then check on buddy safety.
2. Get emergency procedures, equipment, and supplies; review before
moving out.
 All keys, communications (district radio and OPHS walkie-talkie),
backup tapes, and emergency backpacks needed for the duration.
 Stretcher and wheelchair.
3. Check on the establishment of First Aid center and student attendance
records (to be used later).
4. Get radio from command center so that you can check in and report any
problems. Make sure you know how to use the radio properly before you
leave the command center. Do battery check. Stay off the radio unless you
are reporting in or reporting a problem.
5. Check with Counselors that student evacuation is proceeding as planned.
6. Go to and check that Search and Rescue is proceeding as planned.
7. Communicate with Principal on progress with above.
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Personnel: TEAM ONE: Leggett and Creason, with triage and first aid
by Smith.
(G-building, Library, H-Buildings, R- 16 and 17)
TEAM TWO: Kinberg, Shaw, and Pawloski, with triage and first aid
by Shaw.
(Administration, F and E-building and R-1-6 bungalows)
TEAM THREE: Chevalier, Petit, and Barnett with triage and first aid
by Pettit.
(C-building, Gymnasium, Cafeteria and Pavilion)
***Underlined individual is the team's leader.
 Location: Equipment in shed to the south of library and behind
restroom buildings – see map. S/R assignments are on maps in this
set of procedures and in the S/R barrels.
 Duties: perform light search and rescue, possibly triage, and low
level first aid functions during emergency.
 Objectives: Find and assist, don’t become victims!
 report conditions encountered - Are there victims? How many?
Where are they located? Are there fires? Are there any gas or
water leaks? Are there electrical problems? Is there damage to any
of the buildings? How much? Are there any urgent search and
rescue needs? Do not use names of students over the radio – ID by
location if still in a room or by ID# if known.
 locate victims - identify where rescue operations are required; use
safe search methods; perform life-saving measures if necessary.
 removal of victims - remove untrapped victims first; remove
trapped victims only after untrapped have been removed.
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 safety system."
your own, your team's, your victims'; use the "buddy
 pre-assigned search area - be familiar with it (know where it is!),
where are the exits, utilities, fire extinguishers? etc.; know what is
stored inside of buildings and containers.
 know your rescue equipment - practice using it; keep it up-todate.
 Remember:
 Wheel or carry S/R and F/A supplies with you.
 Have a first aid triage person with your team if possible. Use triage
and F/A training on victims.
 Do a quick "exterior survey" of each building before entry. Confirm
that building has been cleared for search and rescue – don’t become
a victim.
 Do not attempt a heavy search and rescue - high chance of injury
to team members.
 Use radio to call for assistance, otherwise
 Try to become familiar with safe building entry, interior search,
victim removal, and lifting procedures.
 Start by responding to known victim locations based on reports sent
to the command center and relayed to your team.
 Do not use names of students over the radio – ID by location if still
in a room or by ID# if known.
 Teams begin conducting light search and rescue sweeps of
designated areas for those rooms not covered during response to
known victims.
 Each door that is entered is marked with slash (/) and is xed (X)
when the search is completed and the room is secure. Entry and exit
are always from the same door after the two person team sweeps
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along both walls, crossing in the middle. Third team member does
the recording and triage if trained. Call for transport or additional
first aid as needed.
 Each room needs to be searched (even interior rooms) in this
manner, and each that is completed in marked of on the search
 Head custodian and his team control utilities and direct fire fighting
Custodian and Shop Teacher are doing check of utilities and integrity of
buildings, check with command center.
 Personnel: Smith, Pettit, Shaw, Billingsley, Charnow(bring
materials and report to Reunion Team), Nelson, Pasqua, (K.
Paulson if needed – also on Utilities Team).
 Location: Great Lawn.
 Supplies:
are brought from health office by attendance clerk,
and brought from disaster shed in rolling yellow bin.
 Duties: set up treatment area; provide comfort measures; treat
injuries through triage and creative first aid. Monitor and respond to
radio calls from Search and Rescue teams with information, by
sending supplies, or sending stretchers with students to transport
victims (Ask for students to be assigned to you by counselors who
will be supervising the assembly area. Prepare patients for off-site
 Communicate: in person if possible with the incident command
about victims who need additional care, who are deceased. Do not
use names of students over the radio – ID by location if still in a
room or by ID# if known.
 Remember:
implement triage system; use creative first-aid;
maintain up-to-date emergency cards.
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 Personnel: Tabor, K. Paulson and backup designee.
 Location: Near room C-11 by the main gas and electrical shut-off
valves. Irrigation Combo #3210.
 Duties: Controls utilities, conducts fire control efforts, and assists
with supply distribution.
 Objectives:
Examine all utilities during initial "exterior survey";
know locations of all shut-offs before the disaster; control hazardous
spills and fires.
 Responsibilities:
Safety first - your own, your team's, your
victims'; conduct an "exterior survey" before fighting fires; know
what is stored inside of buildings and containers; know your personal
limitations; use appropriate control techniques; be cognizant of the
locations of all fire extinguishers.
 Remember: Turn off the gas only if you smell or suspect a leak;
keep appropriate tools handy; download electrical systems gradually;
mark all breakers before the disaster; hot water heaters should be
strapped down; flammables should be stored in metal cabinets
bolted to wall studs.
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 Personnel: Debbie Rauch (A-F), Mike Van Slooten (G-L), Pat
Ramirez (M-R), and Karen Cohen and Sandy Charnow (S-Z).
 Location: Gate by snack shack on football field
 Duties: Coordination of student release and reuniting of parents
with their children.
 Objectives: Provide access for parents to pick up their children in
an orderly fashion; produce an official log of students who leave
campus with a parent or guardian.
 Responsibilities:
Keep things organized; ensure the safe and
orderly reunion of students with their parent or guardian; maintain
an accurate logbook of activity (comings and goings).
 Remember: Parents should be directed to line up on Kanan rd. for
reunion; student runners can retrieve students from the assembly
area; don't restrain students from leaving, but do account for them if
they decide to go; officially log all students out; bring updated
student schedules and a folding card table.
Registrar, Attendance and Health Clerk (or others assigned as needed)
1. Protect yourself during danger time; then check on buddy safety.
2. Get emergency procedures, equipment, and supplies; review before
moving out.
 First Aid blue kits sent to First Aid Station.
 Alpha Line markers (grocery bags)
 Current daily attendance and signout sheet.
 Medication logs and medications.
 Enrollment / Emergency Info cards in box on counter.
3. Establish contact with Assistant Principal to report any problems or needs
for the setting up of the First Aid Center and student checkout procedures
(to be done later).
4. Start treatment of injured (document in log).
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Security and Traffic Control Team
Jenny Tamaddon, Ellen Meloeny, Daryl Falk
Protect yourself during danger time; then check on buddy safety.
Take keys for cars to be moved to block entrances so that only
emergency vehicles are permitted into front access road or faculty lot.
Cones from parking lot traffic control can be used as alert in front of
Move car to block entrance so that only emergency vehicles can enter if
you move your car. (can you back on to a curb to let them by and not
be blocked by others?)
Stand by car to show your presence and to identify you as someone
that can give information.
Keep calm and encourage calm by reassuring parents that students are
safe and being cared for. Checkout of students will begin when
everyone is accounted for and it can be done in an orderly manner.
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