A California Distinguished School
Important Honors Information
We are planning our Honors level classes for 7th and 8th grade students in the 2014-2015 school year. Honors
classes are available for English, Math and Science and placement is determined by an application process. Similar to the
accelerated or G.A.T.E. classes of the past, the Honors classes will present a more challenging, in-depth and demanding
course curriculum with related activities for students who truly enjoy the subject area for which they are applying. The
Honors courses will also require that students meet higher academic and curricular standards than those met by students in
the regular class; so it will not be uncommon for students who had an ‘A’ grade under regular class standards to earn a ‘B’
or ‘C’ in the Honors class. As Honors classes are much more rigorous than regular classes, please consider choosing
carefully the number of Honors classes for which your student applies.
Applications will be available to download from our website on Monday April 7, 2014. . To be accepted into an
Honors class, a student must complete an application form, get a parent signature on that form, and turn it in to the
counseling center by April 18th at 4:00 p.m . In addition, applicants for the English Honors class will take a placement
test on May 14th. The results of the First Semester district exam and the results of the 4th quarter common assessment will
be used for the placement scores for Math and Science Honors classes. The points a student earns on the Honors System
Application Scale described below will determine student placement in Honors classes.
To be accepted into an Honors Class at Cope Middle School, a student will be evaluated in the following content
areas for which he/she is making application:
1. Grades in current year’s class: (A = 5 pts; B = 3 pts.)
2. Standardized Testing (CST from the previous school year, not used for Science):
(Related test scores in Advanced range = 5 points; Proficient range = 4 points)
3. Placement Tests:
English –
Writing Sample scored on an 8 Point Rubric
Math/Science – First Semester District Exam (Advanced = 3 points, Prof. = 1 point)
4th Quarter Common Assessment (>85% = 2 points, 70-85% = 1 point)
Attendance (current school year): No more than three unexcused absences:
(Yes = 2 points; No = 0 points)
Once accepted, a student must maintain a ‘B’ average (85% or greater) in the Honors class for each quarter, and
have satisfactory citizenship to remain in that class. Also, it is important to note that Honors classes are not considered by
the area high schools for placement in any of their classes. Again, since the Honors courses will require that students meet
higher standards than those met by students in a regular class, and could result in a grade lower than an ‘A’ in the Honors
class, it is important that students and parents carefully consider all of these ramifications before making application for the
Honors class or classes of their choice. Parents and students will be notified about Honors class placement sometime in
Please remember this is merely a notification of the policy and procedures used for Honors class placement here at
Cope. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to Kate Pearne, Principal, or your student’s
April 7, 2014
April 18, 2014
May 8, 2014
Important Dates –
Application forms available to download
Deadline for turning in the application in the Counseling Office
English Writing Placement Test 8:45 a.m. Cope MPR/Library
Please keep this letter at home for your reference. Thank you.
Revised 2/17/2016
Application for 7th Grade Honors Classes
Placement in any 7th grade Honors class is determined through an application process. Honors level classes present a more
challenging and demanding course curriculum and activities for students who truly enjoy the subject area for which they are applying.
The Honors courses require that students meet higher standards than those met by students in a regular class, so it is not uncommon for
students who had an ‘A’ grade in a regular class to earn a ‘B’ or ‘C’ in the Honors class. Honors classes are not considered by the high
school for placement in any class, so please bear this in mind before applying for the Honors class/classes of your choice. Students
earning the highest number of points on the Honors System Application Scale will be accepted into an Honors class. (Scale is
explained in the attached parent letter.) Once accepted, a student must maintain an 85% average in the class for each quarter.
DIRECTIONS: Students applying for seventh grade Honors classes for the school year 2014-2015 must complete the student
section. Have your parents sign the application and then turn it in to the COUNSELING CENTER by 4:00 p.m. on April 18,
Student Section: to be completed by the student applicant in blue or black pen.
Grade 7
_______________________________________ Name of Applicant (Print Clearly)
in 2014-2015.
Current English teacher__________________Current Math teacher________________________
Current Science teacher__________________
Please check one or more
Parent/Guardian Signature(s): __________________________ Date: ________________
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DO NOT WRITE IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION: FOR COUNSELOR USE ONLY
Grades (English) Qtr 1____ Qtr. 2____ Qtr 3____ (A = 5, B = 3)
Grades ( Math) Qtr 1____Qtr. 2____Qtr 3____ (A = 5, B = 3)
Standardized Testing (CST from previous school year)
Standardized Testing (CST from previous school year)
English Total: ___________ (Advanced =5, Proficient = 4)
Math Total: ___________ (Advanced =5, Proficient = 4)
Writing Placement Test
First Semester District Exam
4th Quarter C. Assessment
_____________ (Scored on an 8 point rubric)
________ (Adv. = 3, Prof = 1)
_____ (>85% = 2, 70-85% = 1)
Attendance (current school year)
Attendance (current school year)
________No more than three unexcused absences (yes=2, no=0)
________No more than three unexcused absences (yes=2, no=0)
_______/ 30 possible points
Revised 2/17/2016
________/27 possible points
Grades (Science) Qtr 1____ Qtr. 2____ Qtr 3____ (A = 5, B = 3)
1st Semester District Exam
Science Total: ___________ (Advanced =3, Proficient = 1)
4th Quarter Common Assessment
_____________(>85%=2, 70-85% = 1)
Attendance (current school year)
________No more than three unexcused absences (yes=2, no=0)
_______/ 22 possible points
Revised 2/17/2016